
Chapter 46

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Jogo watched the boy in silence, a scowl forming on his features as he noticed how the boy seemed to exude irritation.

"Tsk," he scoffed.

Why did this human, who served merely as a vessel, look at him with such disdain? Such an insignificant, weak being—it infuriated Jogo deeply.

But he didn't let this rage consume him. As much as he wanted to incinerate Itadori right there for his arrogance, Sukuna, in the eyes of the curse, was an indispensable ally.

Having him on their side was a guaranteed victory.

But that didn't mean he couldn't hurt the boy a little.

If he hurt him enough, he could force him to switch with Sukuna to survive. This would give him the opportunity to speak directly with the king of curses...

With a smile, Jogo let the temperature of his body rise.

Yes, he had a plan.

"Arrogant humans." Raising his palm, the temperature of the environment surged, heat radiating from the curse. "You are nothing but insects, merely preparing the ground for the true humans!"


But just as a flame attack seemed about to form, Jogo's eyes widened as the boy disappeared before his eyes.

'He's fast.' Jogo went on alert, his eyes moving downward as he noticed the boy's movement. 'But I can still keep up with him.'


But seeing the boy stop in front of him, Jogo blinked in confusion.


But that confusion was quickly replaced by shock as a fist crushed his stomach, electricity exploding in all directions as he spat saliva, his body flying away like a bullet.

"Flash," Itadori declared calmly, a sigh escaping his lips as he shook his fist.

"He's tough," he noted, his eyes moving to his trembling fist. "Much tougher than Hanami."

With an irritated look, the boy cracked his knuckles, the cursed energy in his body exploding before stabilizing all at once. "This won't be an easy fight."

"But I'm confident."

Observing the trail of destruction Jogo's body had caused through the station, Itadori followed.

"I'm going to win."


Noticing a light shining in the distance, Itadori narrowed his eyes.

And realizing how the heat around him seemed to rise, he immediately understood what was happening, jumping seconds before a wave of flames engulfed him.

'Damn, I feel like even if I coated my body with cursed energy, I still wouldn't withstand this heat.'

Landing, he went on alert as he felt the ground shake, his head turning to see Jogo's unmistakable volcano head charging toward him.

"Damn you!"

Raising his defense, Itadori gritted his teeth as Jogo struck him in a blink, his forearms trembling with the impact as his feet were dragged back.

But it didn't stop there. To the boy's surprise, Jogo continued his assault, grabbing his wrist and hitting his stomach with a full punch.

Itadori's eyes widened, blood rising up his throat as he felt some of his ribs crack.

"Insolent human."

The boy staggered, and Jogo prepared a fireball with a malicious smile.

With just these few blows, Itadori could clearly see the difference in strength between them.

Even coating his torso with more cursed energy than usual, Jogo was still able to deal him significant damage. He was aware there would be a tremendous power gap between them, but feeling it firsthand was still a bit unsettling.

But as shocking as it was, it aligned with his expectations.

He wouldn't go into a fight like this without a trump card.

Watching the curse prepare his attack, Itadori confused him by planting his feet firmly on the ground and lowering his stance, cursed energy concentrating in his fist as if preparing an attack.

Jogo found this strange. Was the boy trying to counter one of his fire attacks with a punch?

'Don't make me laugh!' Jogo mocked, the heat of the fireball in his hands intensifying as he seemed ready to launch it. 'I'll make you regret your foolishness!'


But as he seemed about to launch it, his eyes widened as those claps echoed, the environment shifting before his eyes.

'That sorcerer again?!'


Turning, Jogo's eyes widened again as the scene changed once more, blinking as he felt a massive concentration of cursed energy exploding in front of him.

"What?" Confused, he slowly moved his gaze downward to find Itadori in front of him, in the same position as before, his cursed energy more concentrated than ever.


Jogo realized the danger but before he could move, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets as a fist smashed his solar plexus, blood surging up his throat and flying from his mouth along with his body, which shot through the station's ceiling like a cannonball.


Itadori watched the curse's body disappear to the surface, a shock of pain making him wince as a bit of blood dripped from his lips.

"Damn, I think I ruptured some of my organs." Wiping the blood, he regulated his breathing. "Thanks a lot for the help."

Grateful, he turned to see Todo walking towards him.

"Don't thank me yet, brother. This isn't over."

Itadori smiled at that. Seeing his friend there ready to help eased his anger a bit.

"It's going to be a tough fight," he said.

"But we'll win if we fight together," Todo promptly responded.

Itadori smiled and, patting Todo's back amicably, took a step forward. "Cover my back, let's destroy this curse."


Running through the deserted city streets, Megumi found himself lost on what to do.

At this point, he should find Itadori so they could join Nanami's team, but he had been unable to find his companion.

In this chaos, he felt too out of place. After "defeating" that strange man, he moved through the city streets eliminating as many curses as he could, and along the way, he saved some civilians.

But beyond that, he hadn't done anything significant.


Feeling the ground tremble beneath his feet, Megumi went on alert as he prepared himself.


But to his surprise, his eyes widened as something broke through the ground a few meters ahead, his eyes landing on a strange creature with a volcano head that collided with a building.

"Damn humans!" Jogo cursed as he landed on the ground, wiping the blood dripping from his lips.

But just as he seemed ready to return to the battle, he blinked as he noticed a human staring at him from afar, his eyes narrowing in irritation.

"Damn it." Megumi felt sweat drip down his forehead, his hands coming together in anticipation.
