
Chapter (86)

Private mansion of Riser

Two days had passed, and Riser was in the living room with Yubelluna and Merlin. He looked at Yubelluna with curiosity, eager for the latest updates on the preparations for the party.

"Everything set for tomorrow, Yubelluna?" Riser asked, excitement gleaming in his eyes as he settled comfortably on the couch.

"Yes," Yubelluna replied, with a satisfied smile. "The party venue is all set up, and the invitations have been sent out. Everything is ready to welcome our guests."

Riser smiled, pleased with Yubelluna's report on the party preparations. He knew he could trust her to ensure that everything went perfectly.

"Very well, Yubelluna!" exclaimed Riser, his face lit up with satisfaction. "I'm very pleased with your work. I'm sure it will be an amazing party."

Yubelluna nodded in gratitude for Riser's acknowledgment. She had worked hard to ensure that every detail was planned to perfection, and seeing the smile on her master's face was reward enough for all the effort.

"Thank you, Riser-sama," replied Yubelluna, her smile radiant. "I'm looking forward to seeing all the guests enjoying the party."

While Riser and Yubelluna chatted animatedly about the final details of the party, Merlin watched silently, her mind calculating possibilities and preparing for any eventualities.

"Merlin, you'll go as security," ordered Riser, his voice firm and authoritative as he turned to the mage. "If anything happens, your job is to teleport Ravel and Asia back to my mansion immediately."

"Yes, Riser-sama," replied Merlin, her expression serious and focused.

Riser turned to Yubelluna with a hint of disinterest evident on his aristocratic face.

"By the way, Yubelluna, tell the guards that Rias Gremory may bring someone else besides her Queen," he said, almost as an afterthought, while toying with the ring on his index finger.

Yubelluna, ever attentive to her master's needs, nodded with a slight smile and made a mental note to relay the message to the guards.

"I'll make sure they know," she replied, bowing her head in respect. "Anything else to highlight?"

Riser pondered for a moment, his blue eyes shining with a slight glimmer of interest as he considered the possibilities.

"No, that's all," he declared, elegantly rising from the couch and smoothing the creases of his impeccable white shirt. "I'm confident that everything will go according to plan."

As Riser prepared to leave the living room, Merlin, ever vigilant, caught his attention with a calm yet firm voice.

"Riser-sama," called Merlin, her expression serious and concentrated as she approached Riser. "Other guests might find this favoritism towards Rias unfair."

"Hahahahah," laughed Riser, a smile playing on his lips. "Merlin, they can think whatever they want, I don't care about them."

"I already figured," said Merlin with a mischievous smile, her voice soft and calculating. "So, in case someone causes trouble, can I act however I want?"

Riser stopped laughing, his blue eyes locking onto hers with seriousness.

"Just don't kill them," he replied cautiously. "It'll be very troublesome dealing with them depending on the family."

"I promise to control myself, Riser-sama," assured Merlin, bowing in a graceful reverence.

"Alright, you're dismissed," said Riser, his voice echoing through the stairs as he walked away from the living room.

Yubelluna and Merlin exchanged glances before getting busy with their own tasks. Both knew there was still much to be done before the party, but they were determined to ensure that everything went perfectly.

Phenex Mansion

Ravel and Asia were in Ravel's room, chatting as they chose what to wear for the party at Riser's mansion.

Ravel watched Asia with a perplexed expression as the young girl held a red dress in her hands, hesitating.

"Why are you wearing a nun's outfit to a party?" Ravel asked, her voice full of curiosity as she approached Asia. "You could wear one of my dresses or we could buy new ones just for you."

Asia smiled timidly at Ravel, her brown eyes shining with gratitude for her friend's generous offer.

"I appreciate the offer, Ravel-sama, but I think my dress is perfect," replied Asia, her tone soft and gentle. "Besides, it's what Riser-sama asked me to wear."

Ravel looked at Asia with wide eyes, surprise evident on her face as she processed her friend's words.

"What! My brother asked you to go to the party dressed as a nun?" exclaimed Ravel, her voice mixing indignation and disbelief. "What a pervert!" she muttered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.

Asia blushed slightly at Ravel's reaction, her expression embarrassed as she tried to explain.

"Well, not exactly..." Asia began, her voice hesitant as she searched for the right words to explain the situation. "He suggested that I wear something modest and demure, and since being a nun is the only thing I have..."

Ravel frowned, her expression softening as she better understood Asia's situation.

"Oh, I see," murmured Ravel, her voice softer as she approached Asia, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Asia. I didn't mean that about my brother, it was just an impulse."

Asia smiled shyly at Ravel, grateful for her friend's understanding.

"It's okay, Ravel-sama," she replied, her smile reassuring. "I know you were just joking."

Ravel smiled gently at Asia as she thought in her mind.

"Onii-sama, shame on you, owe me a long explanation," thought Ravel, with a slight furrow of her brows as she remembered her brother's recent interactions with Asia. She knew there was something more between them than he was willing to admit, and she was determined to find out the truth.

"Since you're going as a nun, help me choose a dress for myself," said Ravel aloud, her expression mischievous as she looked at Asia with a playful glint in her eyes.

Asia smiled at Ravel, her expression radiant with the idea of helping her friend choose a dress for the party.

"With pleasure, Ravel-sama," replied Asia, her voice soft and gentle. "Let's find something that makes you shine even brighter than you already do."

The two friends began to browse through the dresses, discussing colors, styles, and accessories as they tried to find the perfect look for Ravel. Ravel tried on different options, spinning in front of the mirror as Asia watched with an encouraging smile.

"What do you think of this one?" asked Ravel, holding up a blue dress with silver details.

"It's beautiful, Ravel-sama," replied Asia, her eyes shining with admiration. "But I think you would look even more stunning in something a little bolder."

Ravel chuckled softly at Asia's suggestion, acknowledging the sincerity behind her words.

"You're right," agreed Ravel, her voice soft as she put the dress back on the hanger. "Let's try something a little more daring, then."

The two friends continued to try out different options, sharing laughs and lively conversations as they searched for the perfect dress for Ravel.

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