
Chaper 2

**Chapter 2: Messaging Her**





Geez, I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. Still got her number, and LINE is just a text away. Checking it, I see a whopping 99+ messages from her. Most of them are like, "what happened," "are you okay," "please answer back." Man, she is such a sweet girl. Thats rare these days.

I remember her even trying at school, passing me notes asking if I'm okay. I just brushed it off and walked away. Ugh.

*Sigh* Let's figure out what to say.

Time to channel my inner Shakespeare.

*[Jin: Hey Shoko,it's been forever since our last conversation, hasn't it? I've been thinking about how to bring this up because it's quite personal for me. But things just been a roller coaster for me, maybe we could discuss it in person one day? I owe you an apology, ghosting you was a jerk move on my part, and I genuinely want to ask for your forgiveness. I understand if it's a lot to ask, but if you find it in your heart to forgive me, I hope we can reconnect.]*

Should I send it? Feels like I'm writing a apology paragraph a boyfriend would write for their girlfriend. Maybe it's too much? Would she think is pathetic? But heck, I send it anyway.

One click, and I'm outta there.

Never spilled my feelings to a girl like this. Kinda embarrassing, but hey, cut me some slack. Never had a girl's number before, let alone a decent chat.

Now, I feel like I just confessed to my crush. Do I look like a Beta? Probably. No biggie, I'll get better at this.

Outside, chillin' in my backyard – this Japanese-style crib of mine is the bomb. Surrounded by nature, it's so dang peaceful.

Looks like the countryside, but stroll for half an hour, and bam, you're in the city hustle.

This place is a dream, especially in summer. Extra beautiful vibes.


Could it be? The legendary system?!



Nope, just my phone, notifying me. She replied! Heart racing, I check it. Deep breaths, man. Deep breaths.

*[Shoko: Jin, um, hi. It really has been forever hasn't it. If you want, you could tell me whatever it is or was bothering you, we're friends, right?. I hope you're doing well now, you can always talk to me anytime about it.]*

She seems so sweet . Love me a sweet girl.

Wait! Why am I talking to myself about this, let's instead say it to her. Minus the obvious things.

*[Jin: Thanks for the words, Shoko. Really, you don't know how much that means. Thank you, I appreciate that a million.]*

Kinda feels guilty since none of that really happened to me. But oh well, thank you old Jin, for giving me the opportunity to play the victim card. Haha not really but still it kinda looks like I'm.

*[Shoko: Anytmie]*





Shoko's POV.

*[Shoko: Anymie]*

Words can't really express much. She might've just said a simple, "Anytime", but inside she was actually so nervous. Even typing the word incorrectly because of the rush of emotion.

What's happening! Jin is talking with me after s-so long. Is all too sudden!

But what is it that caused him to become that way? Oh my god, he must've been in so much pain, and here I was crying and thinking he didn't want to be friends with me anymore.

Am so glad, it wasn't anything like that. Wait no! What are you thinking Shoko! He went through tough times! Who knows how bad it was! I shouldn't be glad!

He needs comforting right now. But it's already been so long, maybe he is over it now? That's why he also texted me right? He is over it, so I shouldn't even be bringing it up.

But then what do I say? What should I talk to him about!?




**Jin's POV**

Well, looks like that's that. She isn't in the chat anymore, I guess that conversation is over. Though I could text back something else, but nah.

Someone tell this fool, she is just too shy to talk and closed her phone in panic.

Actually no, let's end that conversation a bit better. This way I get to talk a bit more too.

Rule #1 Never let end the conversation without a proper goodbye. Where did my introvert a$$ learn this? Don't worry about it.

*[Jin: It was nice talking to you after so long, Shoko. Let's keep in touch. And I promise this time around I'm not ghosting you again haha..]*

*[Shoko: Haha. Okay Jin.]*

Hmmm feels good now, like a mountain off my shoulders.

What should I do now? So far these past 2 weeks, I've just been getting used to the new lifestyle and getting over the fact that I'm not in my old life anymore.

But now I guess it's time I start to do stuff and use all this free time I have. Maybe work out? Old Jin used to. So let's start doing that again. Visiting a library for sure too. Take advantage of this new brain. I wonder how much faster I will learn now and how much easier it will be! It's exciting honestly! Never thought I would be excited to learn. These are like my cheats!

I'm entering my teenage years too. So I should try to become independent too. But doing what? A job? But most places won't hire me. Still too young. Honestly, too young for most things.

And what career should I get into?… Nah, too early to be thinking about that.

Putting on some music on my phone, "Poison" by Sofia Mills. I start to write in my diary. This is one of the things I used to do in my old life. Let's do that in this life as well.

{Dear diary, Day 1, Today's achievements were truly of importance. I managed to talk to a girl! For the first time at that. I've been setting up a new schedule for myself too, such as working out, trying to drink more water, eat healthier. Just becoming a better version of myself. I'm not perfect, but I can strive for it. Will I reach perfection? No. But will I become better chasing it? Yes sirrr.}

Mhmmm. Today was a good day.

WAIT!! Am dumb! I should've asked her how she's been doing! It's been like 2 years since I last talked to her!!! UGH… sigh I always think of the better things to do after it's already too late…





Words: 1101
