
Chapter 19 - A Series of Transformations (1)

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"Let's open the gifts together" Leo declared, a wide grin lighting up his face as he addressed Mortia.

Mortia, captivated by Leo's charming smile, felt her cheeks flush with a delightful embarrassment. Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but blush as Leo's gaze met hers.

This contagious charm wasn't exclusive to Mortia; Drakara, Vespera, Fenixia, and the other wives found themselves equally affected.

As the room settled into a brief silence, the focus shifted to ten mysterious books arranged on the colossal bed. These were special gifts from their mothers, each promising a unique adventure.

Leo, undeterred by the oddity, reached for one of the books. However, to his surprise, the book remained stubbornly closed, resisting his attempts to uncover its secrets.

Leo's bewilderment hung in the air, but before he could voice his confusion, Fenixia chimed in, revealing a surprising twist. "Mothers said that a pair of male and female blood is required to open the book."

Leo was taken aback by this revelation. The room buzzed with intrigue and uncertainty as the wives exchanged glances, realizing that the unfolding mystery demanded a shared effort.

Leo's Earthly wisdom, enriched by countless hours devouring fantasy mangas and novels, sparked a brilliant realization within him as he gazed at the stubbornly closed book. "A Treasure!" his mind exclaimed, a flash of excitement illuminating his features. His soul bubbled with joy, the prospect of discovering a hidden gem sending ripples of anticipation through his being. For Leo, a connoisseur of fantastical tales, this moment held the promise of unraveling a mystery that could rival the grandest narratives he had encountered in his beloved stories.

In a burst of enthusiasm, Leo's inner Otaku spirit surged forth, its imagination running wild with possibilities.

Could it be a treasure chest brimming with riches? Perhaps a mystical genie awaited release, ready to grant wishes. The idea of a holy beast or a world-shattering artifact danced in his thoughts, each scenario more fantastical than the last.

Leo's mind envisioned flashy objects from the past or an item that could elevate him to the status of an overlord – the kind of plot twists that fueled the most thrilling tales.

Without hesitation, Leo sprang into action, fueled by the same fervor that gripped protagonists in his favorite stories. Racing to the kitchen, he returned brandishing a knife, ready to unlock the secrets that lay dormant within the mysterious books.

His wives on the other side had stupefied expressions, watching their husband running off to bring a knife without thinking about his actions. Before they could act, they saw what they had not even imagined thinking in their wildest dreams.

Leo was holding the knife's blade upside down and started tightening his grip. Without any delay, his red blood had already started sliding off from the edge to the tip facing the books.

The blood drops fell on a single book after Leo dropped them carefully on all of them. He looked at his hand bleeding slowly and wrapped up the wound on his hand with a cloth that he had brought along with him.

His wives looked at him with their eyes wide open.

They all were silent watching the events unfolding in front of them before they came back to their senses and looked at each other, nodding in unison.

Ten hairpins were summoned out of their spatial rings hovering in the palm of their hands. The hairpins as if they had their own presence of mind pricked their index fingers placed above the books. 

With both male and female blood now gracing the books, fulfilling the mysterious requirement, an expectant silence settled over the room. Anticipation hung thick in the air as the small drops of blood on the books began to exhibit an eerie life of their own.

Leo and his wives watched, captivated, as the crimson droplets stirred and moved on the covers.

In a mesmerizing display, the drops merged into a single, cohesive entity. A new, unified blood drop formed on each book, hovering mysteriously over its respective cover. A pregnant pause followed, building tension as time seemed to stretch for those few seconds.

Suddenly, the blood drops embarked on a transformative journey. They expanded, thinning out in every direction, weaving an intricate web of incomprehensible runes across the book covers.

The room was bathed in an otherworldly glow emanating from these arcane symbols. At first glance, the runes appeared identical on each cover, but upon closer inspection, subtle nuances hinted at the uniqueness of each set.

As Leo and his wives struggled to comprehend the unfolding spectacle, the rune-covered books erupted into a radiant glow that forced them to shield their eyes.

The brilliance of the lights intensified before gradually dimming, leaving spots dancing in their vision. When the radiant display subsided, the once-still books now defied gravity, suspended in midair.

The hovering tomes aligned with the levels of Leo and his wives' heads, their covers pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

The anticipation in the room reached a crescendo as the books, now suspended in the air, began to unfurl their pages autonomously. The pages moved with an intensity that suggested an ancient force was at play.

Abruptly, the pages ceased their motion, detaching from the books. Half of the pages from each tome formed a mesmerizing halo around Leo's wives, enveloping them in a surreal display. Leo found himself encased in a whirlwind of pages, a cascade of symbols and strange characters dancing around him.

The symbols on the pages surrounding Leo's body flickered to life, creating an ethereal glow that threatened to blind him. The patterns on these pages materialized into living symbols, each one pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Then, in a surreal twist, these living symbols pierced into Leo's body, a sensation that transcended the physical, reaching into the depths of his very being.

Simultaneously, Leo's wives experienced a parallel transformation. The strange symbols not only surrounded them but began to embed themselves into their flesh, bones, blood, and spiritual energy. The room crackled with an intensity that defied explanation as the pages and symbols wove a tapestry of magic, binding Leo and his wives to an enchantment that promised untold revelations and profound changes in their bodies.
