
July 1st, 2023

In the beginning of time, there was peace. In the end of time, there was peace. Balance was everything and everything was balanced. My grandfather helped to make sure of that. My father wandered along those lines just fine before he turned evil by a snake bite. My uncle fought my father and then mentored a bunch of ninja to be heroes of our beloved city. My brother… he's the one that trumps it all. I guess that hero runs in the family. No stress at all for me, am I right? 

I've always admired Lloyd. No, I really have. I admired how he always managed to bounce back despite every hit that a villain managed to slap on him or how he dictates everyone. I also really hate the fans that are always trying to corner him and find fault in him. It's just… annoying to see them swarm around my brother like they know him. And Lloyd is too nice to stand up for himself. Luckily, he has his little sister, Livana Maici Garmadon, to protect him. And she doesn't care about her reputation around town.

"Livana." Uncle Wu, my dad's brother, peeked his head into my room, "We have something that we would like to talk to you about. Is now a good time or should I come back later?" I turned around to face my uncle. Today, he was wearing his normal white shirt and black pants, along with his cape and bamboo hat. I love that classic bamboo hat. I thought to myself softly before shaking my head.

"No. Now is a good time, Uncle Wu. Who is "we"?" I asked, tossing my long braid over my shoulder, and then my brother poked his head into the room.

"Hey, Livvy." He said and I smiled, waving at him. Lloyd had been gone and visited Mother at the Library of Domu, making sure she was okay and all that. I have had a contagious smile ever since I saw my older brother's face. I tried to squash down my smile but it wasn't working. I was just really happy to see Lloyd.

"So what did you guys wanna talk about?" I asked, closing my journal shut for now. Uncle Wu and Lloyd came into the room and I groaned quietly, "Oh, no. Scary, formal faces. What's going on? Is it Mother Dearest? Is she okay?" 

"No. Mom's fine. It's actually… about Dad…?" Lloyd winced when he saw my face fall sour, "I know that you don't like hearing anything about Dad, but… we might have a hunch on where he is."

"I don't give a crap about that hunch." I turned around, "If Dad isn't going to be a part of our lives, if he isn't gonna care about you or me or Mom, then he should remain how he is. Lost. Status unknown. Gone." 

"You can't just say that, Liv." Lloyd coaxed, sitting down next to me, "You know that Dad was struggling ever since he got bit." Stupid snake. I cursed the Great Devourer in my head. I knew deep down that this wasn't my dad's fault about him being evil. He might actually like his family. But the Great Devourer's venom surging through him… it's hard for him to be able to do any good. At all.

"I know. But it still hurts what he's done. He tried to come back for you, you know." I looked up at Lloyd and his bright green eyes, "He didn't come back for me."

Lloyd's lips pressed together and Uncle Wu sighed, "Livana… we're trying to make things better between your father and his family. You know that he needs this. He needs this as much as you do." 

"Yeah, Livana. I've hated him a lot in the past, too. To be honest, I loathed him." Lloyd grinned at me, "See? I've brought out the big words." When I still didn't smile, Lloyd frowned, "C'mon, Livana. I promise that it'll be fine. We all want Dad to be okay."

"No. I don't." I growled, "He never came back for me, Lloyd. You don't know what it's like to be abandoned like this. For a while, I was mad at all of you too. You were out there living your best lives and here I was, stuck at an academy without my real family." I felt that familiar darkness croon at me again and I curled my toes in, "So just no. Enough about Dad."

"Livana Maici-" Uncle Wu stepped forward but Lloyd swept his arm out.

"No, Master Wu. It's okay." He said softly, "We'll just leave you alone now, Liv. Should we call you for dinner?" 

"Don't." I shook my head and turned my face to the wall, "I won't be hungry."

Lloyd nodded with a sigh, "Alright. Well, the dinner table is open to you whenever you are." He patted my head, "Don't stay mad forever."

"Lloyd…" I looked over at him, blowing a piece of dark hair out of my face, "Don't push your luck, okay?"

"Right." Lloyd responded simply, "I missed you, by the way."

I groaned and turned to look at him, "You know what." I got up, "I missed you, too." I then launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around him. "It was so boring here with the other ninja. Jay tried to convince me to train in combat with him but then I trapped him inside the bathroom. Nya had to get him out."

"Wow, Liv. What have you been up to when I was gone?" Lloyd asked, shaking his head.

"He wouldn't leave me alone! It's not my fault!" I protested, "It's okay. Jay forgave me and Nya thought it was funny. She was shaking the whole time."

"From fury." Lloyd raised an eyebrow.

"Nooooo." I laughed, "She found it hilarious. You could ask her later." We started walking up the stairs and to the dinner table. I felt my fury melt away. As long as we didn't say anything about my father, then we're good.
