

"Still nothing?"

I asked Noel as I ordered him to guard the place and observe for any elves this past week.

"None Young Lord."

"That's quite saddening to hear, to think I told my father that I would stay here for a month or two to subjugate monsters but instead I'm just here training."

"That isn't a complete waste Young Lord, as you see you're improving at a rapid pace, your foundation which has been lacking quite a bit has become more stable and firm than before."

"Maybe you're right, perhaps I do need to look at the positive sometimes."


"How has this settlement going?"

"Its now turning into a proper village with proper gates and security as for their finances well that won't be until two or three years."

"That's fine that's not my goal here anyway."

"Then would the Young Lord prefer to go outside and take a walk?"

"I should, Sir Aaron and Nicholas are too busy trying to improve my training regimen right now, Sir Gale is sleeping somewhere I presume and Sir Tristan should be concocting basic potions and field work."

"Then it is settled I'll bring you a steed."

"I want to be alone this time."

I decided, if they won't come to me, I'll come to them even if that sounds stupid right now as I don't know where they'll be.

As I waited Noel returned with a horse, I quickly got on and went away, I waved at people who greeted me with a smile.

I rode around the border and the trails, but I couldn't find or here anything, perhaps it had it been half a day since I was riding around this place, I know I couldn't get lost as I had a great sense of direction and my good memory so I was not worried.

But I was worried that I would die from starvation, good thing Noel packed me some sandwiches he had placed on the satchel on the horse as well as the the horses.

I quietly ate until I noticed something was off, it was eerily quiet, after a few rustles from the bushes it was a small rabbit that came forward.

I looked at it and what my horse was eating, I took a piece of the vegetable it was eating and threw it to the rabbit.

It just looked at the piece I threw but proceeded to go near me, I raised my eyebrow, it seemed like it was eyeing my sandwich, I now had a hunch.

I gave it a piece and when it was in front of it, the rabbit quickly ran away dragging the huge piece I gave.

I stayed quiet and decided to rest for now but I did not sleep rather, I was meditating trying to gather and feel the mana in this place.

After awhile I finally heard some rustles from afar, I didn't mind it until it was close, but It was just the rabbit again, now that I've confirmed its not just any ordinary rabbit.

"Ah, this place sure is nice I wonder if I can explore more the natural beauty this place has."

I said explicitly, if it was really an Elf observing through the rabbit it would alarm them and would probably tell the ones whose guarding the borders.

I just went on and went deeper to where the border was, I just looked at it and all the time the rabbit was following me.

As I was about to enter, I heard a voice yell.


"Who are you?"

I replied, unexpectedly someone was meeting me, first I couldn't see their face only their figure but after waiting for a minute or two the person was in full view.

"I'm warning you, if you come closer here my people will have no choice but to apprehend you."

The person yelled, right now there was a thin line that separated us, could I call this one a person? No its an Elf, more so a female.

"But you're already here, should I be worried or not?"


The girl bit her lip, I could see from her body proportions, she was slim and certainly a female.

"Alright, I will heed your words."

I didn't say anything as I quietly left with my words, I don't know what prejudices the elves have towards us but I'll act from my own understanding and not from Taehyun's memories this time.


It was a surprise, I looked back at her she looked like she was eager to say something, then I noticed the rabbit that was with me earlier kept staring at me.

I suddenly had an idea, I took out two more sandwiches Alfred prepared for me and gave it to her as I returned.

"Consider this as thanks for warning me and not tattling."

I said as the girl just nodded, were they all like this? As I left back towards the settlement I confirmed that they were here.

It was in the middle of the way back that I had a vision.

It was the girl from earlier getting almost captured, but was quickly saved by her own guards who were secretly guarding her.

'Damn it! I have to return.'

Who knows what would happen since this is from Taehyun's memory, as I was galloping I stopped when I saw three robed figures who was staring at me.

"Oi this kid looks lost."

One of the men yelled towards me.

"Do you want us to guide you?"

I didn't hesitate as I charged towards them cut their heads down, they were the same men from my vision.

They were too slow to react as their heads began rolling on the ground.

I looked at the carriage they had brought, it was filled with wild creatures and exotic birds, I released them immediately, but they had loot, it may not be worth to me but perhaps it could be worth to the settlement.

I looked at the headless bodies not knowing what to do.

"We will take care of it from here."

I heard the same voice from earlier and nodded as I left, there wasn't any struggle since I already knew what would happen and who were the culprits.

"Thank you."

I didn't say anything and quietly left, but I wonder.

Could she see the grin I had on my face now that I've secured contact with an Elf? More so the daughter of their King?

'In due time.'
