
The Story of Fire and Hunter [6]

Recommended Listening: Continue with [Tattoo- By Loreen]

Disappointedly aware that what Huo Renyi felt was only pity and sympathy towards him, Zou Jiayi smiled sorrowfully to himself. He was foolish for expecting something more from the youngster, but he couldn't control the way he began to feel about him.

Huo Renyi already visited him for a total of fifteen days. To mortals and anyone else, that was a considerably short period of time and perhaps some would argue that Zou Jiayi's feelings were born out of the need to escape his solitude.

Yet, the former Celestial Hunter was the type of man who always knew what he wanted and he hunted after it until it was his. He learnt and studied so much from his interactions with Huo Renyi in those fifteen days for he always asked the younger male questions about himself.

Did Huo Renyi want to learn about him just as much as he wanted to learn more about the younger male?
