

I can now attest that I have grown mature in my dealings with princes, kings, queens or leaders that I don't get mad, be provoked or teased about certain matters or experiences just in Meraek's case I guess, since I am in love with her, I get to be touchy, sensitive or heated when close or near her, but with the others, I'm okay and can act normal like a boring grain or what not.

Hiyahhhhh…..get that and that….Yahh!!!, one skilled soldier is torturing another young apprentice when I walked passed by the training grounds at the barracks today. She was so relentless that she wanted to cut the young soldiers head off who is quite young for his age maybe about eleven or twelve. The fearless girl is about thirteen or fifteen, just like mine, I think when I started training in sword and javelin fighting. Hmm…she has spirit!, who's she?

Andromida or Hydra, your lordship! She has just come here a couple of days ago to join the infantry. She is called Hydra because she is like hydrogen, that when caught in a fire she ignites so bad that all dies when she starts to fight or get mad, my lieutenant added laughing while I smiled at how the young girl looks at her opponent with anger. Hmm.. too much anger can jeopardize our team's unity and fluidity. I don't like that. Bring her to my chamber. Just don't let Meraek know about this or she'll cut my head off later, I said with a word of caution about my priestess when it comes to girls I like or get to like, to train, eherm, in bed, I mean, in the battlefield.

Andromida is looking around at pharaoh's chamber. It is huge and maybe one fourth of it is already her family's home. She grew up without a mother that her father is her sole carer. But since she grew up with brothers and a father, Andromida walks, talks and moves like a boy. Henshupta wants to change that and see if there is a girl, one who gets frightened and obeys rather than retaliates every time she is provoked or gets angry every time she is bullied. Henshupta wants brave and strong soldiers not angry or cold fighters.

Andromida, hi!, Henshupta called out to the girl while she hides on the darkest part of her room. Yes, who are you? What do you want from me?, the girl said holding her sword and looking out for her back and from side to side.

I just want to get to know you!. Will you lower your sword and talk to me. I am Henshupta. People call me Henshu!, I added and coming out of the light without my neme, my gold clothing and my scepter as pharaoh. I want her to know me and how I really looked without power or position.

Ah….Henshupta, that name is fami….ahh! god of Khons, Pharoah, forgive my insolence, Andromida suddenly changed her cold flair to a more friendly decorum in front of the Queen of Egypt.

Aha….would you have politely greeted me if I am not the pharaoh. Then, show me who you are. It won't matter, because since I don't have my scepter, my crown or nemes, I'm just a plain individual to you now!, I replied teasing, thus, now, playing with her ego, pride which back fired on me because the moment I stepped near her to grab her arm, Andromida pulled me and knocked me down the ground and held the sword a few inches cutting my neck if I didn't held on to the arm, which took me aback. Andromida is definitely the "it" girl. She is astoundingly beautiful, though rough around the edges but alert and very strong.

So, you'll kill me then?, I asked without hesitation.

Yes, I'd be glad too, since you're a useless queen and a laughing stock of a pharaoh to the world!, Andromida added and was about to strangle me now.

Uhuh! So you hate me that's too bad 'cause I like you! I am not that old I can still fight and kill you if I must. I'm just turning nineteen so, you're what, thirteenish or…..

Fifteen and will be turning sixteen in a couple of months, so what's that to you! Even though I serve you, I'm not a master of you. I'm nobody's slave and you're not my master. I am a master of my own!, Andromida added and stood letting go of my neck which fucking hurts as if I couldn't breathe in a while, touching it if there's scratch or anything.

Thanks! Geeshhhh!!!!

After three months of bringing my baby girl named Jaurdinia-Henshu, I was advised to rest for couple of more months but the war can't wait. Hekanefer and Sahkbe are already training soldiers in Nubia. They already have started to choose from their strongest to their weakest links that I don't want to get behind of the war games. I need to make sure that Egypt will have the best of the best infantry, chariotry and navy of all time in the ancient history of my nation. And besides, I don't want to be left behind in training beautiful and magnificent girls and boys to lead my battalions for me. Hydra may be the one, the one, superhuman I have been looking for, for my over-all general or soldier. Hmmm…..
