

At Hekanefer's chamber. Henshupta felt her wounds are healing and she is so glad that she met Sahkbe who helped her recover. She isn't scared easily but when she saw Hekanefer, a chilling feeling came to her that reached to her spine which made her tremble in fear. She is about to find out how the prince would deal with her.

Queen, where are you? I am ready, come out, come out, where ever you are, hahaha…hahah!!!!!, Hekanefer called out to Henshupta like she is a prey to be devoured. Henshupta hid inside the bathroom which is twice as big as hers in her palace. She silenced herself and prayed to the gods that he won't see her. Hekanefer barged on the bathroom door and saw her. There you are, come here!, Hekanefer added and kissed Henshupta on the mouth which she bit and blood spewed out of Hekanefer's lip. He slapped Henshupta and the poor queen fell to the bathroom floor. Hekanefer is in his twenties and she is like a little girl compared to how big and toned his body is.

Umm-ak kelba (bitch!), come here, you!!!!, Hekanefer grabbed Hensupta and since he is stronger compared to the men Henshupta fought before, her weak body just followed his every move because of her recuperating wounds. Henshupta couldn't fight and let Hekanefer rape her. She is a virgin pharaoh and Meraek was the only one who made her way inside her. Now, not anymore, Hekanefer is the first man to own Henshupta and she didn't know what to do but cry inside. Hekanefer used her again and again until he got tired of her and ordered the guards to put her arms in chains so she couldn't escape. Henshupta was so tired that she just laid on the floor not moving an inch. Her body is aching everywhere with some of her wounds bleeding and hurting but not as much as her private part, her broken heart and soul. She is no longer pure and Hekanefer robbed her innocence from her. Henshupta felt dirty and angry. She wanted to kill Hekanefer if she could only lay her hands on him. Her rage grew when the guards came in to put her in chains.

Hekanefer stayed standing with his back away from Henshupta at about a few feet from where she is all naked, bleeding and being chained by his guards. Hekanefer felt something touching his heart to pity Henshupta, which made him turn around and wooed away the guards.

Get away from her, that's enough. He couldn't look at how Henshupta looked. She is so pretty but all black and blue, bleeding and weak. Hekanefer felt ashamed of what he did. He should be hating her but how come he is feeling pity, concerned what if she gets sick. He thought maybe he is just caring now because he wouldn't be able to play with her or have sex with her, again.

He lifted Henshupta who is avoiding his arms and slapping him since she was so badly hurt that she could kill him now. Hekanafer didn't have any choice but carried Henshupta on his arms while she is struggling to slap, scratch and punch him. He had nail scratches on the face and punch marks on the chest but still laid Henshupta on his tub. He ordered this ivory tub with bits and pieces of gold and ebony which Nubia has plenty of deposits of in their city. It is the first to have been built for Kush kingdom.

Henshupta couldn't believe her eyes, is this real, Prince Hekanefer caring for her. Henshupta's tears fell. She didn't make a sound. But Hekanefer placed a sort of a soft cloth (sponge like) to clean her body and her bleeding wounds. He carefully washed Henshupta's body and when her face frowned in pain, he stops from scrubbing and looks away. He couldn't bear to look at the girl he just raped and hurt so much that he walked out of the bathroom. Hekanefer held his head and as if feeling defeated held his chest tightly and ran towards his bedroom door. He knocked at Sakhbe's room and ordered her to clean and help Henshupta from his bath. Sakhbe scared ran to her brother's chamber and sought to help Henshupta. When she saw how bad the pharaoh looked, she cried and sobbed while cleaning the girl's wounds and her private part which looked painful, swollen. Sakhbe carefully assisted Henshupta who forced a smile towards her savior. Sakhbe smiled too and hugged her new found friend.

Hekanafer stayed out late with his courtier and some of her mistresses. He made love with each of them and drank so much that he couldn't feel whether he is happy or regretting that he was the first man to deflower Queen Henshupta. He felt different. There is something with the pharaoh that made him addictive to her scent, allured by her beauty and captivated by her strong will inside. Henshupta didn't take away her eyes off of him when he made love to her. It shook how she looked at him like as if I am a monster.

Maybe I am a scary monster. Indeed, I am!, Hekanefer thought and walked feeling sorry for what he did to the girl pharaoh. When he went inside his room, he looked for Henshupta and saw her sleeping on the floor but with clothing and blanket on. Sakhbe did a great job. She is sound asleep now. I sought for her face and held her chin to kiss her but I stopped and thought that I am drunk. I don't want to make another mistake and hurt Henshupta. My god Amun, what's wrong with me?. I can't explain what I'm feeling now. I think this girl has changed me in many ways possible. Now I am beginning to hate her, for she is letting me feel something that I shouldn't be feeling towards an Enemy of Nubia, but more than the anger is the affection I am beginning to have for this girl pharaoh. I carried Henshupta to my bed and let her stay there so she wouldn't sleep on the cold floor. I had a small couch I can sleep on and there I slept until the break of dawn.

Henshupta woke up feeling the pains all over her body making her numb inside. She hated Hekanefer now and she wanted to strike him….erhhh….what the!!!, Henshupta thought realizing that she is lying under the prince's covers.
