
I may not be special, but you're special to me

The car stopped at the parking lot at the foot of the mountain.

Just by looking at the number of parked cars, Sam knew there would be a lot of people at the church today.

"There are so many people here today."

Looking up the stone-paved steps, he could see a sea of heads moving.

Hearing Sam's comment, Celeste slowly got out of the car and smiled.

"There is never a shortage of people with religious faith. Even if everyone knows that it can't really change their fate."

"Then why do so many people come?" Selena asked curiously.

Celeste didn't answer but looked at Sam.

The boy smiled and patted Selena's head, explaining, "Because sometimes, when you do something like this, you feel like you've sincerely prayed to God, and it gives you peace of mind."

"I don't get it," Selena said, looking confused. Sam thought for a moment and tried a simpler explanation.
