
Death God

From the loneliness and seclusion of past lives to the gradual establishment of forces in the Marvel world and obtaining a beloved... all flashed past his eyes

The next moment, time resumed its flow, and the radiance emitted by the super nuclear bombs began to advance step by step. Even at the edges, there were space fragments shattered by the rupture of the mirror space. It must be noted that the power of five super nuclear bombs detonating simultaneously was not as simple as adding one plus one; it multiplied exponentially.

Different from Satan's gritted teeth and full defense, Zane had removed all defenses, opening his arms and welcoming the arrival of death with anticipation. In life and death, there was great terror, but also great opportunity!

At this moment, Zane seemed to understand something, yet seemed to understand nothing. What he didn't know was that deep within his soul, the lake formed by liquefied power of faith was roiling madly, as if to tear apart his soul.

Meanwhile, at the deepest part of the lake, a strand of golden power of faith slowly transformed into a deep gray, representing death!

Before Zane could notice, he and Satan were engulfed by the light. Satan's defenses, constructed with countless divine powers, were torn apart by the brilliance of the super nuclear bombs as easily as paper, disintegrating instantly into nothingness.

Outside the mirror space, the Ancient One also spat out a mouthful of blood at the moment of the full detonation of the super nuclear bombs. However, she couldn't afford to relax the reinforcement of the battlefield, exerting all her magic power. Even a rune, emanating a dark aura, appeared on her forehead, representing the use of dark dimensional power.

The Ancient One couldn't afford to relax because the combined power of the five super nuclear bombs was enough to break through the confines of the mirror space and rush into the real world, turning Mexico into a dead land, something the Ancient One could never accept.

Under the Ancient One's restraint, the battlefield at this moment was like a pressure cooker, with the shockwaves of the nuclear bomb explosions continually surging and impacting the magic array laid down by the Ancient One.

As time passed, the Ancient One's complexion became extremely pale, blood flowing freely from her facial features, looking extremely miserable. Finally, the first magic array collapsed, triggering a chain reaction, as if forming a domino effect. One after another, the magic arrays were broken by the shockwaves from the nuclear bomb explosions.

Finally, a rift appeared in the mirror space, and the energy surging within it poured out like a hungry shark smelling blood, tilting from the gap. The Ancient One could no longer stop the collapse of the mirror space. All she could do was to control the direction of the space crack with all her strength, trying not to harm the innocent.

In the sky above the barren plain in the real world, a pitch-black space crack suddenly tore open, and a brilliant blue pillar of light shot out from it, piercing through the sky and dispersing the dark clouds, as if constructing a blue bridge connecting the firmament. The pillar of light persisted for a full minute before slowly shrinking until it disappeared.

At this moment, the previously gloomy sky over the Mexican wasteland became unexpectedly clear...

And many people's gazes were focused on this wasteland because of this pillar of light.

In the office of Nick Fury at the SHIELD headquarters, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded.

"Alert, alert, an SSS-level energy reaction detected in the Mexico area."

Alexander Pierce also received the same message.

Heimdall, stationed on the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, also turned his eyes, capable of seeing through the Nine Realms, toward Earth.

When the dust settled, only Zane remained in the battlefield within the mirror space, while Satan had completely disappeared.

Just moments ago, Zane had died and come back to life three times. If Satan was still alive after that, Zane would have conceded.

Unharmed, Zane wore a bright smile on his face. He nodded slightly at the disheveled Ancient One and then teleported back to the real world's barren plain.

The Ancient One watched Zane disappear from the mirror space, feeling another shock. She had thought she could still control Zane, but she didn't expect his power to have grown to such an extent in the five years.

This was also one of Zane's intentions: to warn the Ancient One not to meddle in his affairs, or else he would wipe out her sanctuary in the Himalayas in a flash.

In the outside world, as soon as Zane teleported, he instantly felt two pairs of eyes peering at him. Zane looked up at the sky and silently said:

"Mind your own business, fools!"

Nick Fury and Pierce, observing Zane through satellites over Mexico, immediately turned off the video feed. It wasn't because they understood Zane's lip-reading, but because they saw 'death' in Zane's eyes.

Even through the screen, Nick Fury could see the thick aura of death in Zane's eyes. In a trance, he even saw himself as a corpse. 

In just that moment, both he and Pierce were shocked and sweating profusely, sitting helplessly in their chairs. Nick Fury even doubted if continuing to watch would turn him into an illusion like what he had just seen...

Heimdall, guarding the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, felt a stabbing pain in his eyes after seeing Zane's eyes. He had to look away, making a decision in his heart to inform King Odin. Earth had gained a new powerful figure.

Indeed, in the battle just now, Zane had awakened the attribute of his power of faith. In that moment of awakening, Zane's soul immediately understood that his attribute was death, relative to life.

Upon reflection, this was quite normal. Zane's qualifications for godhood came from the S-rank skill [Realm of Dead] and just from its name, it was clear it was related to death. Moreover, the power of faith provided to Zane all came from undead beings; there wasn't even one normal living person among them. Therefore, Zane awakening the death attribute was only natural.

Now, the power of faith in Zane's soul was gradually transforming into the power of death. In the deepest part of the lake formed by liquefied power of faith, that strand of death-tinged divine power was continuously devouring the golden power of faith to strengthen itself. It's just that the conversion efficiency was a bit slow. Zane estimated that it would take about a year to complete the entire conversion.

And that didn't even count the power of faith continuously supplied by the two million undead in the [Realm of Dead]. Despite this, Zane was still excited.

Because he has finally stepped into the realm of the divine, although only with one foot over the threshold, the most difficult step has been taken. The rest will simply require the accumulation of time to naturally ignite the divine fire and become a truly eternal deity.

It seems that the greatest gain from this confrontation with Satan is not the nearly obtained one billion souls, but the awakening of the power of death.

With the power of death, Zane has become entirely different. If before, Zane relied on his abundant power of faith to suppress others, now he has begun to exhibit some divine majesty. Just like earlier, Zane didn't deliberately do anything or utilize any power, yet he managed to intimidate those who were spying on him, causing them to retreat automatically.

The dignity of the gods mentioned in those mythical stories is not just empty words!

Zane, bored on the wasteland, played games on his phone for half a day before the Ancient One came out. She no longer looked as disheveled as before, but her face remained pale. It seems that she was seriously injured from the earlier events and might take some time to recover fully.


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