
simply, no.

-We have good news, - Jerry commented, looking closely at the young man with a pensive gaze. He was standing by the window, his songs were heart-wrenching, and the album would be a success, there was no doubt. Each song was better than the last; the emotion was accompanied by a deep sadness in each note.

Since people had recently seen him, they found a maturity, a slight change in conjunction with his rocker appearance. Plans were being made; his serious face was all a teenage girl needed to go crazy.

Life changed; everything changed just as his songs claimed.

The new apartment in the center of the big city, at the moment, the building was a special one for famous people or stars from various other media. It was located near different movie stars, entertainment personalities, or other media figures who were entirely different.

The media, in general opinion, was a lost encounter. Now, going out on the street was truly madness; the paparazzi were all over him. The way everything turned out was overwhelming.

It was closer than the record label and near Jerry's apartment, with his wife Jean Arnold, a rather homely novelist who prepared meals for Billy. Although Jerry was from the Bronx, the place was now in Manhattan.

-Good news, old man, - Billy commented, listening to the car horns in the distance. It was public knowledge that using a car was impossible; the streets were always fully packed, in a desperate way. He would be confined to his apartment in despair due to the imposing punishment of the paparazzi; a villa in the distance was easily the better place than an ordinary apartment.

-How are the exercise practices going? - Jerry asked, changing the subject from performances, to even going to

-Tell me, - Billy questioned from a relaxed position. He was wearing a large black shirt, along with tight jeans, common necklaces, rings, and a silver bracelet. His long hair and shaved sides gave him a peculiar look.

-We'll have a small tour in August after you finish your new songs. The new album is amazing and features deep characteristics that will thrill fans. As a brilliant idea, we'll first go through the eastern and northern states where the cold is harsher, and then to the west and south, where you can perform concerts on different dates throughout the year, - Jerry said, tapping the floor with his cane.

Though the snow may not hit, the rains did, but the rain was much more manageable than the snowdrifts that covered the spaces. But a good stage was enough; the spaces were easier to organize.

-I'd like you to consider, old man, I'm bored. I need something to clear my mind. Have you thought about acting? Just studying is silly, and I'm happy to take the crash course you mentioned not long ago. However, I want to start an acting career, - Billy commented. His gaze remained unchanged, and his demeanor remained clear.

-Soon, and far away, kid. I'll consider it... but we need to talk to a Hollywood agent. Your name will bring in many contracts, but you're already represented. We'll do our best, - Jerry replied, trying to change the subject. The temperament doesn't seem good, and it even scares Jerry deeply, who doesn't know how to fix things. The last person he saw suffered like that died of an overdose.

Artists are crazy.

-I'm desperate; if I stay home, I'll go crazy, - Billy commented, realizing the truth. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his mother's last image, squinting her eyes and scrunching up her face in a brief greeting, a gesture that was imprinted in his memory. Shocked, being at home is an issue that only manages to stir up his demons.

Jerry let out a sigh, just as Michael Ocklars continued to perform Billy's tasks. He had a bodyguard only for special occasions and a driver when he had to go out, but his security was lax due to the routine Billy went through day by day.

"Mr. Kelly will help you take the crash course, but you have to pass the ninth and tenth-grade exams by the end of the year. If you finish your course, you can graduate by June of next year," Jerry commented, a little exasperated by the situation that was happening between Billy.

-To hell with the exams; I want to be an actor, old man,- Billy insisted again.

-Remember your promises; you're young. We'll make space for the end of the year. For now, focus on releasing your songs and the small tour we'll have. Plus, by June next year, depending on your fame, you might go on a world tour, - Jerry commented, rubbing his chin.

-You have to continue with the song production, - the producer from Atlanta Records commented, with thick headphones over his head. They had only sung two key songs so far: -Show Me How to Live" (Audioslave) and "Everybody Is Changing - (Keane).

"BREAKING THE HABIT, - Billy murmured, getting things done.

-This song is something only desperate people should feel... - he murmured in his words. Sugar Egg, along with an alternate guitarist and bassist, took notes. For Spencer and Connor, it was complicated to travel now and then.


Memories consume

Like opening the wound

I'm picking me apart again

You all assume

I'm safe here in my room

Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one

The battles always choose

'Cause inside I realize

That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I know it's not alright

So, I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight


Always a present image, it was that of loneliness, a loneliness that suffocated him in a way that was incredible and sentient, a lack of companionship, constant and continuous feelings of loneliness, of being distant or separated from everything, an inability to sit at a deeper level, an incapacity, a low-grade insecurity, superior anxiety.


Clutching my cure

I tightly lock the door

I try to catch my breath again

I hurt much more

Than anytime before

I had no options left again

I don't want to be the one

The battles always choose

'Cause inside, I realize

That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be alright

So, I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight



The last image of his mother lingered in his thoughts, a glance, a second, a moment, before the feeling returned. A feeling of deep pain that ultimately marked a tearful ache.

An image of a close person dying, a person leaving, a person not being there, the profound void, its infinite happiness breaking, and upon breaking. It was a free fall of thousands of meters.

It was nothing more than a deep madness, seeing his mother's face, Billy's charisma began to soothe all forms, the memories of the room's occupants, the sound producer was a man named Roger Ames, he was the man who stirred everything backstage. He listened and followed the many comments of his informants, Billy's twelve new songs were already reported to the copyright commission in Billy's name, and the paper, even blank, was reviewed with a photo.



I'll paint it on the walls

'Cause I'm the one at fault

I'll never fight again

And this is how it ends


I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

But now I have some clarity

To show you what I mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be alright

So, I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit tonight.




A deep emotional pain, Billy's heart burned at the end of the song with a feeling of decadence. A score from his heart that continued to haunt him, in an imperishable way, was much, many of the songs offered by the system made him cry madly.

-What did you all think? - Billy commented, opening his eyes after the desperation that ensued, among much was the madness of everything that happened.

-It was very good, kid, - Josh Robert commented.

-Thanks, I'll take a five-minute break, I need water, - Billy said, leaving the room. Every song sung evoked memories of his mother; he had to wipe his face, and face the many people with strength; the less they knew of his pain, the better.

Seeing him, Jerry scheduled an exercise session for the next morning, changing his schedule to five days a week and two days off; it was best for him to concentrate on sports.


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