
Sacking of Coruscant

A man dressed in a pitch black cloak with a rebreather slowly walked up the red carpets that lead to the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, heart of the Galactic Republic. By his side was an Astrodroid that was painted grey and a Blue Twi'lek that had two blasters holstered on her hips.

The city around them was astounding, the glass of numerous distant towers and buildings glittering in the sun as thousands of air speeders moved along the designated flight paths. In front of this group were massive statues hundreds of feet tall, representing the Jedi order's guardianship of the Galactic Republic. 

A deep distorted breath transmitted through the rebreather of the robed figure as he and his group got closer and closer to the entrance of the Jedi Temple. When they were a hundred meters away from the entrance a few Republic soldiers stepped forwards and tried to intercept the group, only to have blaster fire sunder into them. Their corpses dropped onto the hard concrete-like substance that was the outside of the temple as a lithe feminine figure descended from the skies, her jetpack altering its output as she eventually landed on her feet.

Taking off her Mandalorian helm an astounding red-haired beauty with green eyes looked in the direction of the cloaked figure.

"My Lord, the bombs have been planted in the defence towers."

"*Electronic Noise* Good, now complete the rest of the mission."

"Yes My Lord."

She put her helm back on and ascended into the skies, her jetpack thrusting her upwards towards an upper level of the temple in front of the retinue. The cloaked man ran his muscular arms through the sides of his cloak and placed his right hand on a lightsaber that was soon covered once more by his cloak.

Stepping into the building you could see the amazing architecture and erudite nature of the order they were stepping into. Marble statues and pillars tens of meters tall and beautiful technological luminescence that splayed across the walls and halls in a comforting yellow glow.

Several more troopers of the Republic began to pile towards their location on to be met by the bright red energy of a lightsaber, their heads falling off of their bodies as the rest of them moved a few more meters before dropping. The lightsaber came back to the hands of the cloaked man as they continued forwards.

A minute later he stepped into a monumentally massive hall with tens of floors and an open space plan that had countless different walkways, stairs and elevators. In the centre of the hall stood several figures in brown robes and openly carrying lightsabers. The hall fell into silence as every Jedi within turned and looked at him, the ones above too. Seconds later and countless Jedi started to drop to the bottom floor of the hall and looked at him, a single man stepping up to him.

"What are you doing here? Sith..."

"I am here to bring peace to the Galaxy."

A man off to the side couldn't resist himself and spoke up.

"By choking the life out of it!?"

"You are more attuned to the dark side than i thought you would be."

The man who had stepped up in front of the sith looked behind him, only to notice a large troop carrier flying at top speed towards the entry way of the Jedi Temple. He stepped back in concern and drew his lightsaber, the other Jedi following in his footsteps as the previously cloaked sith revealed himself.

He was pale white and had veins running over his scalp and head. His eyes were dark red and yellow and held the baleful gaze of one who had extinguished life, personally. His hand slipped out of his cloak to show an inactivated lightsaber, his finger slipping forwards on the activation switch as soon a bright red beam emerged from the opening at the top and created a full blow blade. The red light shone down onto the marbled flooring of the temple as quickly the transport ship crashed into the temple and started taking out various large pillars that supported the higher levels, only coming to a stop right behind the sith lord.

A rush of steam and vapour spread into the area as the drop door opened on the transport, revealing a pitch black inside. This blackness was soon washed away however as over one hundred bright red lightsabers unleashed themselves and washed the interior with crimson light. 

There was a massive pause in breath as both sides measured each other but this didn't last long as very quickly the sith started to shout out battle cries and charge at the Jedi, the Jedi responding by moving forwards in defensive stances to meet their ancient adversary. It didn't take long for both sides to clash.

Sith ran into Jedi and teamed up on several skewering them with their lightsabers before moving on to the next group. Force lightning shot out at several Jedi only to be received by a bluish pale energy at the hands of these Jedi and redirected towards and unsuspecting sith off to the side. Force pushes and chokes were being successively used throughout combat as lightsaber confrontations were also a constant.

The original sith clashed with the 'leader' of these Jedi, their lightsabers clashing in a cacophony of different moves and counter. The sith, Malgus, focused his strikes on heavy hitting blows and wide sweeps as he moved back and forth and switched between the defensive nature of his lightsaber form and the more aggressive attack style. Some moments he would deflect and oncoming attack and several following moves whilst at others he would press for seemingly no reason, it wouldn't make sense to someone who wasn't trained in the force. To the Jedi however he was a difficult opponent and forced him to use his force powers to pull down an intact pillar in their direction, hoping to gain distance and time with the move.

Unfortunately for the Jedi this would fail as Malgus was relentless and quickly slashed through the column and force leapt through the air and towards him. The Jedi Grand Master quickly switched to a purely defensive form of fighting and began to deflect attack after attack, Malgus trying to throw him off with force lightning bursts. In the distance the sound of blaster fire and ship-level bombarding resounded, the screams of men and women reverberating off of the nearby concrete and walls. 

The two continued to clash as the Jedi Grand Master flipped backwards and landed, leading to a concentrated burst of energy that knocked Malgus back. Feeling he had the advantage he pressed it going into a purely duelling stance, unfortunately for him this was the wrong move as he was grabbed into a force choke and dropped to the floor seconds later.

It seemed luck was on the Jedi's side however as two of his allies ran up to Malgus and tried to end him in this moment, allowing him to recover. The two Jedi weren't doing well however as one of them had already had his legs cut off and the other was currently having his organs boiled by the lightsaber that stabbed through his stomach. Malgus pulled his lightsaber back and looked up at the Jedi Grand Master before spitting on the bodies of the dead Jedi.

Their duel continued for a time, going back over pure lightsaber forms and changing into more obscure tactics and force powers. Finally, they were back at their base combat forms after the continuous chaos of their previous fight. Malgus was excited and elated at the combat and revelled in the destruction, slaughter and death of the Jedi at his forces' hands. The Jedi became annoyed and was disturbed mentally by this mentality of his foe that he started to become reckless, facing his opponent in his own combat style.

And like any other version of combat, the first to lose composure and control often loses. The Jedi Grand Master felt the force tug on his being as he felt the boiling of his own organs and innards as the angry red lightsaber perforated his body, pulling out seconds later as he gazed onto the visage of Coruscant burning and being sacked.

"Welcome to the end of your Republic!" With a final stroke Malgus cut his head off and watched in glee as it rolled in front of countless younglings off to the side.


Last Chapter of the day! Hope you enjoy! Were in another multiverse, HAZAH!


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