
Meeting the guy I respect the most.

Author notes 

Guys Follow my Instagram account now we can have a chat there and if I get a good response I will be able to do much more than I am doing now.... _mistic_writer that's my username.

Authors pov

" Aryan, would you like to join and learn at ninja academy or do you want to directly become a genin? " 

Minato asked Aryan. 

Aryan was surprised by this; he never thought that he would be offered to become a genin directly. It was a tempting offer but he had planes of his own. 

" Well mom, dad I would like to join the academy, there are a lots of things that i know and can do but i don't have any friends , my most of the time is  used in studying and practicing so I just wanted to go to the ninja academy and learn there and make some friends."  Aryan said with puppy eyes so that Minato and Kushina won't think into it too much. 

" Ok son, as you say , you will start the ninja academy from tomorrow " Kushina said as she walked up to Aryan and sat down on her knees and pats his head. 

" Thank you, mom and dad, '' Aryan says and he goes into his room after that. 

As Aryan enters his room he shuts the door and sits in his study desk and opens a book. 

Aryan's pov 

Well the first step that i wanted to do is over . 

That was to join the academy as fast as I could, so that I could meet that guy . The person that I respected the most in all the anime I have ever watched, is Itachi Uchiha . 

" Did someone think about me, I just got a shiver " Itachi said as he was playing with little Sasuke. 

I have a lot of things that I want to make right here. And one of the main things that I want to change is that I don't want Itachi to suffer as he did in the original story. Well the plans that I want to execute are all written in this book, so this is the book that no one should be able to read, well they can't even if they tried cause it's written in Hindi. 

All that happens in the Naruto series to Boruto is written in this it will be years till things take place so that I don't forget what happens when, this is something that I must not lose at any cost. 

Well now that the first step is complete, it's time for the second. Become friends with Itachi Uchiha. 

If I this was another ones of those stupid novels I would be fucking all the females in the story right now . But I am not that type of guy , plus I don't have the balls to do that, cause I was a 18 year old virgin. I will be happy if I could get even a single one of the beauties with me 😌😌 . But this is a reality and I have to work hard for everything , I won't get strong and get skills just by doing things, I have practice things and get better at it every day, and my Subayai powers dont work properly even if I don't practice it daily, it just becomes harder for me to do concentrate and perform the  jutsus instantly if I don't do it daily. 

Well let's focus. We have a lot of things that we want to do from tomorrow. The ninja academy starts tomorrow. 

Author's pov 

"Well he is more of a child than we thought, isn't he? " Minato asked Kushina. 

" Yes, I really thought that he was going to say that he wanted to become a ninja. But that's good isn't it . He will get some time to be a child before people start coming after him. After they know how much worth he has " Kushina said with a worried  face  . 

" Yes Kushina I know, it also scares me that if people knew how Aryan is and how rare he is, it's possible that people from other nations would start coming after him, after they know his full potential . And that's why I wanted him to become strong so that he could protect himself even if we are not there to protect him " Minato says as he reassures Kushina. 

" Yes after the nine tails attack, I am scared that if an attack like that happens again and something happens to the ether of us , what will happen to Naruto, and now I even think of Aryan, how will he handle things. " Kushina says as she picks up Naruto into her arms. 

At that time both Kushina and Minato didn't know this but what they said that day would become a reality in the near future. 

The Next day before  the opening ceremony of the Ninja academy . 

" Ok Aryan, mom will drop you off at the academy, I cannot come since I have important work to do at the office, " Minato said as he left the house for work. 

" Bye dad, come back soon " Aryan said. 

" Bye Minato, come back soon, " Kushina said as she waved her hand. 

Minato left the house to the hokage office .  

" Well Aryan now that dad is gone we must get ready so that we get late for the opening ceremony. " Kushina said to Aryan. 

" Ok mom !!"  Aryan nodded and goes to get ready his bag. 

" Ok Aryan, so before we leave, let's go over the rules again. " Kushina said to Aryan. 

' Ok mom , first :- I must never use my kekkei genkai in front of anyone. 

Second :- I must never use my power to abuse others who are weaker than me. 

Third and the last one is that I must never tell where I came from and my real family name to anyone. " Aryan said it perfectly. 

" Good Aryan, and don't just memories, use it as well " Kushina said to Aryan . 

" Yes mom, I will take care of it, " Aryan said in a confident voice. 

After taking a walk both Aryan and Kushina reached the ninja academy . Where all the people who were going to attend this academy this year gathered. 

" ok Aryan take care baby " Kushina said as she waved to Aryan as he was going inside. 

" Bye mom " Aryan waved back at her . 

After getting into lines and after a long and boring lecture all of the students were asked to go inside their classes.

" Whoa, I forgot how boring morning  lectures are. In all that covid and shutdown, I barely had any schools and college. " Aryan thought this to himself. 

"Well now let's see, where is our hero, haaa there he is " Aryan saw Itachi and walked towards him. 

" Well hello there, it's nice to meet you. I am Aryan Namikaze and you " Aryan said with a smile on his face. 

" Well I.... I am Itachi Uchiha ".... 

hehehe , back on daily upload baby .

Misticwritercreators' thoughts