
A Fun-Filled Payback

Her head felt heavy as she woke up. Groaning, she opened her eyes and blearily looked around. The bed felt very comfortable under her and she could barely make out anything in the dark of the room she was in.

"What happened to me?" She muttered softly, blinking and trying to make out anything around her. All she could see was the trace amount of lights that somehow made it through the gap under where she supposed the door was, Pushing herself upward with her elbows on the bed, she squeaked when the bedding pulled her down. This was some springy bed, alright.

Somehow, she made it across the bed and stepped on the floor. She still had no idea where she was. Last she remembered, she had been with Bruce and Doctor Sterns in the latter's lab and Bruce had undergone the experiment that had successfully reversed his transformation. Her eyes widened when she remembered what followed.

Doctor Sterns had a hidden motive, and he wanted to use the serum to his own ends. The man had delusions of grandeur, and she knew the kind — people who thought they knew the best and would stop at nothing until they managed to do something to attain their unrealistic goals. Such goals usually ended with them either dying or getting convicted.

'Not in every case,' she thought with a frown as the image of her father filled her mind.

Doctor Sterns had been on his rant, proclaiming how he would trigger a new evolution of humanity when he suddenly slumped over, unconscious. She recalled shouting in alarm before she lost consciousness as well.

She had no idea where she was or how she had come here, but she knew she could not take any chances. There was a big probability that whoever it was that had attacked them did not have the best of intentions. Her thoughts immediately went to Bruce. He must have been brought here with her as well, and she hoped he was alright. Although she hoped Bruce was cured, there was no guarantee what that experiment had actually done, and if the Hulk somehow went berserk, then there was a huge risk to Bruce. Her father would be on to him in an instant.

She still had the same clothes on, which meant she had simply been brought here and dumped on that admittedly nice bed. She didn't know how long it had been since she was out of it, but considering there was no light coming in from the window she saw to her right, it must be night.

Slowly, she walked over to the door and found, to her surprise, that it was unlocked. With as much stealth as she could, she twisted the doorknob and gently pulled the door open. A soft hiss escaped her lips as the bright light of the corridor hit her eyelids, and she abruptly shut her eyes.

A faint giggling reached her ears and she heard the sound of a door shutting a little further away from her. Confused, she peeked through the doorframe and saw nothing out of the ordinary. However, she could not help but notice that she was in a fairly expensive house. The interior had been richly decorated in modern design and the entire house she could see was very well lit. It didn't seem like a house belonging to some maniac, and she felt slightly relieved.

Stepping out of the door, she looked to either side. All the doors she could see were closed, and she walked over to one of them.

"Locked," she muttered to herself and turned around to the other side where she had heard the giggling from. There was only one door, and she assumed that was where she had heard it.


She jolted at the sound and looked over to where it had come from. Cautiously, she walked forward and saw one of the doors was open. The moment she reached the room, her eyes snapped open and her feet froze as she stared at the sight ahead.

A naked man. Arms and legs tied to the bed. His penis standing erect.

All sense fled her as she stayed rooted to the spot, staring at nothing but a certain appendage that showed no sign of softening. Her eyes followed its movement as it lurched every second or two.

She dragged her eyes up his body, stopping at his toned abs and she could not help but admire the physique of this man for a moment. As she looked at his face, she saw he had his eyes closed.

She knew she should not be here, that she should not be staring at a naked man. However, her body seemed to deny the commands of her conscience, and her eyes kept dropping to his erect manhood, staring at it as if it were some new project she was about to commence research on. It was easily the most impressive specimen of the male anatomy she had ever seen.

The man still had his eyes closed, and yet, his manhood remained erect. She had to wonder just what he was thinking that he was able to sustain it.

She pondered on what her next course of action should be. She could easily turn around and walk away to the room she had been in. No one had seen her and she could easily feign ignorance. She could also move further away and look for Bruce or an exit. However, she didn't know why, but she did none of the two.

She cleared her throat instead, and in turn, attracted the attention of the naked man whose eyes suddenly shot open and fixated on her. She could only keep staring as he looked at her.

"Oh. You're awake," he grinned. She kept staring.

Harry looked at the woman with a sheepish smile.

"Well… this is awkward."

That did it for her, and she abruptly looked to the side, her face burning in embarrassment.

"Who are you and where am I?" She asked, trying to cover up her embarrassment. She pointedly avoided looking at him.

Harry looked amused at the beautiful woman and had to suppress a chuckle at the predicament they had found themselves in. However, try as he might, he could keep the amusement entirely out of his voice as he replied, "I'm Harry Potter, and you are in my home. I brought you and Banner here when you were about to be attacked by your father's men in Grayburn."

Her eyes widened and she whipped her head around to stare at him. However, she immediately turned her eyes away from his naked body. Harry chuckled.

"Listen, can you help me out here?" He asked, amused.

She froze and slowly looked back at him. Her eyes fell on his erect manhood before she looked him in the eyes, an incredulous expression on her face.

"Hey, not like that," he chuckled. "Just untie my hands and I'll take care of the rest."

She remained frozen for a few seconds before nodding shakily. Harry saw her walk toward him with slow, uncertain steps, keeping her eyes firmly away from his manhood. He took the time to properly take her in, and he had to reiterate: She was beautiful. However, now was not the time to let his other side play, and he remained still as she reached the bedpost and began fiddling with the cuffs. He could hear her controlled breathing and how she seemed to be actively avoiding looking at him.

The lock came undone with an audible click and Harry sighed. He moved his hand, accidentally brushing her side and she jumped in surprise.

"Oh, sorry," he gave her an apologetic smile. "Didn't mean to startle you."

She stared at him for a few seconds before she nodded and watched as he started to fiddle with the other cuff. Once the other one was unlatched as well, Harry pulled the previous one off his wrist, freeing up his hands properly.

"Those idiots," he muttered to himself and leaned forward. He saw her walk away from his bedside and lean against the wall near the door, still looking away from him.

"You can sit there on the couch," he gestured with a smile as he started to fiddle with the cuffs on his legs. She looked at him and nodded before taking a seat.

It took him only a minute and Harry was done taking the cuffs off all his limbs, without magic. Smiling to himself, he stepped on the floor and looked at her over his shoulder.

"I'll be here in only a few minutes, after, you know…" he remarked casually, noticing her eyeing his back when she thought he wasn't looking. He smirked to himself as she flushed in understanding, and with a parting look, he walked inside the bathroom to take care of matters himself.


"Damn," Elizabeth 'Betty' Ross whispered to herself when the hunk of a man finally disappeared inside the bathroom. It had been some ask to keep her wits to herself in such proximity to a man like him, and she had to forcibly keep her emotions in check when she was unlatching that cuff. She had no idea what had been going on, but it seemed she had stumbled on some sort of bondage event considering the state she had found him in.

And what a find it was.

She had barely managed to keep her eyes away from his body, not wanting to show the effect he was having on her. However, judging by the amused looks he had been giving her, she was sure she had not done a very good job of hiding that. Still, he had not said anything, and she was fine with it.

He came out ten minutes later, dressed in a white V-neck t-shirt and a pair of black joggers with the same smile on his face, and Betty stood up.

"Please sit," he implored and took the seat right opposite hers. She sat back down and stared at him.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," he began, smiling. "However, let me tell you what I can and then you can ask me should I miss something."

"I remember being in Doctor Sterns' lab in Grayburn when suddenly he fainted. Then I lost consciousness and when I woke up, I found myself here," she remarked.

Harry nodded.

"First things first. I'm Harry Potter. You can call me Harry from now on."

"Elizabeth Ross. You may call me Betty," she replied politely. Harry nodded.

"Betty it is then. So Betty, as I told you previously, your father got his underlings to attack Grayburn. He somehow got tipped that Bruce was there with you, so he tried to kill two birds with one stone. Although he didn't want to kill anyone, at least that's what I'd like to believe, considering he has a vested interest in the Hulk and he's your father. However, I digress. One of his men knocked Sterns out and I immediately knocked you and Banner out before I very stealthily brought both of you here."

"Bruce is here?" She asked in surprise and no little amount of relief in her voice. Harry chuckled.

"Sleeping soundly in one of the rooms here. Although I'm not sure how long that sound sleep will last, considering the Hulk would not have taken me knocking him out very well. Anyway, we'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, I'd like to introduce you to a few people."

Betty watched as he stood up and held his hand out.

"Come on, let's pay some heartless beauties a little visit," he said. Confused, Betty took his hand and let him lead her out of the room. They walked over to a closed door which she recognized as the one she thought the sound of giggling had come from.

Her eyes widened when he waved his hand over the doorknob and it glowed. He pulled the door open and the sight inside the room made her freeze in place.

She saw two naked women cuddling on the bed, their eyes closed and their fronts flushed against each other. She stared at them, a redhead and a brunette, both very beautiful and sleeping soundly before she looked at Harry who clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"They arouse me and then leave me like that, and look at them now. Cuddling together and sleeping peacefully. Utterly shameless," he remarked, and Betty's eyes shot open when he waved his hand and a large ball of water appeared over them. Before she could even understand what was going on, he flicked his finger down and the ball of water fell on the two women, who jolted wide awake with twin shouts of surprise.

"What the fuck!" The redhead shouted.

"Hello, sleepyheads," Harry said with a smirk, waving his hand. The two women immediately looked over at him and their eyes widened.

"Harry, what the fuck!" She saw the redhead shout again.

"Get your asses out of the bed, put some clothes on, and meet us downstairs in five," he said, unimpressed. The redhead glared at Harry who looked at it and scoffed.

"You've already tortured me enough for a lifetime, love. Those glares won't do shit."

Betty saw a smug look cross each woman's face before Harry dumped another load of water over their heads.

"Get moving already!" He called out in exasperation and waved his hand. The water vanished from their bodies and the bed as if it had never been there. Betty could only wonder what was going on.

"Yeah, we heard you. How did you even free yourself?" The redhead snarked as she got off the bed and grabbed a few items of clothing from the cupboard. Betty noticed that it was only a grey and a red t-shirt a few sizes too large for either of them, and it didn't take much for her to deduce that those were Harry's clothes. Harry and these women were fucking then, and they had aroused him, tied him up like that before leaving. That was the only conclusion she could reach.

She saw the redhead throw the grey t-shirt over to the brunette and turn to look at Harry who smirked at her.

"Well," he began as he turned around. "Betty here helped me out."

"Wait what?" The brunette exclaimed for the first time, looking at her in surprise, and Harry chuckled before walking out of the room, taking her with him.

They walked through the corridor to the set of stairs that led to the lower floor and she saw it had a bar, a kitchen, and a living room with a few doors along the walls.

"I'm so confused," she couldn't help but admit, and Harry chuckled as he helped her into the couch before taking a seat himself.

"Let them come, and everything will be explained soon."

Betty had no choice but to nod, and she heard the sounds of footsteps coming toward them. As she looked over, she saw the two women clad in nothing but Harry's t-shirts walk down the stairs. Her eyes couldn't help but look under as the t-shirts swayed, and she blushed at the sight of their bare legs and trimmed privates. She averted her eyes quickly and saw Harry looking on unabashedly with mirth in his eyes. Yeah, they were fucking alright.

The two women took their seats on the couch in the middle and looked at Harry.

"Now, first of all," the brunette began immediately, glancing at her before looking at Harry back again. "What did you mean by that?"

"I'm afraid you have to be more precise, Maria," Harry replied, smirking. Maria glared at him.

"How did Doctor Ross help you out?" She asked with gritted teeth.

Harry looked over at Betty and her eyes widened when she saw him wink at her.

"You really want me to spell it out for you? Well, she came into my room a minute after you two left, and like the brilliant woman I'm sure she is, she helped me out. I must say, she's very skilled with her hand," he replied, smirking.

Three pairs of eyes widened at that remark, and Betty shook her head when the two women looked at her accusingly.

"Nothing like what you're thinking happened," she replied immediately. "I found him n-naked and he asked me to untie his hands. That's all I did."

"That's what I meant as well," Harry replied, smiling. "Why? What did you think?"

Maria and Nat both gave Harry dirty looks while he simply smiled.

"As you two said, I had to take care of it all without using magic. Well, I did exactly that."

"Magic?" Betty asked in a mix of surprise and confusion. "You mean those things you were doing earlier was magic?"

Harry nodded and waved his hand. The table in the middle immediately started hovering and the brunette saw it rising until it was almost touching the ceiling. Slowly, he brought it back in place and looked at her.

Betty could only manage a shaky nod. After everything that had been happening in their world over the past few years, magic was the least bit that should come off as a surprise.

"There's a lot more I can do, but that is just a small demonstration of my powers," Harry added with a smile.

"Yeah, let's not blow our own horn here," Nat interjected swiftly, cutting him off.

"I'm still not over how you two so cruelly left me there, all tied up, to fend for myself. I don't know what I would've done if Betty here didn't help me out," Harry replied.

"Could you, you know, not say it like that?" The brunette asked with an uncomfortable smile.

"Oh piss off!" Nat exclaimed. "As if you didn't have your magic to help you out. You could've used it to free yourself anytime."

Harry looked at her with a frown.

"Look, I know it was just casual on your part, but I wouldn't have done it after you two explicitly forbade me to," he replied sincerely. Nat and Maria looked at him with softened gazes as Betty sat there, a little uncomfortable.

Maria looked at the other brunette and chuckled. "Perhaps we shouldn't make our guest here too uncomfortable? God knows she's seen more than she should've already."

Harry and Nat chuckled as the woman blushed and looked away.

"Alright," Harry said with a smile. "Let's get this discussion back on track. So as I said, I brought you two here. Both of you were unconscious so I put you in different rooms. Yours was unlocked, but Banner's room is hidden and impregnable. Not even an army can find him where he is right now."

"Isn't he in this apartment?" Nat asked, confused.

"He is, but at the same time, he isn't," Harry replied, earning an exasperated look from the redhead.

"I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk in riddles, Harry."

Harry chuckled.

"There is a spell called the Fidelius. Pretty touch to cast, but very useful. What it does is that it hides a location from the plane of existence, and no one can find it. Only the secret keeper, that is a person who has been entrusted with the secret, can divulge the information willingly. You can't force it out of the secret keeper, nor can you trick the secret keeper into divulging it."

"That's… impressive," Maria commented with raised eyebrows.

"Impressive it might be, but it could make one very vulnerable as well," Harry continued, his voice somber. "Entrust the wrong person with the secret and you will be taken unaware. Your enemy would have the power to strike at you while you are entirely unprepared for an attack."

There was a moment of tense silence as Nat and Maria understood something like that had happened to him.

"So… you put Doctor Banner in a room here and put this Fidelius over it?" Maria asked gently, earning a nod from her man.

"I put scores of protective charms all around the room as well. If the Hulk somehow manages to force his way through, he can try to wreak as much havoc as he likes. He won't be able to damage anything," Harry replied.

"What do you mean?" Betty asked, frowning. "Bruce's transformation reversed successfully. There is no more Hulk in him."

"That's where you're wrong, Doctor Ross," Nat replied swiftly. "We had Helen run a diagnosis on him, and although the transformation reversed, the Hulk is still very much there. The experiment Doctor Banner underwent did nothing more than a temporary reversal."

"What?" Betty asked, aghast. "You mean to tell me it was all for nothing!?"

"Sadly, yes," Nat nodded. "Helen also told us that it's possible that the Hulk didn't take too kindly to a forced reversal, and that there was a possibility that he could either trigger a transformation when Doctor Banner regained consciousness or take control when Doctor Banner transformed the next time."

Betty sat there with wide eyes as she stared at the glass table in the middle. Harry exchanged a look with Maria and Nat. The former nodded.

"Hey Betty," Harry began gently, and the woman looked up at him. "Am I right in assuming that you'd like to meet Banner?"

The woman looked surprised for a moment before she nodded.

"Alright then," Harry smiled and waved his hand. A piece of paper and a pen appeared on the table and they saw him scribble something. Once he was done, he vanished the pen and put the paper on the table. "Read it properly and think about it."

The women leaned forward and read. As they thought about it, the image of the room that was already present in the apartment but hidden from their memories appeared in their minds, and they looked at him in surprise. Harry stood up and smiled.

"Come on then, follow me."

They stood up and walked behind him to the room that Banner was presumably sleeping in.

"Uh, I didn't ask before, but who exactly are you guys?" Betty asked as they walked up the stairs. Maria smiled.

"Nat and I work for SHIELD as agents. Harry is a consultant."

Betty's eyes widened. She knew very well what SHIELD was.

"Didn't SHIELD work with my father? They declared Bruce a fugitive as well when he was on the run."

Maria chuckled softly.

"SHIELD was working against Doctor Banner in name only. In reality, we were aiding him by keeping Ross' mercenaries away from him. How do you think Doctor Banner managed to escape your father every time he was cornered?"

Betty looked at the brunette in surprise.

"You're not joking?"

"Not in the slightest," Maria replied with a small smile as they reached the corridor.

"So…" Betty continued. "This Helen is also…?"

"She's a world-renowned geneticist and the best SHIELD has to offer," the brunette replied immediately. Betty nodded and remained silent during the remaining part of their walk, and they saw Harry stop in front of the door that housed Bruce.

"Alright then," he said without turning around. "I know the room is charmed and all, but I'd prefer it if we let Betty approach Bruce. I believe a known face would not trigger something."

"And what if it does?" Nat asked in alarm. Harry chuckled.

"Then we'll deal with it when the time comes."

Betty shot the redhead a disbelieving look at that, who could only shrug helplessly. She looked toward Maria who smiled uncertainly, as if apologizing for their man.

They watched Harry grab the doorknob, which glowed for a second before he pulled the door open.

There was pitch blackness inside the room with nary a sound, and Harry looked behind him with a smile.

"Looks like he's still asleep," he whispered and stepped inside. A flick of his hand turned the lights on and they saw Bruce sleeping the way he had been when Helen was checking him. Harry shut the door behind them once they all were in, and he nodded toward Betty, who still looked uncertain.

"Come on, he won't bite," he chuckled, and it earned him warning looks from both his women.

"Go on," Maria whispered into Betty's ear and leaned back. The brunette took a deep breath and nodded before walking forward, taking a seat on the bed. She tentatively reached forward, gently placing her hand on Bruce's and stroking softly. There was no reaction.

"Just how strong was that stunner of yours, Harry?" Nat muttered, earning a frown from Harry.

"This is strange. He should've woken up already," Harry muttered. "Think I should revive him?"

"Won't that be risky?" Maria asked as Harry took Betty's arm and pulled her back to where the other two women were standing.

Harry nodded. "Pretty sure it will. But I don't see another option here. Bruce should've woken up already, but given he hasn't, I believe he is otherwise occupied. If I had to guess, he's keeping the Hulk at bay by forcing himself to remain asleep."

"He knows that he won't be able to sustain control while awake," Maria whispered. Harry nodded.

"Step back a bit, you three. There's no telling where this fella will pounce," he instructed and conjured a shield in front of them.

"Harry," Maria called out, making him turn around. "Be careful, will you?"

"Please," he scoffed and waved his hand dismissively. There was no way he was getting injured by a mindless monster like that. He waved his wand and cast a silent Ennervate, and the effect was instantaneous.

A fearsome roar filled the small room as Bruce's body expanded. His muscles bulged and his skin turned green. His eyes glowed with fury and Harry could see the rage in them, as if his mind was overwhelmed by his primal instincts and emotions.

This right here was no Bruce Banner. This was the Hulk, and the Hulk was angry.

The Hulk roared loud once again and slammed his fists into the bed which had remained unaffected during the transformation. Harry saw the confusion in those eyes which quickly turned into rage once again when the bed remained unaffected. The Hulk started to rain down a barrage of punches on the bed, roaring and snarling furiously, but nothing happened.

Fed up with it, the Hulk threw itself against the cupboard and began to punch and kick at it. Like the bed, the cupboard remained unaffected.

"You can't do shit here!" Harry called out, and that got the Hulk's attention. The creature took one look at him and snarled before throwing itself forward. Off to the side, the women stared at the mayhem in slow motion as the massive green monster threw itself off its feet toward Harry who stood there nonplussed. Right when the Hulk was about to collide with Harry, it was flung back with more than equal force. They watched as it crashed against the opposite wall which also remained unaffected.

"I told you already," Harry called out once again, and the Hulk looked at him with a malevolent glare. "You can't do shit, you big green asshole!"

The Hulk roared once again and grabbed the table. Cocking his arm back, it threw the table toward Harry and the women watched the table stop abruptly in front of the man before it was gently levitated over to where it initially had been. The Hulk looked at it in a mixture of confusion and rage.

"Let's try out a few things now, shall we?" Harry smirked and waved his hand. A silent cheering charm struck the monster, but instead of what he had expected, the monster roared out louder. Its movement became more frantic and it threw itself forward once again. Harry sighed and flicked his hand, banishing the Hulk back against the wall for the second time.

"I cast the cheering charm," he said to the women. "Didn't work as expected."

Nat and Maria nodded with pursed lips while Betty watched with wide eyes, disbelieving what she was seeing. She never thought one man could ever face up to the monster, and to see Harry toying with him like that was hard to digest.

"Hey Nat," Harry called out as he looked toward the redhead. "Bring out that box of potions I brewed two days ago, will you?"

Natasha nodded and sprinted out toward their room, coming back barely a minute later with a small shrunken box in her fist. Harry quickly banished the Hulk when it threw itself toward the three women this time. Betty stared wide-eyed at the monster while Maria stood calmly, knowing there was no way the creature would get past Harry's defense.

Harry immediately conjured metal chains and wrapped them all over the Hulk's body, completely confining the monster against the opposite wall. The Hulk kept thrashing around against its restraints, only for all its efforts to go in vain as the chains didn't budge in the slightest.

Satisfied that it was not going to be an irritant, Harry left the snarling creature to its devices and walked over to where Nat was standing with a smirk, hips cocked to the side and showing him a tantalizing view of her supple rear. With a chuckle, she held her palm forward and Harry took the shrunken box from her. He unshrunk it and picked out a couple of vials from the box before shrinking it back and offering it to Nat, who took it with her.

Harry turned around and walked over to the Hulk. He uncorked a vial and waved his hand. A set of massive hands appeared out of thin air and grabbed the Hulk's mouth, forcing it open. Try as it might, the Hulk could not shut its mouth or free itself.

"The charm didn't work," Harry remarked and dumped the contents of the vial inside the Hulk's mouth. "Let's see if the Calming Draught does."

It didn't.

The Hulk's thrashing intensified once again, and Harry nodded to himself. The hands holding the Hulk's mouth tightened their hold once again and Harry uncorked the other vial before dropping the potion in the creature's mouth.

The reaction was even stronger this time. The Hulk started to thrash wildly, and its eyes were wide as it tried with all its might to free itself. Harry raised an eyebrow when he saw the chains start to strain.

"Interesting," he muttered to himself and vanished the empty vials. He waved his hand and Betty's eyes widened when she saw what he was now holding.

"Yeah, he brought all of it with him," Maria commented, glancing at the woman before turning toward Harry, and they saw Harry thrust the syringe into the Hulk's skin. The effect was instantaneous, and the transformation reversed until there was a regular dark-haired man in place of the vicious monster. Harry stunned and levitated Banner back on the bed and draped the covers over him before he walked over to the women and asked them to follow him.

Instead of the living room, they went to the bedroom and Harry sat on the couch. The women took their seats on the wide couch in the middle and stared at Harry.

"Well," he began with a smile. "Safe to say, no mind-influencing magic, be it a spell or a potion, will work on the Hulk. The stronger the effect of magic, the more it agitates it."

"We would need to think of a way to deal with this problem," Maria frowned. "There's no way we can keep using that serum to reverse the transformation every time. Pretty sure the Hulk will force it whenever it can if we do it."

Harry nodded. This was truly a concern. Banner was keeping the Hulk at bay while he slept, but the moment he woke up, the Hulk forced its way out. Using Sterns' serum was not sustainable.

"Let's discuss this with Helen when she comes over to check on him the next time," Harry said, looking at them. Nat and Maria nodded while Betty looked down with a frown.

"Don't worry," Maria implored, squeezing the other brunette's shoulder in comfort. "We'll get this under control."

Betty nodded with a sigh and looked at Harry who gave the woman a gentle smile.

"It's already very late. We should be going to sleep now. Betty, you know your room, right?"

The brunette nodded and stood up. The threesome watched as she walked away and Harry waved his hand once she was out of sight.

Immediately, Nat and Maria vanished from their seats on the couch and appeared on the bed, their arms and legs tied to a rope as they lay prone on the bed. Wide-eyed, they looked at each other, hearts beating furiously before they looked over at their man who appeared in front of them with that damnable smirk of his.

"You seriously didn't think that I'd let it go unpunished, did you?" Harry asked in amusement as he waved his hand once again, vanishing his t-shirt off their bodies. The two beautiful women were rendered naked for his viewing pleasure, and Harry ran his eyes up and down their alluring curves unabashedly.

"That was your punishment for what you did to us," Maria replied, which quickly turned into a moan when Harry buried his thick cock inside her.

"My punishment?" Harry chuckled as he began thrusting. "My dear, that was way over the top. Definitely not what I deserved for those little pranks. No, my lovely vixens. You two took it too far. Now you will reap the consequences."

Maria could only moan erotically as she lay prone on the bed for her lover to use her as he pleased, and use her he did. His hands grabbed her bouncing tits harshly, fingers twisting her hard nub without any care for her comfort or pleasure as his throbbing manhood continued to penetrate her as deep as it could.

Right beside her, Natasha only stared at the way Harry used their shared lover as if he owned her. The lovely redhead's eyes were fixated on the sight of his rigid cock as it drilled into Maria.

"Fuck yes!" Maria cried out, jubilant, as her lover took her. She could feel her orgasm approaching at a breakneck pace and cried out in enraged shock when Harry suddenly pulled out of her. Breathless and infuriated, she watched as he smirked at her before he went over to Nat who moaned as their lover filled her up.

"You are a fucking asshole!" Maria cried out amidst Nat's moans of pleasure. However, her lover paid her no mind as he kept fucking Nat, acting as if she was not even there. Maria could only sigh in defeat as she lay there, her orgasm denied.

Meanwhile, Harry continued to slam into Nat vigorously as he held her breasts in his palms, squeezing harshly. Her hard nipples beckoned him forward, and he bent over to take one of them in his mouth, squeezing her breasts harshly enough to leave a red imprint of his palm. His teeth nibbled on the tender nub before he repeated it with her other nipple, relishing the faint cries and gasps that his lovely redhead let out.

"It's only fair that I use you the way you two used me, right?" Harry said, earning a stink eye from Maria. Nat was too lost in the pleasure she was deriving from his ministrations to form a coherent response, and Harry smirked. She would become pretty coherent in no time now.

The moment he felt her inner walls contract which signaled her imminent climax, he pulled out of her as well. Nat immediately opened her eyes wide, and her limbs shook as she tried with all her might to free herself up. Harry quickly applied the requisite charms to ensure they didn't hurt themselves while pulling their limbs and began stroking himself. He was over the edge in no time, and he made sure to paint their faces properly in white.

"It's no use, my love," Harry smirked as he looked at them when he was done. "You can't free yourselves from those. I've ensured only I can free you."

"You utter bastard!" Nat seethed, and the look in her eyes promised a lot of pain in their next training session. Harry was not afraid, knowing how those sessions ended every time.

"That I am," Harry smirked. "You might be upset right now, but I'm sure you'll agree that none of this would've happened had you two not taken this punishment thing too far. Alas, now that you have, it's only fair that I balance the books, so to speak. However, never let it be said that I am entirely heartless."

He waved his hand and their bindings came off the wall and the bedpost. Their wrists were still tied, although their legs were free. Smirking, Harry came over and lay down between them as usual.

Maria and Nat turned to their sides and stared at him while Harry stared up at the ceiling with a smirk.

"You should be grateful that I'm not cruel like you two. Go ahead, I know you want to."

However, instead of doing what he expected them to, Harry was surprised when Nat quickly climbed over him and straddled his waist, rubbing her lower lips over his member which was quickly regaining its rigidity. Before he could speak anything, Maria climbed over and planted her womanhood over his mouth.

"Don't think you're escaping your duties, mister," Maria whispered. "Now get to work already!"

Harry felt his manhood slide inside Nat's warm quim and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His mouth went to work soon. In no time, the sounds of their moans and skin slapping against skin filled the room as the three lovers drove themselves to their climaxes.

Right outside the open door to their bedroom, a certain brunette sat with her legs spread wide and her back against the wall beside the door, her top discarded on the floor beside her, her jeans unbuttoned and dragged down to her knees and her panties pulled to the side, pleasuring herself.

To be continued...

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