
Talia’s Techniques (SPOILERS As of Chapter 100)

[Sword Art - Thunder Strike: A overhead slash that is imbued with the element of Lightning. An immensely powerful strike that is specialized in shattering the blocks/defences of others]

[Sword Art - Sword Saint's Blade: Imbues the Saints blade with Sword Saint Aura, massively increasing the attributes of the blade. One of the first techniques a Sword Saint must learn in order to properly use their abilities. This technique is far stronger than any normal aura imbuing technique, as it imbues the very concept of the blade with the users aura, massively strengthening it far beyond any normal imbuing technique]

[Sword Art - Heavens Slash: One of the most powerful techniques of the Sword Saint. This is due to it's nature. Allows the user to cut EVERYTHING hit by it, down to the very concepts "slashed". This technique is immensely draining, but also immensely powerful. EX: The user slashes the concept of fire within a fireball, extinguishing the fire within the fireball. The user cuts the concept of life within a being, killing them. Downsides: Has to be in range to properly slash, is incredibly draining, can be dodged, and does not work on divine beings]

[Sword Art - Heavenly Sword Constructs: A Sword Saint technique. Through the usage of aura, the user creates dozens, if not hundreds, of swords that surrounds them. Teach blade is just as strong as the users own sword. Meaning if the user has a sufficiently strong sword, this technique can be incredibly powerful. Each blade can also be infused with an element, giving them each different types of elemental attacks. Downsides: Drains the aura at a constant rate, drains more aura the more swords are summoned, the stronger the sword, etc. Must have immense control over aura, as otherwise, the swords will flutter out of existence]

[Sword Art - Heavenly Tendril Strike: A powerful sword saint technique. A seemingly normal attack imbued with aura, this technique is anything but normal. After striking, the strike/aura within the blade splits off into dozens of smaller tendrils/beams of light that then attack the foe from a range. A powerful technique. The better the users control over aura, the more tendrils/beams the user can create. Downsides: More draining per tendril/beam, needs excellent aura control to use to full extent, can be dodged, and is not as damaging as a normal aura strike (unless several beams hit)]

[Sword Art - Multiplied Strike: A sword Saint technique. A rather simple yet effective technique. When using this ability, the users strike is multiplied by 3x. This multiplier is increased the more control the user has over aura, and the better the swordsmen the user is. Downsides: Can be dodged, can be draining, doesn't do a lot of damage on it's own]

[Sword Art - Heavens Wrath: Perhaps the most powerful sword saint technique. A technique made for complete and utter destruction. When used, the user unleashes the full might of the Sword Saint, allowing them to obliterate all within their sight. A 9 Star Sword Saint using this, has shown the ability to obliterate entire countries from existence. Downsides: Extremely draining, can potentially be dodged, doesn't have any other incredible attributes besides being incredibly destructive]

[Sword Art - Defense of the Sword Saint: One of the most powerful defensive techniques that the sword saint has. Allows the user to block just about any normal attack, even the strongest of attacks can be blocked with enough aura. Downsides: More draining the stronger the defense, cannot block every attack, is not effective against poisons]
