Chapter 1008: Remember: No matter where you are, I will always be with you, my daughter. 2
As he was about to speak, he heard Amara's voice.
[You two! You're skipping lessons again?! Get back here now!]
[Go, Mother is here, Rosalyn, run!]
[I'm already running, Amaya!]
[Wait, don't you run away, you little rascals!]
[Haah, really, why are these kids so naughty?] Roxanne sighed.
[I wonder why. It's not as if their mothers thought it was a good idea to play with powers they didn't understand, right?] Victor remarked.
Roxanne visibly blushed at Victor's comment. [Darling, just let it go! That was millennia ago! And I've learned my lesson!]
[Never.] Victor laughed. で好きな作者や翻訳者を応援してください