


After that bloody fight 40 years ago, Orion, Agni and Noshiko laid low for a while so as not to draw attention to them.

They have been travelling round the world during these 40 years, not staying in one place for long.

And now they are currently in Beacon Hills, Oak Creek where they are treated like refugees.

"Are we going to continue living like this? We can walk out if here and nobody would say anything" said Noshiko as she played around with a stolen apple.

Orion just laid on one of the refugees bed "leave and do what? Join the war? At least it is peaceful here, I don't want to brutally kill anyone because they mistakenly shot at me" he said.

Noshiko frowned and wanted to protest but stopped when she saw a young man walk inside "hello, I'm Corporal Officer Rhys, you will be under my care from today" the young blonde man said before his eyes also caught Noshiko looking at him.

"And that's love at first sight for you Agni" said Orion as he saw the way they looked at each other.

Orion shook his head when he thought of how their relationship turned out but he would not do anything about it and let everything play out as the show.

After a while Rhys left the room which made Noshiko cake back to her senses "well, he is a fine man, what do you think, Agni?" She asked Agni as she already know what Orion would say.

Agni was silent for a while "I say go for it if you feel anything for him, it is your life" said Agni as he went back to what he was doing.

With that a year passed, Orion decided to leave Oak Creek as he knew if he were to stay here till the event that led to the Nogistune being summoned by Noshiko would not happen as he might prevent it even if he did nothing.

"But you said you wouldn't leave the camp, but why the sudden change of heart?" said Noshiko who did not want to leave anymore.

Orion smiled and ruffled her hairs "there has been a change of plans, but don't worry, you can stay here and wait for Agni and I, we will be back before you even know it" he said.

Noshiko didn't like it but things were going well for her and Rhys right now and she did not want to sabotage it "okay, but promise you come back soon or else, in the next hundred years when we cross path I will run my blade through your heart" she said with a pout.

Orion laughed out loud before reassuring her once more before they left Oak Creek "I'm sorry but I can't interfere with this and it will help you grow" said Orion after he was a long distance away from the camp.

Noshiko stood there and watched as her two friends left, she felt as if a part of her has left and might never come back again.

Before she could even try to chased after them, they were completely gone, she could not even see their backs anymore.

Tears streamed down her cheeks "you better come back" she said before turning back into the Oak Creek camp.

And just like that another two years passed, everything went on like the show, Noshiko and Rhys fell in love with each, Noshiko went back to her stealing habit but this time, she did it for the refugees as they were not given enough ratio.

Rhys finally got a transfer to France and Noshiko was teaching him French when they caught two officers giving a doctor some cash he did not know where they got it from.

The refugees began getting sick and started dying one by one and they couldn't take it anymore until Noshiko told them about how the doctor and two officers were selling drugs to the black market and the drugs that should have been used to treat the sickness the refugees were suffering from where also sold infuriating the refugees even more causing them to protest.

Noshiko regretted telling them quickly as things got out of hand, she should have listened to Satomi, and do things quietly but it seems that she was too hasten in making decisions.

The day of the protest arrived and everything went as the plot, but things would have been different here since Noshiko was stronger now than the plot but due to watching the love of her life get burnt alive by a very angry Satomi who turned out to be a bitten Omega Werewolf, she just stood there and did nothing as the officers opened fire and shot at the refugees including her to near death.

After the officers were done, they gathered the bodies of the dead refugees and Rhys would died due to lack of medicine which the doctor had sold off, to burn their corpse.

Noshiko who was still conscious but very weak to save herself was kept closed to her love, when she looked at him, she remembered all the good times she had with him and did not want the ones who robbed her of that to go unpunished, so she called out the ancestor of the Fox species, Kitsune-tuski, for a powerful Nogistune, one that feeds off of Chaos, Strife and Pain to take control of her weakened body, imbue it with power and use it as a weapon.

But what she didn't expect was for the Nogistune to not possess her but her dead lover, Rhys.

When they got to the site to burn them alive, the Nogistune attacked the officers and killed them before he drove back to Oak Creek where he caused a lot of carnage.

Noshiko finally healed and regained a but of her strength as she went back to undo what she caused, getting rid if the Nogistune.

When she got back to the Camp, what she saw brought tears into her eyes as she saw everyone she knew dead, disfigured bodies everywhere, she heard the screams of the ones who managed to escape as they run for their lives.

She immediately ran to where the screams where coming from and saw Rhys or what's left for him being used by the Nogistune she summoned.

She unleashed her fox spirit and faced of against the Nogistune who was not that strong physically, Satomi also came to help her though she did not need it but she was still thankful.

Together with Satomi, they defeated the Nogistune and she trapped him the Nematon of Beacon Hills never to see the light of day again.

As there was nothing here for her in Beacon Hills anymore, she went in search of her friends.
