
Chapter 61: Let’s Go

Chapter 61: Let's Go.

"Master Eli, instead of gold. How about your agricultural needs? Surely you could always use more… Exotic ingredients?"

I showed off a list of various herbs and spices he's never heard of as well as exotic fruits and vegetables worth a fortune from where I was from. None of which impressed him.

"Most of what you're selling sounds rather… Dubious. I'm sure a proper gourmand would appreciate your extensive options but I'm afraid I'm not nearly as adventurous. Perhaps you could ask one of the local pubs?"

I sat there in silence for a few seconds trying to realize where I went wrong. How could I be so stupid?! Glass root? That thing sounds like it could ruin your throat! Who would eat that?!

"Right of course. My apologies… I have other options for sale however. How about-"

Master Eli raised his hand and interrupted me, "Let me stop you right there Mr. Jessup, I don't possess any strange hobbies and whatever it is you're selling I can buy anywhere else. As for selling it myself? Unless it's stone related, I'm not interested."

Master Eli was clear on what he wanted so I had no other choice but to concede.

"Very well. I'll take you up on your offer. I'll have the money by friday."

"Most excellent. My servant boy will grab the contract right away. And remember, we do things very differently around here. If you don't have the money then you'll have to turn to something of equal value."

I expected him to look at Alora who was standing behind me but instead he was looking up and down at Makoto. I could feel the chills running down his back.

"Of course he's worth far more than 300,000 kilograms of limestone but I'll take him if you're feeling generous."

I looked at Makoto for a second before looking back to Master Eli, "I'll make sure he looks presentable by then."

I could feel two glares on the back my head this time. Obviously I was joking. Makoto won't even be here by tomorrow, much less friday.

"Very good then, it's been a pleasure."

We both shook hands and I signed his contract after giving it a good read. It had a lot of jargon but it basically said that if things don't go according to plan then I become part of the trade deal.

In other words, I'll become a slave.

I signed it anyway however. Today was monday and I was confident I could offload various magic items, potions and ingredients for a small fortune. After we were done the four of us left this guy's property and headed to the docks.

I spoke to Dimitri and thanked him for the help while we talked about our latest encounter.

"Most elves are like that. Too much money and not enough places to spend it at. When the elves first settled here there were rumors that some members within the high elvin council were advocating for the enslavement of the native people."

I looked at Dimitri when he said that. This was the first time I've heard this rumor.

When I asked him to continue he just shook his head and sighed.

"When one of the local kings asked about these rumors to one of the council members the man only spoke about how that would never happen because it would be Rosary's breaking point, and how karma would be off balance. He stated that if there is any more evil karma in the air it would only invite tragedy upon his people and that not even Lord Diamond can save them."

I looked the way I felt. Confused. 

"I don't know what that means."

Dimitri just shrugged before walking up to the plank that was attached to the ship.

"I can't say I understand either, but whatever it means, I assume it could very well ruin your day."

That sounds like an understatement.

I looked at Makoto for a second hoping he knew the answer but all I saw was the back of his head before he started walking on the ship.

Once he was on board I remained on the pier and stared up at him before asking, "Well? Care to enlighten me?"

Makoto just looked at me and looked out at the city before slowly answering.

"It's how we won the first war against the goblin empire, and caused the apocalypse and why they still exist to this day."


"Ask your grandfather."

I looked bummed out when I heard that. I really wanted to know more but I can always wait I suppose.

After that Alora and I waved Makto goodbye before they headed off into the sunset. For now the two of us had to look for an inn for the night and see if we could locate some of the contacts Dimitri told us about tomorrow.

After locating a good location we headed inside and we were charged way too much that night. Fortunately that was also the best time to ask for a single wide bed. I asked for the smallest because I didn't want to be rude to the other customers, despite the fact that it looked like we were the only customers the innkeeper has had in years. 

Either way, the smaller the bed the better.

The very next day Alora and I decided to do a little scouting of our own. I just went by several stores to make several trade deals including trading various foodstuffs. Master… Whatever his name was, I don't know, was right about one thing though. Not many people were that interested in eating foreign foods.

It got to the point where I had to start selling certain items at discount prices. I've collected many rare and exotic items over the years so I can say with certainty that I have many potential buyers.

The only certainty I've had was in selling alcohol. Turns out that no matter how exotic it is, as long as it gets you drunk people will try anything.

Fortunately it's also the one thing I have in spades. Not only was I expecting this but I've also had enough money on my hands to buy enough alcohol over the years to kill everyone in the entire port city with alcohol poisoning.

I almost felt proud of my foresight.

After traveling for half the day I had enough money to buy the 300,000 kilograms of limestone I was promised.

"After we leave the rock store, or whatever it's called we should look into buying a store of our own. Personally I'm looking forward to what we find. Despite the gloomy atmosphere I have a feeling this place will really boom in the next decade."

Alora looked at me with her brows raised, "Why do you say that?"

"I've looked into the history of this particular city. It seems it's pretty famous for thwarting past invasions and beast attacks." Even now I could see one of the statues behind me in the distance and the castle fortress ahead of me.

I would love to own that place one day. A man can dream.

"Is that it? There are plenty of fortress cities out in the wild. Nothing special about this one." Alora didn't seem very impressed with the view. 

"That's right, I forgot you did a lot of traveling with your father. Did you see things like this often?" I looked at her curiously.

Honestly this is probably the first time we've really just stopped to chat like this in a while without flirting or having others around us.

"More than I could count. Most major port cities possess heavy defenses. Some have golems like those," She said that while pointing at the three statues, "Others have airships with large cannons attached. Which seems much smarter in my opinion."

She told me stories about her adventures and honestly I felt like there wasn't much I could show her myself. There's something kinda depressing about that. After all there's nothing more beautiful than watching the woman you love be mesmerized over something only you get to show them. Like your cock.

"So what's your opinion about this city? Do you think it'll last?"

She looked around unimpressed for a second, "Sure, I don't see why not. Plenty of guards posted, high walls, the fortress up there on the mountain looks like it's hard to climb."

I hadn't really thought about that. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable in military affairs like my grandfather, but I do know a thing about the economy and I can make a few guesses about the future too.

"Personally I think things will become far more hostile the further inland you go. Most villagers will see the danger in staying alone and choose to settle somewhere well fortified. At least that's my opinion."

Alora seemed to agree with me as well.

We talked for a while longer until we reached the upper district. This was the wealthier side of town. High rise apartments, cleaner roads, and a little more greenery on the side walks.

Yet there was still a hint of negativity in the air. The only difference was that the lower district was filled with people too tired to complain. The upper district had plenty of energy to spare however.

"Watch where you're going!"

"This is my side of the sidewalk! If you weren't so fat there wouldn't be a problem!"

"I'm only 130 pounds! Screw you!"

Arguments like this were not common per say but people didn't mind cussing you out for the fun of it or just because they didn't like your face. Others mostly just catcalled Alora.

"Damn, a demon girl! I'll go to hell for that boom boom anyday haha!"

"Hey beautiful! I love you! Do you love me? Hahaha!"

"Shit, that's a fine ass you got. Little dude ever wanna share? I'm down."

Comments like this were just about everywhere we went, I thought it was kinda surprising honestly. It's been a while since I've heard comments like this.

"Why are you smiling?" Alora asked while looking a little creeped out by the surrounding people eying her all the time.

"Why wouldn't I? I feel right at home."

Alora just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with a truly flabbergasted look on her face. It took me a minute to realize that she was already a few feet away from me.

Great, I can feel an argument boiling.

I slowly walked back to her with a face that said I was clearly annoyed.

"You're not bothered that people are making passes at me?"

Is this what this is about?

"Lora look-"

"Don't call me that Jessup." 

I looked at her for a solid few seconds while slowly nodding my head up and down.

"Okay, Alora. This is part of life. They're stressed, so they say things to vent. I would worry once they acted on those words. Yet they have not. Look around you. Their world is burning around them. Why should they care about bullying or harassing others? I don't care about them and I don't expect them to care about you or me either. If this helps them vent in a safe and healthy environment then just take it for the team. That's life. Now let's go."

Consider dropping some power stones. thank you.

DragonMastacreators' thoughts