
Chapter 106: Bridge

Killian came out of the fitting room wearing a set of clothing that resembled what high nobles wear. He was wearing a white tunic top paired with a black blazer. The long sleeve was covering his arm but still complimenting their shapes. He was wearing black slacks and black shoes with pointy ends.

"This is fine. But it could be a little bit larger," Killian said. He looked at the people who were currently observing his clothes.

"Ah! You turn out more handsome than I imagined! And I have a very wild imagination!" One of the female students shrieked.

"Mister Killian, please comb your hair up using your hand," said one of the female students.

"Like this?" Killian brushed his hair up, pronouncing his features more.

"I am going to die!"

"Is this what angels look like?"

"No! He looks more like the devil! Because he's devilish handsome! Is this what greets me when I get into hell? Because if it is, kill me now! I want to go there!"
