
Volume 1] Chapter 90- Sprain .

The old mer nodded understandingly at Jiho's words, acknowledging her calm yet firm expression.

"Alright then," he said with a hint of warmth in his voice, "but remember to eat next time." His words carried a sense of care and concern.

Jiho and Jihoon exchanged a look of gratitude, their expressions conveying appreciation for the old mer's care and wisdom.

With a nod and a smile, they bid farewell, bit as soon as they turn around to leave after walking a step jihoon feet twist.

As Jihoon's feet twisted and he slipped, "Ahh",a sharp intake of breath escaped him, his eyes closing instinctively as he braced for the impact of the fall.

The sudden rush of adrenaline mixed with a sense of vulnerability flashed through him.

But just as he anticipated hitting the ground, a strong hand wrapped around his waist, halting his descent.
