
[Volume 1] Chapter 62- Fault?

As their laughter gradually subsided, Jihoon and Min-seo shared a quiet moment of calm amidst the serene surroundings.

The playful glimmer in their eyes transformed into a more composed expression, reflecting a shift from amusement to a sense of collected focus.

"Let's get back to our work," Jihoon suggested with a small smile, his voice carrying a touch of hurriedness that echoed in the peaceful ambiance around them.

Min-seo, his laughter tapering off into a contented smile, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," he replied, his tone resonating with a readiness to refocus on their responsibilities.






Kyung Ho, observing Jiho's furrowed brow as he gently rubbed her palm, couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion.

Her usually serene expression was marred by a slight frown, a subtle indication of inner turmoil that caught his attention.
