
Eiji’s Personal Opinion

"Ijichi-san, are you sure we're not in the wrong place?"

Looking at the building in front of her, Maki turned to Ijichi, with a subtle expression in her eyes.

There was a valid reason for her doubt because the building was a love hotel.

"This is indeed the place. Previously, a Grade 2 Jujutsu Sorcerer was sent to eliminate Cursed Spirits, but we lost contact with them."

Feeling her sharp gaze, Ijichi wiped sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

It was somewhat awkward to accompany two high school students to a love hotel.

"So, even a Grade 2 Jujutsu Sorcerer failed? That means the Cursed Spirit inside is at least Grade 2 or above."

Rather than being afraid, Maki seemed pleased to encounter a strong Cursed Spirit.

"There is indeed a Cursed Spirit inside."

Eiji who had been silent, finally confirmed after Six Eyes sensed Cursed Energy from the love hotel in front of them.

"Alright, let's go in immediately. I can't wait to take down the Cursed Spirit. Kamiki, return my weapon."


Taking the spear from the Storage Ring, Eiji threw it to Maki. Then, they prepared to enter.

"There are still people trapped in the hotel, save them if you encounter any survivors."

Seeing the two about to pass through the Curtain, Ijichi hurriedly provided more information.

He was worried that Eiji might flatten the love hotel, considering the destructive power of the Limitless Technique.

"Understood. We'll do our best." Maki replied without turning back.

"Kamiki-kun, I urge you to be more restrained."

Once the figures of the two teenagers were no longer visible, Ijichi prayed that the damage caused wouldn't be too significant.

As for their safety?

He wasn't worried at all, considering Eiji's status as a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.


Inside the Curtain.

Eiji and Maki entered the now deserted love hotel without a single person in sight.

"Tsk, the elevator can't be used. Let's use the emergency stairs."

After checking that the elevator was not functioning, Maki clicked her tongue in frustration and walked up the stairs.

This love hotel had a total of ten floors. So, the two of them checked each floor one by one, knocking on every room.

"Is there anyone inside?"

Receiving no response from inside the rooms, Maki walked to the other door and repeated her action.

Eiji also knocked on doors, asking if there was anyone inside the room.

"Hey, Kamiki. Can't you find survivors with your eyes?"

On the fourth floor, Maki started getting impatient as she hadn't found anyone yet.

"No, Six Eyes can only detect Cursed Energy on a person's body. Since non-Jujutsu Sorcerers don't have Cursed Energy, my eyes can't sense their presence."

Eiji calmly answered, explaining the limitation of his ability.

This is also why Satoru was at a disadvantage when facing Toji, who didn't have Cursed Energy. He couldn't sense his presence and relied too much on Six Eyes.

"So that's how it is. Turns out there's something you can't do."

"I never considered myself omnipotent."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I believe that."

No longer paying attention, Maki continued to knock on doors loudly.

They quickly reached the ninth floor. However, besides the eerie and tense atmosphere, there was nothing unusual.

"This is not what I imagined. The Cursed Spirit doesn't seem to be attacking." Maki complained.


Eiji made no comment on this.

He couldn't say the reason the Cursed Spirit didn't show up was because it was afraid of him.

Some Cursed Spirits had intelligence and chose to hide when facing a formidable enemy.

Earlier, when Eiji observed the love hotel from the outside, Cursed Spirits could sense an extraordinary danger due to the momentum brought by Six Eyes.

Slightly surprising him, he didn't know what method the Cursed Spirit used to conceal its presence from Six Eyes' perception.

This Cursed Spirit was clever; instead of blindly attacking, it chose to hide with an unknown method.

Of course, Eiji wouldn't tell Maki, who had high expectations in this practical class.


"What's wrong?"

Eiji's sudden stop almost caused Maki to bump into him from behind.

"We are on the same floor."

Hearing that, Maki looked at the number on the door and the wall near the stairs.

"That's right. This is the ninth floor. This is not normal."

Sensing an anomaly, she tightened her grip on the spear, ready to take action if an enemy appeared.

"Let's try going up to the next floor."

In this situation, Eiji remained calm as usual, easing Maki's tension.


Maki left a mark by scratching the floor number on the wall.

Afterward, the two of them climbed the stairs to the tenth floor.

However, they didn't arrive at the tenth floor; instead, they remained on the ninth floor.

"This is not an illusion. It's likely the work of the Cursed Spirit in this hotel."

Seeing the mark she left behind, Maki felt frustrated.

She didn't like enemies of this kind and preferred direct confrontation.


Eiji didn't comment immediately, organizing his thoughts and then gave his answer, "Should I explode this hotel? That way, the Cursed Spirit will die too."

Maki's eyes widened, as if seeing a psychopath. She couldn't help but hit the back of his head, rejecting the idea.

"What are you thinking? Did you forget what Ijichi-san said? There might still be survivors. If you do that, you'll kill them."

"Sacrifices are inevitable. Moreover, most people who come to love hotels are adulterers."

"No, I reject that idea. You're too radical. Don't forget, there are also staff and hotel employees."

"It's up to you."

Seeing her stubborn, Eiji gave up using an efficient method.

The atmosphere became silent due to their disagreement.

Both tried to climb the stairs to the tenth floor. However, they would always end up on the ninth floor.

"By the way, about my slap earlier, what happened?"

Maki suddenly remembered that she reflexively hit Eiji's head when she saw his cold attitude, which easily sacrificed others.

"Infinity is not always active 24/7 like Gojo-sensei. Even though I can use RCT (Reverse Cursed Technique), it will still tire me out because my Six Eyes haven't fully awakened. So, I'll only activate Infinity when needed."

Eiji didn't mind telling her. After all, it wasn't a secret.

And also, Maki was trustworthy.

"So, that's how it is." Maki nodded, then asked another question, "You mentioned earlier that people who come to love hotels are adulterers. Why do you think that way?"


Eiji didn't immediately answer, carefully choosing his words in his mind, then provided his response, "God gave reason and thought to humans. Normally, sexual relations should only be between married couples. If humans engage in sex without the commitment of marriage, what sets them apart from animals?"

"No married couple would choose a love hotel for their honeymoon after marriage. Instead, love hotels are places for affairs or hiring prostitutes. In other words, it's a place where people indulge in worldly desires without caring about responsibility."


Maki was slightly surprised after hearing Eiji's personal opinion. She didn't expect someone apathetic and lacking empathy like him to have a different view on sexual relationships.

However, people in Japan have been influenced by the free lifestyle culture of the West. They don't make a big deal about sexual relationships before marriage.

If it were in feudal times, a woman found not to be a virgin before marriage would be considered a disgrace by society. That's why many people looked down upon the profession of prostitutes.

In reality, women would be ashamed if they remained virgins in high school.

"It turns out you're quite conservative, Kamiki. My opinion of you has changed a bit."

"Oh." Eiji seemed indifferent.

"Alright, I take back my words. You're still annoying as usual."

Seeing him dismissive, Maki was somewhat displeased.

"It's pointless. This is a Innate Domain."

After arriving on the ninth floor for the fifth time, Eiji stopped walking.

"Innate Domain? So that's why... No wonder we're stuck in the same place."

Different from a month ago, Maki's knowledge of the jujutsu world had increased.

She knew that after a powerful Cursed Spirit was born, they created a Innate Domain, a precursor to the Domain Expansion, which altered the dimension of their birthplace.

This was also the reason why the two of them couldn't leave the ninth floor.

"Should I use Domain Expansion? Forget it, the effect is too dangerous."

Eiji canceled his idea after receiving Maki's warning gaze.

(This is why I prefer working alone... Partners only hinder me.)

He sighed in his mind. Yet, he didn't blame Maki, who was concerned about the safety of civilians.

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