
New House

Ye Heng came to pick up Tang Shi Yi from the company in the evening. His brow rose, noticing that Tang Shi Yi's mood seemed a little off.

"What's the matter?" 

The light turned red. Ye Heng took the chance to hold Tang Shi Yi's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Something happened at work?" Ye Heng asked again.

If it was something that he could help her with, Ye Heng would not hesitate to help. His business might be different than Tang Shi Yi's. However, he could still use his connection and introduce Tang Shi Yi to a few people.

"No." Tang Shi Yi turned to Ye Heng and flashed him a weak smile. "It's not about work."

Ye Heng pondered over Tang Shi Yi's matter.

He then recalled that Tang Shi Yi was planning to send their wedding invitation card to Quan Lian personally. Could it be that there was a problem?

"Ding Liu called today," Tang Shi Yi spoke. "She received the invitation and thought that the wedding was too sudden."
