
Your Father Was A Two St-

"Oi Master!" Mordred called out to the pale haired teenager curiously taking in the burning city all around them and said something she never thought she would, "Ain't we supposed to have like... a plan or something? You know, a proper one?"

Weren't magi supposed to be smart as hell and more meticulous than anybody else? The kind of assholes who'd use anything and everything, scheme and plot, and do what they wanted without morality? Like her mother?

Well, there was Merlin but... he was Merlin.

Anyway! Her current Master was the complete opposite of a magus! He was walking ahead of her, a servant, and actually had the balls to attack her when she lost her temper... Not to say she minded him being that kind of person but still, it was weird as hell.

Actually, was he even a magus?

Nicholas glanced back at her, still walking, "I do have a plan though. We bash everyone's heads in."

"And that's a damn fine plan but..." Mordred scratched the back of her head with a difficult expression, pointing to a ravine in the distance with her thumb, "You really think it's gonna work against whatever the hell did that? I'd have to use my noble phantasm."

The Knight of Betrayal never imagined she'd be the voice of reason.

...Well, she did wanna try duking it out with whoever did it.

Her Master pursing his lips and shrugging wasn't much of an answer, "Something tells me it will."

Mordred grunted and clenched the hand she had around Clarent, the sword she'd stolen from her father's vault, "Fine then! Let's go bust some heads!"


"This is it, Mordred... This is how we win a war."

"I kinda get it. You're saying we can sabotage the enemy's supplies! Nice going, Master!"

Nicholas took a step forward and kicked the shelf in front of him, toppling it and sending different bottles and packages containing different condiments, foods, day-to-day products and what not, crashing onto the dull cement floor.

At the same time, Mordred raised Clarent and slashed at a water container, spilling what may have been the only clean water in the city, all over the already dirty floor.

The duo had come across a warehouse of sorts in their walk to the port that seemed to still be standing in all the chaos going on in the city. It was filled with rows upon rows of shelves containing foods and other necessities, along with water containers.

It was strange right?

Yeah, it was.

So obviously Nicholas arrived to the conclusion that these were enemy supplies cause obviously when there were servants, there were Masters too. It was the OBVIOUS thing to do then to wreck absolutely everything after stealing all the snacks.

Mordred cut through a shelf, "Hey Master, you think the others will be alright?"

"There's Cu and Martha's pretty strong, then there's Mash and Olga with her magic and the gambling addict who's probably our ultimate salvation." Nicholas answered without missing a beat, the others were hanging back to complete their preparations for Berserker eventually rearing his ugly mug, "Aren't you supposed to be all chivalrous and stuff? You agreed to sabotage a little too easily."

Mordred only shrugged, "Whatever wins the war goes, ain't no way I'm complaining. Besides, this one kinda makes it a must. Since, we're supposed to be savin' humanity and all." The knight picked up a packet of instant noodles and sniffed it, "If there's something I don't like, it's how you got all excited AFTER your boss promised you money... A million bushks was it?"

"Bucks, a million bucks." Nicholas chortled, visibly amused.

"Ah whatever! I do get it though, a man needs money as much as he needs glory."

"You're..." Nicholas narrowed his eyes at the blonde, "Oddly sensible for a brat."

"Who the fuck you calling a brat? I'm a grown ass wo-... man!" The Knight of Betrayal grit her teeth and stomped her foot on the now dirty ground, "You fucked up my tongue goddamnit!"

Nicholas could only deadpan at her anger, "It's the truth though. King Arthur was a chick, you're a chick too."

It was pretty obvious she hated the topic but... she was the one who brought it up this time. He was actually trying to be nice and just not mentioning it.


"Wait till we get to Camelot."

"I was notified of dangerous adversaries, I see naught but two fools who know nothing of the precarious situation they have walked into."

Their 'argument' was interrupted by a man who'd appeared at the doorway. He held a naginata in one hand, and wore... Nicholas could only say rags with a chestplate?... The motherfucker was even barefoot.

"Yeah okay Shakespeare."

Mordred seemed to throw her temper out the window and looked around cautiously, "There's another one... I can feel it. Come on out you bastard!" The Saber roared out, grabbing her sword with both hands as a grin formed on her face.

Releasing a sigh, Nicholas raised his hands in a traditional boxing stance, "You look pretty menacing for a two star... Also, she's about to use you to vent her frustration." He took a step forward just as the unknown servant swung his naginata, aiming to slice him in two and ducked under the blow, "Martha's way faster."

Using his lowered body to further boost his momentum, Nicholas delivered an uppercut right to the servant's jaw without holding back even a bit, "I'm not in the mood to mess around either."

"The fuck?"

There was no exaggerated explosion, or weather distortion or earthquake, or anything even visible.

The guy's head just straight up disappeared where it was struck. The air cracked and whipped around them, rushing towards his hands as if it were trying to fill up empty space... Why did that particular spot look kinda distorted?

"Damn Master, you can real-..." Mordred's gaze morphed into a much wilder one and she quickly raised her sword to deflect something in the shadows.

Sparks flew as an invisible blade rattled off the Saber's.

At the same time, she punched out with one free hand, smashing a left hook into the darkness before letting go of her sword and grabbing whatever had attacked her.

She then proceeded to headbutt her opponent without regard for his state and threw it into the air, along with her own sword, jamming it through the cloaked figure's guts and ripped it out of his head, tearing the body apart.

It was a display of brutality that made even Nicholas flinch before he realised he'd just evaporated a man's head, "You really are Mordred, huh?"

"Course I am." The Knight of Betrayal tilted her head in confusion as the servant she'd just straight up massacred faded into wisps of light, "Who else would I be? Don't tell me you feel bad about this shitty coward?" She pointed at the fading corpse with an odd expression.

"Wait, forget about that. That was cool as shit!" She excitedly hurried over to him, eyes shining, "You gotta show me how you do it."

"Show what? I just punched the cu-... dude."

The Saber stared at him for a moment before crossing her arms and huffing, "Fine! Be like that!"

"Alright alright, it's a guy thing."

"...I don't get it."

"Wonder what that means."

Nicholas smirked as realisation dawned on Mordred's face.

That aside, there was no way in hell two servants got massacred just like that.


"Guess they're two stars for a reason." Nicholas shrugged shamelessly, picking up a can of cola he'd saved from the enemy supplies, "Heh."

"What's that?"

Staring at the can in his hands, Nicholas sighed and hesitantly held it out to his servant, "You can have it." She'd probably never tried anything like it ever... It messed with his principles to deny her the experience when she looked so innocent...

It was strange considering she brutalised a guy moments ago but hey, they were the ones who got attacked unprovoked.

Mordred took it from his hands before holding it up in the air, staring at it curiously. Just as she was about to tilt it to have a look from the side in her quest to ascertain just what the thing was, Mordred found herself smacked in the back of the head by her Master.

"You drink it."

"...I-I knew that!"

"Sure you did."


Now hear me out, the power difference between Shadow Assassin and Mordred is just too much for her to not completely massacre him.

Just to clarify, Cu told them Lancer got caught up in the collateral damage not that he got oneshotted and died.


You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

Oh yeah, I changed the name to Kreep but the link stays the same.
