
Chapter 156: The Truth of Black (I)

As it turned out, Alaric's guess was quite accurate.

Indeed, Fudge did bring a newspaper to Black when inspecting Azkaban, but now that newspaper had disappeared along with Black's escape. 

However, Dumbledore found another copy for reference.

It was an issue of the Daily Prophet. After Alaric turned it over, one piece of news immediately caught his attention:

"Ministry of Magic Employee Wins Big Prize: Arthur Weasley, Director of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office at the Ministry of Magic, Wins the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw

Mr. Weasley, in high spirits, told the Daily Prophet's reporter, 'We will spend this money on a summer trip to Egypt. 

Our eldest son, Bill, is working at Gringotts Wizarding Bank in Egypt, breaking curses.'

The Weasley family will stay in Egypt for a month, returning before the start of Hogwarts School term. Currently, there are five Weasley children attending the school."

Alaric also saw a photo, where nine members of the Weasley family stood in front of the pyramid, all waving enthusiastically, smiles on their faces. 

Mrs. Weasley was small and chubby, while Mr. Weasley was tall with a bald head. 

Their six sons and one daughter all had fiery red hair (though it couldn't be seen in the black-and-white photo). 

Ron stood in the middle of the photo, tall and thin, with his pet rat Scabbers on his shoulder, his arm around his sister Ginny.

However, although news about Ron was found in the newspaper, mentioning his enrollment at Hogwarts, Dumbledore still couldn't understand why Black would choose to escape because of this.

And why he would chase all the way to Hogwarts.

Facing this question, Alaric pretended to ponder for a moment, then suddenly, as if discovering something, he exclaimed.

"Professor, I noticed something. Have you seen it? The rat on Ron's shoulder, look at its front paws."

One of the rat's front paws was missing a toe.

Dumbledore drew in a sharp breath. Alaric dared to swear he had never seen Dumbledore look so shocked.

"I noticed something professor," Alaric said solemnly to Dumbledore.

"I remember what you mentioned. James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin, the four of them were best friends at Hogwarts and called themselves the 'Marauders.'

 I guess they might all have the ability of Animagi. Or rather, they secretly studied Animagi together—of course, Professor Lupin might be an exception, as he is a werewolf himself."

"Ah, you've noticed that," Dumbledore interjected, "I apologize for having a werewolf as a professor, but he is indeed a good choice, isn't he?"

"Oh, yes, isn't it obvious? Professor Snape once invited me to help him brew a Wolfsbane Potion, and he has been hinting at this among the students. 

Oh, and even Miss Granger has discovered the truth, but we won't speak of it. "Alaric winked at Dumbledore, then continued.

"We can speculate that Peter Pettigrew's Animagus form is a rat. 

That's why he was able to evade everyone's search for twelve years by feigning his death. 

And Sirius Black also escaped from Azkaban using the ability of Animagi. 

And time and time again, he sneaked into Hogwarts. You see, Dementors are never interested in animals."

"Yes, yes, everything makes sense now," Phineas in the portrait frame also showed a happy expression. 

"Surely, Black discovered Peter Pettigrew's whereabouts through the newspaper, and that's why he took the risk to escape Azkaban. 

He did it to seek revenge for James Potter. I knew my great-grandson must be innocent."

"But all this is just our speculation, isn't it?" Dumbledore calmly reminded them.

"Yes, yes, but it's easily verifiable, isn't it?" Phineas said cheerfully.

"Of course," Alaric nodded easily. "We can go ask Professor Lupin. 

If my guess is correct, I believe Professor Lupin will be happy to tell us the truth, after all, he wouldn't want to see his long-time friends unjustly accused."

Following Alaric's lead, Dumbledore soon discovered something.

From Ron, Dumbledore learned that the rat in the Daily Prophet's photo was his pet Scabbers. 

But according to Ron, Scabbers had disappeared several days ago, leaving some bloodstains and cat hairs on his bed. 

Now he was tracing the culprit who killed Scabbers through the cat hairs.

Moreover, Dumbledore also discovered a fatal fact—Scabbers had been with the Weasley family for a full twelve years, and since last summer vacation, he seemed to have fallen ill. 

Ron had even bought some rat tonic in Diagon Alley for Scabbers. 

Ordinary rats couldn't live for twelve years, and when it started to feel unwell was around the time Black's escape news emerged.

On the other hand, there was good news from Professor Lupin—at least for Phineas. 

After listening to Alaric's speculation and seeing the newspaper, Lupin suddenly looked sad, almost shedding tears. 

Then, he confessed a secret that had been hidden for many years in front of Alaric and Dumbledore.

"I was bitten by a werewolf when I was very young. My parents tried various methods, but at that time, there was no cure. 

The potion Snape prepared for me was only discovered recently. You see, this potion made me safe. 

However, before the discovery of the Wolfsbane Potion, I turned into a full-fledged wolf once a month.

It was impossible for me to come to Hogwarts, and other parents would not allow their children to be in contact with me."

"But later, Dumbledore became the headmaster, and he provided defenses for me," Lupin sighed, giving Dumbledore a grateful look. 

"Hogwarts planted a Whomping Willow for me, and there's a secret passage leading to the Shrieking Shack underneath the tree. I transform there every month."

"Turning into a werewolf is very painful. When I had the urge to bite, I kept away from people, so I bit and scratched myself. 

But, at that time, I was happier than ever, except for the transformation. For the first time, I had friends, three good friends. Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and of course, James Potter."




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