
Encounter In Knockturn Alley, Riddle's Diary Appears!

When there was still a week until Hogwarts started, Lucas left the manor early in the morning and went to Diagon Alley.

The purpose of his coming here was to find the ginger cat from the original book for Hermione.

He has ordered people to prepare for this matter for a long time.

Coincidentally, the news came yesterday.

The reason why Lucas was looking for Crookshanks.

Aside from Hermione, he was also hoping that the cat would find trouble with the stinky rat in Ron's hand.

It was verified by his subordinates that Crookshanks was indeed part kneazle, and extremely sensitive to Animagus.

At the same time.

The Weasley family were preparing to leave their home, The Burrow, they were also going shopping in Diagon Alley.

Floo was a new experience for Harry and in his nervousness he mispronounced Diagon Alley and ended up saying diagonally.

Harry suddenly felt a bad premonition, but before he could regret it, the Floo Network sent him to an unknown place.

Looking at the eerie environment around, he quickly picked up the glasses that had fallen to the floor, then he suddenly heard a voice from afar.

"Oh Mr. Malfoy, welcome again."

A warm smile appeared on Mr. Borgin's face.

This is not the first time Lucius Malfoy has visited.

In fact, Mr. Malfoy had been here once in the last week.

"Mr. Borgin, please see how many Galleons these are worth."

Lucius Malfoy placed an exquisite box on the counter.

Because Lucas revealed the news in advance the Malfoys didn't deal with dangerous goods as hastily as in the original book.

At this moment, the poison in his hand is already the last batch in the family.

Items that are valuable and cannot be destroyed or sold have been deposited in the family vault.

As for the last piece.

Lucius Malfoy looked at the black leather diary inside his robes.

This was something that Voldemort had entrusted to him for safekeeping.

Lucius never understood why he was asked to guard a diary with his life.

But feeling the strong dark magic on it, he could guess that this diary must be very important to Voldemort.

This diary cannot be left behind.

But how to deal with it, Lucius Malfoy felt a big headache.

'Why don't I just give it to Dumbledore?'

Such thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly heard the scream of his son behind him.

"Draco, what are you doing?"

Draco's hand was being held by Harry at the moment.

Seeing the gesture in his friend's eyes, Draco shook his head immediately and said, "It's nothing father, I was just shocked."

Mr. Borgin looked at Draco, then he said in a greasy tone: "Oh, that is the hand of glory, as long as you put a candle on that hand, the candlelight will only illuminate the path for the person holding it."

"This is a good helper for thieves and robbers, does Master Malfoy like it? It only costs 20 Galleons."

Without waiting for Drac to reply, Lucius said in a haughty tone: "Mr. Borgin, do you want my son to be a thief or a robber in the future?"

"Sorry Mr. Malfoy, I didn't mean that."

Mr. Borgin hurriedly put away the box and the poison.

But Lucius Malfoy doesn't seem to be planning to let his son go.

He looked at his son coldly and continued: "But what Mr. Borgin said might have some merit. With his current achievements, he may need to use this hand of glory in the future."

Draco looked helpless. Throughout the summer, his father kept bringing up the subject of grades.

Receiving the payment for his objects, Lucius Malfoy walked out of the Borgin and Burke's store with his son.

Draco was still a little worried before going out.

This wasn't Diagon Alley, and he was wondering if Harry would be all right.

Around the corner across from the store stood Lucas stroking Crookshanks' head while the big, shaggy cat was purring comfortably.

Looking at the Malfoy father and son who were gradually going away, Lucas' eyes flickered on and off.

He was thinking about how to get Riddle's diary from the other party.

According to his group's investigation, the Black Journal was not among the dangerous goods disposed of by the Malfoy family during this time.

It means that the Horcrux is still with Malfoy.

In the original book, Lucius Malfoy mocked the Weasley family and mixed the diary into Ginny Weasley's used book.

But now looking at the direction they were leaving, they don't seem to be going to Diagon Alley, but seem to be going back to Wiltshire.

This is not acceptable, so Lucas immediately took a shortcut and rushed in front of the Malfoys.

"Lucas? Why are you here?"

As he looked at the blond boy walking towards him, Mr. Malfoy frowned subconsciously.

But when he thought of the identity of the child in front of him, his brows relaxed again.

"Uncle Lucius, Draco" Lucas greeted them.

"I came to fetch these two pets and ended up wandering off."

After Lucas finished speaking, he gestured to the cat in his arms and the little swan in the cage.

The little swan is a gift for Cho Chang.

The little guy can only grow to the size of a volleyball at best and it's usually pretty silent, not making any trouble.

But if its owner is in danger, the little swan will make a loud cry.

As for how loud it is?

According to his subordinates, the little guy's cry, most of Hogwarts should be able to hear it.

Then Lucas pretended to be concerned and asked: "Uncle Lucius, have you taken care of those things at home?"

Lucius raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, today was the last batch."

"That's good, some of my Uncles have been raided by the Ministry of Magic recently, and they even had conflicts with people from the Ministry of Magic."

Lucas showed a helpless expression: "I need to go to Mr. Arthur Weasley to apologize later, it's too bad, I'm still a student."

"Weasley? Is he here too?"

"That's right, I saw their family in Diagon Alley just now, and they seemed to be buying their children's school materials."

"Speaking of which, Gilderoy Lockhart will be holding a book signing event at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore today, shall we go and see it together later?"

"No." Mr. Malfoy shook his head and refused.

"I still have something to do with Draco, excuse me."

Lucas stroked the fat cat in his arms, watching both Malfoys walking towards Diagon Alley.

"Son, are you lost? Come with me, I can help you find your way home."

An old woman with a wrinkled face appeared next to Lucas.

Seeing the old woman's dirty palm reaching out to him Lucas immediately dodged to the side.

Immediately afterwards, he kept walking towards another road leading to Diagon Alley.

When Lucas was far away the people around looked at the old woman who was standing still.

Seeing her pale, bloodless skin there was an exclamation from the crowd: "Killing Curse, that boy killed old Mary!"

As soon as they heard that someone used the Unforgivable Curse, the crowd scattered and fled the place not wanting to deal with all the trouble.

Even in places like Knockturn Alley the Unforgivable Curses are taboo.


The sound startled the crowd surrounding Harry.

Seeing Lucas, Harry hastily parted from the crowd and rushed toward him.

"Thank God, I finally met someone I know, Lucas, where is this place?"

"Knockturn Alley!"

After Lucas answered, he looked at the people around him.

Although everyone does not know the identity of Lucas, but they have seen him around here from time to time.

Every time someone wanted to trouble the blond boy. Without exception, it never happened again, so the crowd tactfully scattered around.

Lucas looked at Harry beside him and saw soot all over his body, even the glasses had a lens shattered.



With a wave of Lucas' wand, Harry's glasses were repaired and his clothes became clean and tidy.

"Harry, you should really learn the Restoring Charm, it will be very useful for you."

"I thought so too, by the way, can you take me to Ron?"

Lucas nodded, turned around and walked out with the golden boy.

If it wasn't for seeing Harry, Lucas would have forgotten that this trouble magnet had entered Borgin and Burke's store by mistake.

As Harry walked out of Knockturn Alley under the leadership of Lucas, looking at the familiar surroundings he silently breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time Hermione's voice came from afar.

Seeing the little witch running out of the magic pet shop, Lucas was lucky to have prepared Crookshanks as a gift for her.

"Oh, what a cute cat!"

"Do you like it? This is a gift for you. It may be a little grumpy, but it has a rather extraordinary ability."

Hermione lifted Crookshanks into her arms.

One person and one cat stared at each other for a few seconds.

"I like it, it will be called Crookshanks from now on."

Really, this cat and this name were really meant to be.

Harry looked at the two conversing in their own world and refused to disturb them, but he needed to find the Weasleys soon, so he interrupted them apologetically, "Sorry, can you tell me where Ron is?"

"Ron Weasley?"

Hermione seemed to remember seeing them somewhere.

She turned to look at the Flourish and Blotts Bookstore not far away: "They should be over there, Gilderoy Lockhart has a book signing event today, and they are all attending it."

Looking at the little witch showing such a flat expression, Lucas was slightly surprised.

Hermione should have been a loyal reader of Lockhart.

Seeing the look in Lucas' eyes, Hermione immediately understood what the other person meant.

"I did read his books, but I found that they have a lot of loopholes, in one of the books he was still with vampires."

"But in the next book at the exact same time he happened to be spending time dealing with a werewolf, so I think Lockhart is a fake liar."

It has to be said, the little witch's intuition is very accurate.

Lucas smiled and looked towards the Bookstore, just in time to see both Malfoys walking to the door.

As a top family in the magic world, when did Malfoy go to a bookstore to buy a book by himself?

So there is only one possibility, Lucius Malfoy intended to plant the diary on the Weasleys like in the original book.

At this time, Cho Chang just came to meet him and smiled happily when she received the gift from Lucas.

Although Hermione was a little unhappy, she didn't say anything.

Lucas breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed.

"Let's go, let's also go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to have a look. If there is a good response to the book signing, I might also hold one in my own bookstore."

Hermione rolled her eyes after hearing this: "Why is Flourish and Blotts doing this, isn't it because of your bookstore?"

While speaking, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Bookstore.
