
Johan Liebert

Rome 10 v2


=Emperor's Palace=

The party has just started and many guest are now drinking. Drinking is an act that is free from any restriction in ancient Rome. At the tender age of 5, kids can already start drinking. It would be stranger if your kid doesn't drink at that age, he would be seen as an outcast.

This banquet only consists of those with higher standing in the country, in other words the senate, aristocrats, consuls, centaurs, censor and generals. Though you might see some rather wealthy merchants or magistrates. From the perspective of others, it is joyful banquet with no problem whatsoever however if one is used to the society then they would know that each of their compliments and flattery are sharp swords that could end a life.

At the top of the caste, Claudius could be seen with Agrippina on his side. Based on the actions of the people around it is inevitable that Claudius will become the new Emperor, the support on Agrippina's side is rather lackluster. Agrippina twirled her wine while observing the guests before her, this party ought nothing but annoy her.

"H-How is it dear niece? Are you loving the current Rome? It has been 2 years for you after all" Claudius gave an amiable smile to Agrippina. If one were to look at Claudius then there is no doubt that they would judge him as a good natured man, one who will help peasants in terms of needs. That is the air that Claudius is releasing.

Agrippina returned the smile responding to her uncle, "Why, it is fantastic. Although my brother had left troublesome problem on his death, I could never hate Rome. It is my homeland after all" she replied ignoring the fact that Claudius tried to insult her of being exile. "T-Then I am glad that Rome could still make you proud. Worry not my niece for these problems will be shortly fixed after I take the throne" Claudius said.

His statement is loud enough for everyone to hear it, he directly proclaimed that he will be the one to take the throne. It was a challenge to Agrippina who is in second to the line. Unfortunately women could never take the throne so Agrippina just smiled gently to her uncle. "That would be marvelous uncle, I always admire you a lot" she said fully using her charm to the ground.

Now it doesn't look like a battle between the two but rather a mutual understanding. Agrippina backing down took Claudius by a surprise however he didn't delve deeper into it. He just thought that she realize the futility of fighting for the throne, it is useless when Claudius has more supporter and he is also a man.

Claudius stared at his niece and somehow realized that she was much more beautiful than before. Her charm as a mature woman is affecting him and inside him, the urge of taking her to bed was slowly starting to rise. It is degenerate to crave for your niece but in this land and time? Morals are just words.

"Is something the matter uncle?" Agrippina asked with worried face while she grabbed his shoulder gently. The slight touch made Claudius sensitive so he quickly jerked back, "I-I'm fine, there is nothing to worry about" he said looking away. "Is that so? Then I am glad" Agrippina sighed in relief with her hand on her chest, she looked genuinely concerned.

Agrippina saw the reaction of her uncle and smiled internally, she was happy that this guy is a pushover. It is not hard for her to control this man as they are stronger to the weak while docile to the strong, she just needs to be oppressive. Agrippina looked around again wondering if interesting thing will catch her attention and surprisingly it did.

Her gaze stopped at a handsome young man with blonde hair parted midways. She blinked many times trying to see if she was just mistaken but the figure didn't vanish, it immediately piqued her attention. 'It's him' she thought returning her attention to her uncle. "Uncle, I wish to converse with the others, forgive me for leaving you alone" she said giving the man an apologetic smile.

"Oh… I-It's fine. Have fun" with that out of the way, Agrippina started talking to the other senators. She can't simply go to the young man as it would break her reputation, she doesn't want to be seen as someone who chase after young mans. It took 15 minutes before she finished having short conversation with others.

Agrippina walked confidently towards the man who smiled politely at her, she raised her hand and placed it in front of the young man. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Agrippina" the young man said as he took her hand and placed it on his lips. "The pleasure is mine…?" Agrippina said tilting her head at the last part. "It's Johan, Johan Liebert" the man said as the meeting between the two began.


3rd POV*

The party concluded as Luke returned home by foot. The moment he reached home, he was tackled by Lucius who gave him a joyful smile. "Welcome back Father!" she said snuggling on his chest. Luke didn't respond and just accepted the embrace. Their moment then got disrupted by the arrival of Ladert, "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to do that"

Luke stared at Ladert for a few eerie seconds before shaking his head. "Lucius, you need to study. It seems like your mother is not in favor on not letting you return to the higher up" Luke said gazing at the cloudy sky. The stars could not be seen because of how thick it was. "Umu? No! I don't want to return there!" Lucius shouted pretty adamant about it.

Luke did not get angry at her and just gave a small smile, "It's inevitable little one. There are some things that we cannot prevent" he spoke calmly giving Lucius the reassurance that it is not a bad thing. "W-Will you be with me this time?" she asked tone sounding more like plead than a request. "That would be certain…" he responded.

Ladert could only shake his head watching the interaction of the two. They are far too sweet for him to watch. That opinion though was immediately changed the moment he witnessed how Luke taught Lucius. "Remember Lucius, no lives are equal. The only thing that people are equal to is… death" the first lesson that Luke taught Lucius is scary.

"Um… Father? I hate senate, why do I need to learn politics?" Lucius asked tilting her head innocently she just can't understand it. Luke gazed at her profoundly before responding, "For that exact reason little one. It is because you hate them" he then didn't continue and just left it like that. Ladert shivered hearing that though, he wonder if he is creating a dictator.

Luke didn't begin with the basics like knowledge but quickly delve deep into the psychological. He was conforming the mind of the little kid into becoming something dangerous, Ladert is sure about this one. Just watching the two of them gave Ladert uneasiness, it was as if he is witnessing an Advent of a Monster.

One night when Ladert finally couldn't take it, the scene was too disturbing for him! He called out Luke to have a one on one conversation. He wish to talk about how Luke is molding Lucius. Ladert sat on a chair while waiting for Luke. The man just returned from his supposed work and asked him to wait for he needed to change.

Ladert has no qualm about that so he just waited patiently. It didn't took long for Luke to change into his sleeping outfit, he took a seat in front of Ladert then started the conversation. "What is the problem?" he asked. Ladert hesitated for a second before finally asking the question, "Luke… are you the one who killed Lady Domitia?"

Ladert focused his attention to Luke's face ready to see any kind of reaction from him. He already has this gut feeling before and just wanted to confirm it. Seeing no reaction Ladert sighed internally, thinking that he must have dodged a bullet. This reaction is enough confirmation for him, Luke is not the murderer.

Unfortunately the next word broke all of his reasoning. "Indeed" that one word froze him. Dread started entering his mind, it was telling him that he is in a dangerous spot. "W-What did you say…?" he asked again thinking that he must have heard it wrong. There is no way a sane human could spoke those words without even faltering.

Regrettably Ladert's wish didn't come true. Luke didn't respond again but just smiled at him. Ladert can feel his stomach churning right now, it cannot stand this failure of a human being in front of him! No, he is not human at all! Ladert then remembered one term that he always hear when he gather intelligence. 'Monster…'
