
A broken shield

Gerald eyed the huge boob curves Infront of him before his gaze travelled all the way to her nicely curved face.

He had never seen a beautiful woman with such huge and alluring features before.

Now he figured why she was known as the most attractive knight.

Some deemed her unworthy of being a knight because of her unmatched beauty.

Out of her armour she looked as though she was made for royalty rather than for war.

Gerald didn't know how long he had stared but when he noticed she was secretly eyeing him,he quickly averted his gaze.

"You know that won't make me eat this".

He thinned his lips while he stared down at the food.

A half grin formed on Athena's face then she titled her head a bit before taking a bite.

"That wasn't my intent...I just wanted to to change into something more...more suitable for the moment".

Gerald's gaze fell on her and it hardened.

Deep within him for some reason he loved what he saw but he tried to conceal that so he wouldn't give himself away.

With every ounce of discipline and purpose in him,he fought to restrain a part of him that wanted to grab unto her breast and feel it's texture.

He was yet to know what she was plotting by bringing him here but his thoughts pointed towards seduction.

"Look here lady...I don't have time for this...I have other duties to attend to...sooner or later the emperor would need me....spill the bean or leave it sour!"

"Don't get so itchy young man...have a little patience and listen to what I have to say"

she said in an edgy tone as she dropped her cutleries.

"Well not when you want me sitting right here to watch those..."he motioned towards her cleavages with a forced frown he summoned on his face.

"Those exposed what do you call them again?..."

"I thought men enjoyed watching this_"


"Then I'll cover up if this displeases you"Athena said as she crossed both arms over her chest.

Gerald waved a hand in the air.

"Just!...to be honest I really don't care what you wear...You can wear that if it's comfortable with you but don't think that can influence my decision or make me change the way I see you...why exactly did you bring me here I ask again...and for the last time_".

"How do you see me?"

"Oh you really want to know?"Gerald raised a brow before adjusting himself on his seat.


"A cold blooded murderer with a pretty face and a rotten personality only concealed by a feigned back cover...Queen of Conceit!"

Gerald paused to watch her next reaction,in return he was only replied with a smile and a shaking head as Athena poured herself a cup of wine.

"Although am not in the least pleased by your perception of me but that won't change anything... eventually you will come to understand my reasons when you finally see the light... perhaps when enlightened and till then I will wait for you".

Gerald's eyes settled on her thin lips as he last words paraphrased in his head.

'I will wait for you'....it better not be what am thinking...no it can't be..

"Your spirit guard around here?"

"No why?"

"I wouldn't want it listening to what am about to say...Zeena is not here either...don't tell me you let him in on everything going on in your life?"

"So what if I do?"Gerald responded although he doesn't for she had just piqued his curiosity by that statement.

Infact everything this woman said made him yearn for answers.

"They could spill secrets you prefer to keeping personal...."she paused took in a deep breath before saying;

"I Know,you know I killed my squire... isn't that why you hate me so much?"

A dark grin appeared on Gerald's face as he leaned back and folded his hands

"At last you admit it!"

"Not that I ever denied it_"

Gerald's smile disappeared before hitting the table with a fist making the contents of the table vibrate and Athena's wine goblet topple over.

"Not only did you deny it...you made it look suicidal, everyone thinks it's suicide"

"But you know the truth".

"You can fool everyone else but not me"he scoffed.

"Wait till this reaches the emperor's ears...consider the delay in information transmission as part of the procedures regarding my investigation...You won't be all that merry when that happens".

"You!...you can't threathen me!"

"Apparently...I can and you don't look like you are in the position to decide that"

"Then why...why haven't you told the emperor about this yet what exactly is your reason?"Athena asked eying him closely as if reading his thoughts.When he didn't respond she continued.

"You're not sure yet aren't you?...deep down you know I couldn't have just killed her for no reason and that's is why you are secretly investigating this case...and you also know the emperor has many secrets".

Gerald scoffed and locked eyes with her.

"You have no reason for taking a life...you will be punished by the law"

"The law?....no one keeps the law these days...not even the Emperor"

Gerald abruptly stood up and tightened both fists,his brows furrowed.

With a flexed hip,he leaned closer to her and stared right into her eyes,his face flaring in rage.

"Don't you speak of his Imperial majesty in that manner or I'll be sure to teach that gut of yours a lesson!"

Unexpectedly Athena didn't look away,she didn't even flinch, instead she stared back,her eyes fierce.

"You want to know why I killed my squire or not?I didn't call you here to fight with you"

Gerald inhaled deeply and straighted up before taking his seat as he tried to melt his rage.

He folded his hands and looked at her as his face relaxed.

"I loved Luamisa,she was like a younger sister to me but I had to do it,I didn't have a choice".

Athena's voice trembled as she finished.

Gerald didn't know why her trembling voice irritated him,was she feigning innocence?how could she.

He didn't know why,but he felt an anger that even the look on his face couldn't conceal he didn't even know when he balled a fist at his side...not to attack,but as a way he hoped to contain this anger of his,for some reason,a part of him still earned to hear this reason of hers.

"Why then...did you do it?...I also have reason to believe you also played a hand in the empress's death as well"

Athena inhaled deeply before exhaling and gave him a look which held the answer in it.

"My goodness!"Gerald exclaimed while running his hand through his stiff blond hair.

He shut his eyes and reopened them.

Athena, thousands of knights and young squires looked up to her,why did she do it,he couldn't even bring himself to believe it.

Now he wished he hadn't asked in first place.

He couldn't take it anymore,this place held too many secrets that could make one go berserk and he might turn out being one of those few.

"How could you?... The Empress trusted you"

"I didn't murder the Empress but I knew of it...I never supported it from the very beginning since she wasn't the main target...I'll tell you everything and I'll tell you why".

Gerald uncomfortably turned his head from side to side before his gaze settled on her, awaiting and expecting another shocking story,this time he prepared himself for the worst because he might as well go crazy.

"Do you know of the prophecy concerning the imperial prince?"

"What prophecy?I know nothing of such"

"I see you are in the dark"Athena scoffed.

"The emperor kept even this hidden from you,his most trusted Knight"

"Somethings are better left unsaid...he wished I do not know about certain things for my own safety_"

"Exactly!...he will kill you as soon as you discover the truth about the imperial prince for fear of it getting to another ears in other to protect him"

Gerald looked at her doubtfully but didn't say a word.
