
Rouge et Noir (6)

After fighting for at least three hours straight, Ray and his teammates finally got the chance to escape, and coincidentally, the monsters also slowed down and they were able to lose them after that. The experience was very much devastating and wore them down a lot.

"We should stop and rest a little, I don't think I can go on like this." If nothing else, the team had to put a lot of consideration into their decisions because of Ashley because she was only a healer, and putting aside the fact that she was their main reason for even managing to survive that long, she didn't have the same physical advantages they had because of her class.

"This place doesn't feel safe, let's move a bit more until we find a better spot to rest." Linda said, to which they all agreed.

They soon came across a huge crack in the wall that was just big enough for them to hide in for the time being.

Ray looked like he had something in his mind but was holding unto it, and he didn't really do a good job hiding that fact, he was under stress already after all.

"If you got something on your mind, just spill it instead of creating such an atmosphere, we're already having it bad as it is." Lucy said after observing Ray for a while.

"Well, I know this might not be the best time to be criticizing…" Ray stated, but someone seemed to have a different opinion.

"No, this is a good time, maybe even better than any other, after all, our lives are on the line." Linda cut in. The energy from her words seemed to hint at something. Lucy and Ashley couldn't put their finger in it completely, but whatever it was, the tension between Linda and Ray only grew after that, making it apparent that something had been going on outside what they knew.

"Hey, our lives are on the line here, the least you could do is at least try to work as a team, instead of wanting to do your own thing. There's no competition here, killing more than everyone is not important right now, what is important is us making it out alive. Don't you get it? We are-" Ray didn't get to continue what he was saying before Linda cut him off.

What he said was true. Even though the other two didn't fully realise it, or maybe they did and just didn't read too much into it, Linda's contribution was undeniable, but she always seemed to act on her own, not necessarily synchronizing with her teammates. It wasn't something that would throw them off and cause immediate problems, maybe that was the reason why the others didn't read into it.

"If our lives are on the line, then we should do all we can to survive, only then can we come out victorious and stronger, better. Don't give me that crap about being a machine or system and having to work my part, that won't fly with me."

It looked like the tension was only getting stronger and the other two tried to diffuse it, but it wasn't quite that simple. Even though it looked like Ray was in the right here as they needed to work in harmony not to push the other people too much, Linda didn't seem to care.

'Weak minds…' Her facial expression was normally cold and indifferent, but now she was visibly pissed with what seemed to be a permanent frown plastered on her face.

'If only Ren was here… Why am I even thinking about him in such a situation, I barely know him, arhh"

"Whatever, we've rested enough, let's move now. Ashley, take this mana potion." Following Ray, they set out into the ever branching path within the underground ruins.

. . .

"That must be it, the center of this place, probably where all the paths in this place lead." Ash said staring down the narrow path that continued longer into the distance than the rest. They were lucky enough to get a map of this place while making their way around. It helped them decide on the most effective route to follow to get to the center faster. They also confirmed their suspicion that the monsters were indeed chasing them down that path to the center.

They all stopped for a bit to ready themselves for the biggest fight yet. Damien was the first to bring out a mana potion to consume. They all used mana, health, stamina, and different potions. After that, Ash moved his spear to cut the ropes binding them by the waists, but what he met was empty space.

"Since the golems at the doors." Damien said, reminding Ash that it had been off for a while.

Once they reached the door at the end of the path, they came into a large circular space that looked like it was carved into the ground, having steps up to three places, big enough for a truck to drive around comfortably. They had exited from their path unto the first step, and from where they stood, they could spot their objective, four red demons also emerged from the other space.

'There really are red demons, and even the wings…' Isaac thought to himself. There was no need to spend time thinking it through, together with Damien and Ash, they had already planned everything out, so they set out to achieve their goal.

. . .

'What kind of gargoyle looking demon with wings on its back doesn't fly? Instead they run around??' Ren questioned his rationality, because it simply looked very strange.

He and the rest of their team had reached the center of the labyrinth, and from the other side, three huge black gargoyle looking demons entered. Their size was at least a little bit more imposing than Solomon, and they had no lips, the only feature highlighting their faces were the thorn-like teeth that stuck out of their faces.

Just like always, they all swooped into action, not giving chance for the demons at all. Ren for one didn't care about checking if the demons could actually use their wings, or if those were for the appearance to look complete.

"No slacking, Aug."
