

Pain, horrible, nerve-breaking pain. That was all Ethan knew these days. Once, his hands had been cut into pieces and then reattached. The Storm Dream was indeed a Silver Halo cultivator with immense power; Ethan saw hell every day.

And days passed like the ephemeral reflections of clouds. The Experiments were continuing, and the Storm Dream never slept or ate—when it felt sleepy, it would bring a female Storm Dream into the dark hall and eat all its dreams, refilling his energy. When it felt hungry, it would eat the female.

Ethan felt thankful that Scarlett wasn't the one here. Experiments each day were making even himself a bit crazy in the head.

At first, it was a bunch of poison tests. Most poisons, if not all, were deadly for Ethan, and he would collapse in a violet or blue-skinned horror. The creature had antidotes, of course, but that didn't make it any less painful.
