
Chapter 52: Tagging Along

As the evening progressed, Mila found herself engaged in conversation with her stepmother, Rosalind. Despite Rosalind's polished facade, Mila detected an underlying tension in her demeanor, as if she were carefully guarding her words.

Their conversation touched upon various topics, from the estate's affairs to matters of society and culture. Mila navigated the dialogue with poise and tact, subtly probing for any hints or clues that might shed light on Rosalind's true intentions.

Meanwhile, Silya discreetly observed the interactions between the family members, her keen eyes missing nothing. She exchanged subtle glances with Mila, signaling that she was ready to intervene or gather information if needed.

As the dessert course was served, the conversation took a more personal turn. Rosalind directed her attention toward Mila, her gaze piercing yet inscrutable.
