
Night Visit

"Hey, Emery! I came to see your new house." Klea flashed a smile and explained.

"Huh?" Emery glanced back to the room behind him before answering. "I thought everyone gets the same-..."

Before Emery could finish his words, Klea pushed the door open and walked into Emery's residence.

"Aw, come on, let me have a look around, will you?" Klea walked inside and teased. "I can't believe you're such a bad host!"? With each measured step, she glanced at random directions as if searching for something.

Emery was still dumbfounded, but he decided to stay silent and just follow her around. After she stopped, Emery gathered the courage to ask. "Why are you here, Klea?"

Klea turned her body to look at him, winked, and answered. "I am here to check if you are being naughty and played around with the pretty attendant."


The only answer Emery was able to give was a stunned silence. He took a deep breath, sighed, and looked around the room. "Of course I'm not going to do that… You can see with your own eyes, no ones here…"

"She's not? Then, you wouldn't mind if I check your bedroom?" Klea asked. Though there was a playful edge to her question, her eyes conveyed nothing but seriousness. Emery found himself unable to answer yet again.

Emery was not someone who would exploit anyone below him just like that. He'd like to believe he did not break any of his personal moral code during his time in this place. However, before he could say anything to defend himself, Klea had already rushed to his room, opened the bedroom door, and walked inside.

Emery chased her through the door and said in a slightly more irritated voice. "Klea, really, no one is here-"

Before he could finish, he saw Klea already sitting cross-legged on the edge of his bed. Klea wore a simple white nightgown with nothing underneath and her sitting position gave Emery full view of her thighs. She was only covered with a short, almost transparent dress…

Emery gulped, trying to calm his nerves, and said.

"You… You see? There's no one… here…"

"She isn't here right now, right? But Emery, people are calling you the famous savage acolyte." Klea smiled and bit her bottom lip." What would you become at night, I wonder?"

Emery felt like his throat seized up and he decided to shake his head as an answer against the accusation. He took deep breaths, calmed himself and asked. "Then, tell me, how can I make you believe me?"

Klea smirked. It seemed Emery finally asked the right question.

"It's decided then!" Klea said. "I'll be here staying with you."

For the umpteenth time that night, Emery found himself being stunned into silence. Aside from the sudden proposal, Emery was worried about her being too forthcoming. Deep down, he had considered this possibility and he knew the answer, but he still found himself stuttering.

"Klea, no... That is... Not appropriate… I can't allow it..."

Klea frowned and glared at him, before jumping down from the bed and walking closer. She was a bit shorter than him, but Emery found himself suppressing a shudder coming down his spine from her stare.

"Emery, we've been so busy with the game… I am sure you already have big plans prepared for tomorrow and you'd be occupied again for who knows how long, right?"

"Y-yeah... that is true…" Emery could feel his heartbeat going faster with each second. His heartbeat felt like it was echoing right inside his ear and his hands started to dampen from sweat. Klea's gaze was unrelenting and resolute.

"Tell me, Emery… When can we finish our discussion, then?"

Klea's emphasis on 'discussion' made Emery gulp, his thoughts flashing back to the time they were so close and got interrupted.? There was also the time she was drunk. He reminded her soft, cherry lips touched his, how her soft hands caressed him… Was this one more of her teasing, or was this really what she wished for?

Of course, as the son of a low-ranked noble, Emery was educated in the matters of relationship, but while he had the theory down, he had no one to explain it to him in detail.

In other words, his knowledge was incomplete and he has no experience.

He had heard of noble kids talking about their first time, even though they were much younger than him. Though he had felt a little bit jealous, he always considered himself too young for such frivolities and he would prefer to wait until he had his future secured.

Emery's wandering thoughts allowed Klea to come closer and now her face was merely inches away from him, allowing Emery to feel her breath tickling his face.

"Silly Emery, what are you thinking?" Klea smiled, her lips conveying glee and mischief. They were so close now and Emery could smell the alluring scent from her skin. Before he managed to control himself, Emery looked down the skin of her neck down to her breasts.

It was clear from afar the nightgown did not cover much of her. But now that they were close, Emery was able to see how flimsy the fabric covering her was.

Emery felt his blood boil, his face started to burn and he tried to gulp again even as his mouth felt as dry as a desert. The desire flared up from his heart, sending warmth down to his groin and urging him to take advantage of this moment.

Though a part of him was happy, another part of him screamed.

This was scarier than fighting the mightiest dragon.

Klea pulled him closer and whispered to his ear. Her hair tickled Emery's skin and her hot breath fanned his ear.

"Emery, do you want to know a secret?"


Emery cursed himself. His self-control was slipping away.

"I've never done it before… I want you… to be my first time."

Klea stopped pulling him down, took one step back and closed her eyes, allowing Emery full view of her body. With gentle movements, she touched her shoulders and removed the straps of her nightgown.

It was then, Emery realized, they had reached a point of no return. Nothing and no one can save him now
