

A few hours later, Adrien leaned forward suddenly and pointed out the window with a cheerful smile. "Look! There's a small lake ahead! It is an important lake for this area. It's said to carry only crisp, incorruptible water"

Emily peered out of the carriage and stared at the scene in front of her.

In contrast to the harsh surroundings of the mountain and the closed in woods of the forest, this place was....

It was nice, she supposed.

No, not just nice. Nice felt like too gentle a word, especially after the last few days of riding through treacherous positions and chased after by enemy raiding parties of orcs. Peaceful rolling hills, a quiet forest in the different.

And a perfect, crystal clear, calm and beautiful lake.

"So beautiful..." She breathed. "Such clear reflections, too...I can see them so strongly even from this far away. Almost...like a mirror."
