
Are you in a better place?

Ryle averted his gaze from the snow, his gaze still as playful as if it was not his mind that was racing with thoughts that could not be spoken out loud. 

"Nothing special." 

"What's your relationship with Daisy?" 

The sudden question from Maxim caught Ryle off guard but his expressions did not change, "What has it got to do with you?"

"She is my sister-in-law." 

"You and Diana are not even married yet. Even though you have a child, are you not afraid she will find herself another man if you waste your time poking your nose in other people's business?" 

Maxim was hit in his sore spot and his face turned ugly. Because of Diana's pregnancy, they had not gotten married and she was still his fiancee. As much as he wanted to wife her up, he could not do so abruptly with their little Elias in the mix. So, he exercised patience and tolerance. In his mind, Diana was already his wife. 
