
Making The Choice


Ogun knew he had neither arm or leg to aid him, so he used the only weapon he had left.

—His words!

"I command you as your leader—as a Head of Destruction—kill him!"

The moment he said this, the scared and hesitant soldiers all grasped their weapons tightly and took battle stances.

Their blank faces showed that they were probably not moving of their volition.

"I see… some kind of mind control activated by command." Ralyks muttered as Ogun grinned with satisfaction.

The masked man wasn't wrong.

This was a special privilege given to every member of the Nine Heads of Destruction.

They could order lower members to do whatever, and they would listen. This wasn't the result of a Skill, but simply the crest that every member of the Mercenary Gang had.

It was imbued with a Magic Spell that bound them to the will of their leaders; hence, giving the latter the ability to control them.
