
Chapter 1: Waverider

Everyone was in a room planning, "Where are we with locating the other Waverider?" Oliver asked 

"We got a pretty good idea. I mean, we've all heard of the Chandrasekhar Limit, I assume?" Curtis asked 

"The data indicates it's still in the vicinity of Central City." Zari said 

"Which also indicates that Overgirl isn't long for this world." Ray said 

"Which means that this world isn't long for this world." Cisco added 

"Failure's not an option. Losing is not an option. We are gonna win. And we are gonna show these people that this earth belongs to u- 


Everyone braced themselves as they looked out into the skies to see the other waverider in the distance blowing up as distorted air sucked it into a void before it was gone completely leaving everyone in shock 

Everyone jumped when the distorted air appeared a few feet across from them and Nate caked in the blood of his victims appeared carrying Overgirl in a bridle carry 

"Hello." Nate said smirking

"You killed your own men. Why?" Naruto asked walking forward a bit "Because I felt like it. Now, I'm here to talk about a truce." 

"Truce? After everything you've done." Oliver asked

"If I wanted to really kill any of you I could have." Nate smirked "You killed Martin!" Sara yelled 

"No, Eobard sent you all to Earth-X, when I left with your Kara to began the procedure to save my wife. If the old geezer is dead blame it on the man with the weird name." Nate said 

"What are you offering?" Naruto asked 

"I will leave peacefully, in exchange for you healing my wife." Nate said 

"You really expect for us to believe you?" Harry asked 

"I have lost everyone I've ever loved. I am not ready to lose my wife, so if I have to beg for the help of a room full of nerds who may be able to save her then I will." Nate said as a few looked offended at being called nerds, 

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Alex asked 

Nate sighed before in a distorted air a bloody and beaten Eobard was spat onto floor, "A gift. I was going to take him with me and force him to watch as I killed every Thawne in the multiverse but you can keep him. Now, will you help my wife or what?" 

Caitlin walked up to Nate, "Bring her." she said causing him to nod before he followed after her with Overgirl 

"Are we really doing this?" Citizen Steel asked "Nate, what's the play here?" Oliver asked 

"The look in his eyes is the same one I had whenever I had just successfully pranked people in the past, and also of fear. He doesn't 

want to be alone again. I'd suggest trying to save Overgirl because if he loses her there is no telling what he'd do." Naruto said walking off 

Everyone sighed before the scientist began to try and find a way to save Overgirl, while Eobard was dragged to a cell 

Naruto walked up to Nate who was looking at Caitlin and Alex to examine Overgirl, "We were planning on leaving the Reich." Nate said causing Naruto to look at him, "We needed to cause a big enough spectacle so we could just disappear and live our lives the way we chose too." 

"You couldn't do this after the wedding?" Barry asked causing Nate to chuckle 

"Yeah sorry about that." Nate said before he sighed, "You know I've always wondered what it would be like to play the hero in one of these settings. I might be looking into another Earth to settle down on." 

"Have any in mind?" Oliver asked 

Nate smirked as he glanced to Oliver, an Earth appearing in his mind's eye, "Oh yeah." he said, 

After a moment Caitlin and Alex delivered Nate the grim news that Overgirl was too far gone to save and that she was set to blow at any minute now 

Nate walked over to Overgirl, as she smiled at him while everyone watched, "I'm sorry." Overgirl said sniffling as she began to cry 

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"I'm leaving you alone." Overgirl sobbed 

"No your not, you will always be with me." Nate said placing a hand on his heart, "And I'll keep my promise to you." 

Overgirl nodded, "I love you." 

"I love you too." Nate said tears streaming down his face as he and Overgirl kissed before she pulled back, and held up a Quantum splicer 

"My last gift." Kara-X said before she attached the device to her chest and kissed Nate and in an explosion of golden energy Kara-X was absorbed into Nate 

Barry, Naruto, Alex, Caitlin and Oliver watched in shock, "What the hell was that?" Alex asked 

Nate looked down at the Quantum splicer before he removed it from his chest, "A man on my Earth Ronnie created this splicer for the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M matrix he used it to absorb the version of the old gee-Martin on our Earth to become Firestorm permanently. My wife just permanently fused with me granting me her powers." 

Everyone looked at each other in shock before Nate stood up drying his face, as he looked to the cautious heroes, and walked up to Caitlin, and Alex, "Thanks for trying to save her." Nate said getting a nod from the two before he looked to Naruto and walked up to him, "We'll have to fight again sometime." 

"Can't wait." Naruto smirked which Nate returned, "So what are you planning now?' 

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry all forms of fear that are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non- forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence." Nate recited 

"Eckhart Tolle." Harry said 

"Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each 

moment you breathe is a gift." Naruto recited to Nate who rose an eyebrow 

"Who said that?' 

"Oprah Winfrey." Naruto shrugged causing Nate to laugh along with everyone else 

"See you around Naruto." Nate replied shaking Naruto's hand 

"See ya, Naruto." Naruto said before Nate was sucked into a void of distorted air into his eye as he began to flash through a sequence of hand seals 


Billionaire Wendall smiled teary-eyed, looking at his wife Heather as she held their first child, "What should we name him?" Wendall asked 

"Nathan. Nathan Rand." Heather smiled before she kissed the babes forehead 

Naruto lived a comfortable life with his new family. He was homeschooled at the first few years by had several different teachers, along with his mother, before he convinced his parents to let him attend regular school. In his regular school experience, he had one friend. His father was close friends with Harold Meachum and due to their friendship, the Rands and the Meachums often spent time together. During his childhood, Naruto spent most of his time interacting and playing with Harold's daughter, Joy Meachum. Ward Meachum frequently tried bullying but his nose was broken for his troubles, 

The Rands and Meachums often went on traveling together as well as doing commercials. Naruto also befriended a young Jeri Hogarth while she worked as an intern at Rand Enterprises. He affectionately nicknamed her J-Money when she bribed $5 to convince Naruto not 

to tell her boss after she cursed, and Naruto had her up the amount to $20 

At the age of 11, Naruto was traveling with his mother and father on a Rand Enterprises business trip toward Anzhou. During the flight however they became involved in a plane crash in the Himalayas. As their pilots were unconscious and the plane began to fall apart, Naruto was struck in the head by a piece of the plane. Heath went to his aid, checking that he was okay, however just as she did, the roof of the plane was ripped off and she was sucked outside, seemingly falling to her death in the mountains while the horrified Naruto could only watch helplessly and scream out. As the plane neared the ground, Wendall told him that he loved him before they crashed 

The crash activated Naruto's abilities ensuring his survival, he traveled across the freezing landscape he found both the pilots who had strange markings on their necks before finding his father's body. Naruto was unable to locate his mother and, while he stayed by his father's side, he was found by the Order of the Crane Mother who took him back to the city of K'un-Lun in order to train him. In the next 3 years, Naruto would experience strict and harsh conditions while living with the monks, sleeping on a dirty mat and traveling a mile uphill to get daily rations of water each morning. He would then train and spar with other students of K'un-Lun, learning new fighting styles in record time 

One day Naruto learned of the position of the Iron Fist, a title of great power and importance throughout the realm. Welcoming the challenge Naruto was granted the opportunity to gain the power of the Iron Fist. He was sent to battle the enormous fire-breathing serpent called Shou-Lao the Undying which lived in a Cave outside the city. It ferociously guarded a brazier containing its heart, which had mystically been removed from its body. In their battle, Naruto grabbed the serpent's body, which bore a scar that imprinted itself upon Naruto's chest before he plunged his hands into the now unguarded brazier containing Shou-Lao's molten heart when his hands shone with a quasi-mystical force and he earned the title "Iron 

Fist," for he could now summon superhuman energy to reinforce the power of blows struck by his hands. 

Severely disappointed, as if it was just chi being used to make his blows stronger, Naruto scoffed and told the monks it was a waste of time as he could do that with chakra, the speed force, and his super strength. The monks told Naruto that as the new Iron Fist he had a duty now, and would forever be the protector of Kun Lun, but Naruto didn't want it and left that night 

The world outside of Kun-Lun only 6 months had passed, and Naruto was found by a search and rescue team while preparing to taken be to New York, Naruto escaped and disappeared 

8 Years Later, Hell's Kitchen 

Naruto had lived his life to the fullest, and was now trying to experience a normal existence by working in a bar, a far cry from being a leader to a world of Nazi's, a protector of a mystical city, and a world-renowned assassin. 

Tonight some spiraling child actress was presenting some music video for a terrible song, "My ears are going to bleed." Naruto sighed pouring a drink before a woman ordered a Highball 

Putting the glass as she talked with a woman who seemed familiar, "Enjoy." Naruto said before he looked to the familiar woman 

"Excuse me." the old lady said getting his attention as she held up her wrist showing a V.I.P. wristband, "This is a V.I.P. bracelet I'm wearing right?" 


"I'm assuming you know how to pour a drink for a V.I.P. I'm Trish's mother." the woman said causing the younger lady to scoff 

"Great, I don't care." Naruto said before the younger woman could say anything, "You paid for a highball, drink your highball and maybe finally go tell your daughter that your proud of her or something instead of sitting here putting on makes up every 5 minutes." 

The younger woman snickered as the older lady glared at him, "That just cost you your tip." 

"Okay." Naruto shrugged without a care, before he pointed to the drink, "Enjoy." 

Mrs. Walker glared and took her drink before she stormed off, "Nice." the woman said 

"Eh, you should see some of the assholes that come through here." Naruto replied as he poured the girl a Scotch 

"Fair warning I'm one of those assholes. Or so I've been told." 

"Better looking that's for sure." Naruto smirked causing the woman to smile, as she picked up her glass "Got a name?" 

"... Jessica." Jessica said causing Naruto to frown as he looked at her closely 

"Jessica Jones?' Naruto asked "Yeah, Trish's adopted, sister." 

"Jessica Jones of Midtown Middle School." Naruto said causing Jessica to look at him, "It's me Nate." 

"N-Nate?" Jessica asked shocked as Naruto nodded with a smile looking at the first and only friend he made not attached to his father 

"Uzumaki." the manager said walking forward with Mrs. Walker as Naruto looked at him, "This lovely V.I.P said that you were incredibly rude to her you sack of shit." 

"What did you just call me?' Naruto asked 

"Get your shit together, or I'll throw you out on your ass. You understand?" 

"Don't threaten me.' Naruto said frowning "Listen you son of a bitch, I-" 

Naruto had been in midturn when the manager was speaking but upon hearing what he was called her turned and slammed the managers face into the bar knocking him unconscious causing everyone who saw to shout in surprise, taking a huge bottle of Scotch the best stuff the club had, Naruto hopped over the bar beside Jessica, 

"We should catch up sometime." Naruto said 

"Party at my place!" Trish yelled causing everyone to cheer while Naruto watched her before he looked to Jessica who was frowning 

"You should help her." Naruto said walking off as Jessica watched after him before she got outside as everyone was leaving 

"Shit." Jessica said walking out to see people piling into the stretch limousine, "I have class in the morning." 

"Skip it, you won't flunk out just missing one class." Trish said 

"I will if we have house parties every night." Jessica replied as Trish sighed 

"Get you a goddamned tutor." Trish said 

"I need to study.' Jessica stated causing the high out of her mind Trish to pause and turn to her 

"You know what Jess, I am proud of myself, even if you aren't." Trish said looking at her sister, "I want to be with my friends." 

"Yoy think they're your friends?" Jessica asked stopping Trish who turned back to her, "They're just leeches. Sucking your money, your booze, your food," 

"And your not?' Trish asked causing Jessica to look at her in surprise, "Why don't you pay your own goddamn tuition?' 

"Because you insisted." Jessica said 

"And your own goddamn rent, instead of mooching off me." Trish said turning to the car as Jessica looked at her 

"You think I need you?' Jessica asked hurt as Trish turned to her, "You think I can't get what I want when I want? I don't need anything from you." 

Jessica looked at Trish before she saw an ATM machine and walked over to it before she ripped the covering off and took the cash and held it up to Trish, "See!? All set!" 

"That's great, that's just great." Trish said

"Trish, forget her. Let's just go.' a groupie said in the car 

"You know what? Don't call me when you're arrested and need bail." Trish said 

"And don't call me when you OD, and need a hospital." Jessica retorted watching as Trish got in the limo that drove away as Naruto stood across the street having watched and heard everything 

Jessica's eyes teared up as she looked down, "God damn it." 

Jessica leaned down and began to pick up the money she dropped when she saw Naruto's Air Jordans and looked up at him as he knelt down in front of her 

"You keeping the money?' Naruto asked causing Jessica to look at him in confusion, " Yes or No?' 

"Yeah, so what?' Jessica asked before Naruto held up a hand and she watched in shock as wind picked up and black lightning very blade-like in shape, almost like a scimitar in shape, and accompanied by the sound of crackling electricity took Naruto's place as the ATM was fixed up in seconds before he was standing in front of her with the bourbon he took as she looked up at him in shock 

"Want to catch up?" Naruto asked with his hand held out to her 

Jessica contemplated for a moment before she took the hand and was hoisted to her feet 


The two were sitting on a rooftop, looking at an old movie played on a projector by some guy who wanted to put a smile on peoples face, 

"The plane went down, and I was hit in the head. My mom got up to come to check on me, and she was sucked out of the ceiling. My dad died with the impact. I healed in seconds and stayed there with him." Naruto said sipping the Scotch from the bottle, "I kinda drifted after. Went to a mystical realm and met some douche bag monks who wanted me to spend my entire life in their city, I refused and left. Search and Rescue picked me up and was going to bring me back. I wasn't ready to come back so I left and lived my life doing anything and mostly everything to survive." 

"What all can you do?" Jessica asked taking the bottle 

"SuperSpeed, Super Strength, Flight, Energy, and Elemental manipulation and a whole list of vision-related abilities.' Naruto shrugged 

"Sounds like your a Superman." Jessica smiled

"I just want to be me." Naruto said looking at Jessica who nodded 

"Is that why you haven't taken control of your company?" Jessica asked 

"I will, eventually." Naruto said looking over to the Rand building, "They know I'm alive. I stopped them from trying to take my family's money, and they are dreading when I do reappear. What about you?" 

"What about me?" Jessica asked 

"You, Lil Phil, and your parents were going to Playland last I saw you. Where's Philip? He always said he'd make it big, build video games." 

"... They died." Jessica said causing Naruto to frown as Jessica looked down, "Car accident." 

"That's how you..." 

"Yeah, I think so." Jessica nodded before Naruto brought an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder 

"I'm sorry."

"I'm okay." Jessica said sipping the scotch 

"No your not." Naruto replied causing her to look at him, "No one could ever be okay with losing what we have lost." 

Jessica looked at Naruto for a moment, and nodded sniffing as she fought her tears, "Least I'm not alone anymore.' she said chuckling 

"And you will never be again.' Naruto smiled causing Jessica to look at him and smiled before the two leaned in and kissed that progressively grew intense as they began to rip each other's clothes off while falling from the air duct in a flash of black lightning Naruto sped off the rooftop with Jessica to his loft (Derek's Loft from Teen Wolf) 

Moments Later 

Clothes littered the floor leading to a naked hugging Naruto, and Jessica, as Naruto pressed his lips against hers and soon both of their tongues were clashing against each other. Naruto then grabbed both of Jessica's ass cheeks, both picking her up and spreading them as he sat her on the vanity. Jessica reached her hand forward and grabbed ahold of his cock finding that it had already hardened in preparation for entering her. Giving it a few tugs. She lined it up with her cunt and groaned as Naruto buried it in her in one go. Naruto didn't give her any time to adjust. Instead of filling and emptying her in a rapid thrust that soon had her close to the edge. She was aware of the vanity's mirror she was sitting on smashing as a result of the vicious assault she was under due to its bouncing against the wall, cracking it 

Reaching her hands up to grip his shoulders, she was unable to do anything else but moan her approval and it was no surprise to her when she came. Upon reaching her orgasm, she raked her nails along Naruto's back, as Naruto groaned and pump her full of his seed. 

As she recovered along with the blond, she realized that much to her amazement the cock still buried in her hadn't softened as a result of his release. 

"I thought guys got soft after they came?' Jessica asked 

"Stamina freak." Naruto smirked before he moaned as with a smirk Jessica gave his cock a squeeze using her internal muscles. It was only a matter of moments before Naruto began to respond as well. Picking Jessica up with his dick still inside her, he carried her towards the bed. Where he sat down before he leaned back allowing her to set the pace while on top. 

Jessica planted her feet on the bed before she began raising and lowering herself on the thick meat staff that had impaled her. Naruto groaned as he reached up and cupped her breasts while she slid herself up and down his cock. Grabbing the nipple of one of her breasts, he gave it a tug as she was on an upward stroke allowing 

her own momentum to increase the sensation causing her to scream in pleasure. Dropping to her knees, she began a more relaxed pace gentle swirling her hips as Naruto took her face in his hands, and had her look at him, "I got you. Now and forever." Naruto said his hands moving to her hips as she began a back and forth motion with her hips. 

"Promise," Jessica said 

"Promise of a lifetime." Naruto smiled before Jessica moaned as his dick hit the entrance to her womb causing her to crash forward into his chest. Raising her hips up and down his cock slowly from her new position 

Month Later 

It's been a month since Naruto, and Jessica found each other, and they had been all over the world living life to the fullest, he had challenged Jessica to step out of her comfort zone to actually let loose and enjoy life and it leads to some interesting encounters, a lot of stealing, and a few bar fights that didn't end with anyone seriously hurt. Naruto had told Jessica the true nature of his existence and had taken it upon himself to teach Jessica to protect herself with her strength and unpolished flying abilities 

Currently, they were walking down the street, when Jessica saw a leather jacket and paused, "You want it?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Naruto who walked forward and phased through the glass before he ripped the jacket off the mannequin and walked back to Jessica placing it around her shoulders 

The two began to kiss before the terrible song 'I want your Cray Cray' was heard on a car radio causing Jessica to frown, "Hey." Naruto said causing her to look at him, "Let's go see her." 

"No, I'm okay." Jessica assured 

"Your pretending Trish died in a plane crash." Naruto said watching as Jessica looked away from him, "She's your family." 

"You're my only family." Jessica smiled 

"And while that does fill me with joy, the nightmares you have about Trish, are well justified going back to when we last saw her." Naruto said taking Jessica's chin and lifting it up so she was looking him in the eye, "You will never forgive yourself if your sister who needs help died while the two of you are in this place. And I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you do that." 

Jessica looked at Naruto for a moment and smiled as she nodded before the two walked off 


Naruto and Jessica entered the club where he used to bartend, and in the V.I.P Trish was laughing at a story one of her 'friends' was telling 

"Give me a minute." Jessica said 

"I'll hit up the bar." Naruto nodded as Jessica smiled and the two separated 

"1 Scotch, cristal and a Henny and coke." Naruto said getting a nod as he surveyed his surroundings taking note of a few people in the ground, "Great." he sighed 

Naruto took the glasses and left a $100 bill on the bar and walked off over to Jessica and Trish, handing her the Henny, and Coke and handed Trish the Cristal 

"Hi." Trish greeted


"Trish, this is Nathan." Jessica introduced 

"It so great to meet you." Trish said hugging Naruto 

"You too." Naruto said returning the hug and glancing to Jessica who shrugged, 

"Oh wow, your so firm." Trish said pulling back and rubbing her hand against Naruto's chest 

"Um, thanks." Naruto said 

"You know you look familiar." 

"Yeah, I have one of those faces." Naruto nodded 

"No, you don't." Trish laughed before she snapped her fingers, "You're the guy who knocked out the manager!" 

"Yeah." Naruto nodded 

"Yeah, he's a dick." Jessica said before she looked at Trish, "How you been?' 

"Fine, rehearsal's have been exhausting." Trish said smiling before she saw the manager looking at her and holding up a small white package, "Um excuse me, I have to meet someone real quick." 

Trish quickly walked off followed by a man and woman to the man who handed the drugs to Trish before they all walked off toward the bathroom 

Naruto and Jessica frowned, "Okay look you see the guy by the speaker on his phone?" Naruto asked causing Jessica to glance back and see the man on his phone while repeatedly glancing at them 


"He's been following us for the last 3 hours." Naruto said causing Jessica to frown 

"What do we do?" Jessica asked 

"We get Trish, and get the hell out of here." Naruto said getting a nod before the two got up and walked to the restroom but the man and woman who had followed Trish stood in their way 

"She's busy." the girl said as the man got in Naruto's face 


"Turn around and leave." the man said 

Naruto scoffed before he made to walk forward but the man put a hand to his chest, "You're not going in there." 

Naruto looked down at where the man's hand was on his chest and looked back up at him with a smirk 

Moments later the man was crying cradling his broken hand as Naruto and Jessica continued on to the bathroom and walked in to see Trish on her knees trying to take off the managers belt 

"Get out!" Trish shouted as she looked at Jessica and Naruto 

"Uzumaki? Your back for your job. Give me a minute with this bitch, and I'll listen to your apology." 

Trish gasped along with the manager whose throat held by Naruto as he was suspended in the air, "I always knew you were a creep." he said before Naruto's Sharingan flared and the manager was out to sleep before Naruto dropped him 

"Come with us." Jessica said helping Trish stand up before the three began to leave and made it to the backdoor 

Naruto held the door for Jessica and Trish to walk out and closed it behind them, "We need to-" 

"Freeze!" armed men ran into the alleyway with 2 government Sudan's blocking the exits 

"What's going on?' Trish asked as the weapons were focused on Naruto, and Jessica before Naruto stood in front of Jessica 

"Who the hell are you people?" Naruto asked "Naruto." 

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard a voice he hasn't heard in almost 4 years, turning around he saw Natasha Romanoff standing beside a bald head African American man and a man with a bow and arrow 

"Natasha." Naruto nodded in greeting, "Did you bring all these people here to die?" 

The armed men righted their grips on their weapons, "No! No, listen we just want to talk." 

"Funny way of showing it." Naruto smirked 

"Mr. Rand." the bald man said walking forward, "My name is Nick Fury, we are with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, our organization tagged you and your girlfriends display of enhanced abilities. Given the fact you both only committed victimless crimes, and have only acted in self defense, I came here to extend the invitation of joining us." 

"No thanks." Naruto said 

"If you don't my superiors are prepared to put your faces all over the world to ensure you both will never have normal lives after you get out for all the items you stole." Fury said 

"Is that a threat?' Naruto asked his eyes glowing causing everyone to tense 

"No, it isn't." Natasha said walking forward, "We are trying to help you." 

"I believe your abilities could be used to help make the world a better place, and you have absolutely no reason to trust me, but I'm trying to help." Nick said 

"Can he think about it?" Jessica asked causing Naruto to look back at her along with Nick and Natasha 

"Yeah. You have 48 hours, that's all the time I can buy you." Nick said walking off and immediately everyone began to leave while Natasha stayed back for a moment looking at Naruto 

"You once said you and Kara dreamed of making your world a better place but you couldn't because no one was willing to help you so you thought you could control your problems. You could help make this world better." Natasha said before she turned around walking off 

"Let's go.' Naruto said to Jessica and Trish as he walked over to them and sped off with them 


Naruto was laying on the bed, as Jessica and Trish talked about getting Trish help before she walked into the room and laid beside him, "... Are you thinking about the offer?" 

"Nope." Naruto said with a small shrug, 

"What about what they said?" Jessica asked before Naruto sat up and looked at her 

"Do you want me to take it?" Naruto asked 

"I think you should. Trish needs me to get her clean, and I can't be there for her if I'm on the run. Besides, maybe you can find someone," 

"Find someone? Are you breaking up with me?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow 

"What no. I'm just saying that it wouldn't suck for you to have another person of the female gender to help you with your insatiable sexual appetite." Jessica said 

"So get a harem." Naruto nodded 

"Well, it is every man's dream right?" Jessica asked smiling before she climbed onto his lap straddling him as she laid her forearms on his chest so that her face was inches from his own, "This last month has been amazing, doing whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and I love you, and I want to be with you, I just can't keep up with you. No matter who your screwing on the side will change the way I feel about you." 

Naruto nodded slowly

"Take the deal. Just for now and we get an out." Jessica said Naruto nodded, "I'll play it by ear I guess." he replied

"Who knows you might make some new friends." Jessica stated "We'll see." Naruto said before the two kissed


Nathan Rand/Naruto

[img: https://data.whicdn.com/images/294340842/original.jpg] Jessica Jones 


https://64.media.tumblr.com/acc8dfd45b96647525256ce5c70a02fa/e 03f38240b56bafd- ef/s250x400/775f7fb11cbf442511c7270db1961517a52e6597.jpg] 



https://64.media.tumblr.com/17de2be5fcc05941161fde8dc6fd3772/tu mblr_pb4dbwvXDA1sw9r2ro1_250.jpg] 

Natasha Romanoff 


https://64.media.tumblr.com/cb1f11b0ea33ad7ca7f604d3baa4c4c5/9 7b5b144aad995b8- e7/s1280x1920/2a3e56c1fd3a793158de4ae6d09aadb3ca2de6b8.jp g] 
