
Sea of Graves

In the dead of night that enveloped the filthy streets of Dein with its darkness, Talon slowly walked back into the Dead Man's Inn where his fellow team members and the old man were.

The cold autumn rain continued to pour down from the sky, leaving him drenched as he walked on in silence. 

His dark robe grew heavy as the rain-soaked it. 

'This is a good place, I don't sense anyone in the surrounding area.'

Informed him a voice in his mind, speaking in his very own voice, this wasn't anyone that he could guess.

It wasn't Number Four with his usual warm tone, nor was it the hostile Number Eight who would berate him upon his arrival. Instead, it wasn't even Number Three, the one who was always stern yet kind towards him.

He could feel that the presence entering his mind was someone new, yet he knew that he felt the presence before, the time when the Church of the Otherside changed its appearance.
