
Arlong End

"Nothing that, Marine or those in power said was true, they doing a good job by catching Pirates but they are also doing it Superficially , In simple words they are just Puppets of those in Power, So don't believe what they say, Ace," Max said.

Ace inquired, "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to see the world with your own eyes before you judge it; you don't know your Father, but you assumed he was a criminal because others told you so; I don't want you to repeat that mistake again, Ace." "So, become strong enough to find an answer to your question, that's what I want from you," Max said.

"Can you make me strong?" Ace inquired, his gaze fixed on Max.

"I can only provide you with means; the rest is up to you," Max said calmly.

"*inhale* Very well Captain, I am in your care from now on," Ace took a deep breath and stated to Max, standing up and smiling.

"hahaha, so you are now acknowledging me as Captain now, But this isn't a Pirate Ship Ace, but the Head quarters of Moonlight League and I am the Captain of this Bounty Hunters group" Max said with a smirk.

"Then I will be Bounty Hunter too," Ace also smiled and replied.

"And me too" Deuce also said from the side, he has already acknowledged Ace as his Captain so where ever Ace go, he will follow.

"Of course" Max said.


[Congratulations Host on...]

Max dismissed the notification, as he can't check it currently.

"Imprison that Clown in the prison cell, I have made some Prisons in the basement" Max said to Bucky.

"Rest of them, just throw them out, there bounty isn't much anyway" Max 

After giving instructions Max returned to his room, To check out the System notification.

[Congratulation Host on creating your own Hunter Organisation : Moonlight League]

[Requirement : Recruit any important character of this world to your organisation (Complete)]

[Reward : A Template card * 2 (recruit only)

 : A Copy Card( Unique) ]

[ Template card : Alibaba Saluja

 Abilities : Royal Sword Play, Djinn Amon , Super Senstivity(Super Perception), Immense Magoi

 Description : One of the most powerful Flame Sword Magi to ever exist ]

[Template Card : Toshiro Hitsugaya

 Ability : Master Swordsman, Immense Reiatsu, Expert Strategist & Tactician, Zanpakutō : Hyorinmaru, Kido Expert.

Description : The youngest genius and powerful Ice Sword Mage] 

[ Coy card : Using it Host can copy anything up to Unique Level ]

{A/N : I changed somethings so don't mind it}

"hmm, Template card is perfect for Ace and Deuce, the Templates are based on their unique ability, Flame affinity of Ace and Strategist of Deuce, no wonder it said for recruit only, and for me is this Copy Card, I can copy anything up to Unique level using this" Max thought seeing the reward he received.

"I will give it to them after they defeat Arlong and his Gang" Max thought and went back to his usual work.

After a Day

The gang is on the Deck as they are reaching their destination Coco Village.

"This Village is under control of a Fishman name Arlong and his pirate crew. Ace, Deuce and Felicia will go there to capture all the members of Arlong Pirates" Max said as the the Ship docked to Conomi Island.

Ace and others nodded and jumped on the Island and went to search the Pirate gang.

"Won't there be any problem, Felicia has fighting experience but what of Ace and Deuce?" Bucky asked Max as he saw them going inside the Village.

"That's why you will follow them..Stealthily" Max replied.

"And what will you do?" Bucky nodded and asked.

"I will be a Pirate" Max smiled and said to Bucky

"Pirate?" Bucky cast a confusing glance at Max.

"This is a f*cked up world, so, somethings need to be done illegally here, " Max said and started transforming into White Devil.

Bucky noticed that Max's height increased to 9'11 ft, his hair changed to a beautiful Silver color, his eyes changed to a Bright Blue color, two Bright Blue horns with silver markings emerged from Max's Forehead, Max's face also matured, and he became too much handsome, if not for Max's lack of breast and lean but muscular body, Bucky would have mistaken this new Max for a Beautiful girl.

"This is new" Bucky said.

"I can't have Marine put a Bounty on our head so I will be going to do all illegal work in this Disguise" Max chuckled and replied.

"hmm," Bucky nodded and jumped from the ship and went after the Trio.

"I should also be going" Max mumbled and used Jack's Compass to locate Colonel Mouse location.

The compass started pointing towards the Colonel Mouse location and Max flew towards there.

After just a 10 minute flight Max reached the Marine base, Hovering above the base he released his conqueror haki.

From Max haki, every single person in the base fainted.

Max then ransacked whole base and appearing above the base once again, he whispered " Tier 6 Holy Magic : Soul Judgement".

With Max words a Pure white flame engulfed the whole Marine base and just after a second, Heart wrenching cries sounded from the base.

Max smirked and started flying back to his ship.

[ Name : Soul Judgement

 Description : The more sin one has committed , the more painfully they will be burned by the sacred flames]

on the Ace side

*knock* *Knock*

"No one is opening the door, how will we find the Arlong location?" Deuce said after another failure.

"Maybe the People her are too scared to come out of their house" Felicia commented.

"No other option then, let's explore this whole Island, we will eventually find the base of this Arlong" Ace said and others nodded and started exploring the whole Island.

After some minutes they came across two patrolling Fishmen.

"Hey, you there, we never seen you before, Who are you?" An ugly Fishman asked.

"oh, Fish himself came to chopping board" Felicia grinned seeing the Fishmen.

"Bastard, what did you say? about us noble species" Ugly Fishman Shouted after hearing what Felicia statement.

Felicia didn't reply but rushed to the Fishmen, without giving them a chance she grabbed their heads, holding their heads She banged them against each other, knocking them out.

"You knocked them out, now how will we Find their base?" Deuce said seeing the fainted Fishmen.

"I don't know they were this weak" Felicia shrugged.

Deuce sighed and proceeded to wake up the fainted fishmen.

"I can lead you to their base" Ace and other looked at the voice source and found a Weird stern face Uncle with a toy Windmill on his head.

"And you are?" Deuce asked.

"I am just a sheriff of this Village, Genzo, I can lead you to Arlong base but can you defeat him?" Genzo said and asked.

"Just leave it to us, Genzo, we are Bounty Hunters of the Moonlight league" Ace said proudly.

"Never heard of it" Genzo replied.

Ace : "..."

*Pfft* Felicia and Deuce laughed seeing Ace speechless expression.


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