
Pepper and Selene

"now, What should I do with rest of the fruits" After giving it some thought, Max made the decision to not share any of these terrible fruits with any of the people in his organization. Instead of common abilities like these, he wants each of them to have superior ones.

"Now that I think of it, hawk eye seem suitable for speed speed fruit, as this devil fruit can not only increase his own speed but other things like projectile's speed too" Max thought as Speed speed fruit can increase the speed of anything upto light speed.

"If its limit is removed, it can be quite a powerful fruit....nahh Light speed is itself frightening, like what if one increases his recovery speed upto light speed, though one must awaken it to reach that level" Max thought and thought, and each time Speed Speed fruit became better and better.

"Fuck it, I'm giving it to Bucky and let him decide." Max became annoyed with each new thought that came to him and decided to offer it to Bucky.

Max then opened a Portal to twilight Isle.

Reaching the Conference room," Edward come to Conference room" Max called Edward.

After few minutes Edward arrived followed by Selene.

"Hey, Selene, How are you doing?" Max said to Selene as she entered, He himself didn't know after she came a smile formed on his face.

"Great, How are you doing?" Selene smiled and responded.

"I am doing great too" Max replied.

"Sir, You called me" Edward asked as Selene sat near Max.

"This manual contains haki and sword training method, learn the haki and then teach it to others, as for this fruit, pass it to Bucky along with this slip," Max said, passing him the Devil Fruit, a copy of the training method, and a slip.

Edward nodded and asked" Anything else Sir?"

"Have you learned the Blood clone mechanics?" Max asked him as super human Devil fruit development is mainly based on user imaginations, So Max one day instructed Edward to learn how Blood Clone works, that way Edward might be able to use Blood Clone ability without Max purchasing it from the system.

"I have already learned it, however, I can only make a clone having 50 % of my abilities" Edward replied.

"hmm, it's better then I thought, great work Edward" Max nodded and praised Edward.

"I am not worthy of your praise Master, there is one more major difference between my Blood clone and yours" Edward bowed his head as he said.

"What's the problem now?" Max groaned and asked, "It seems like there's no way to replicate properly," in his head.

"My clone cannot keep feeding me back their progress, they have to be destroyed in order to do that" Edward said.

"That's it,it seem similar to Naruto clones, Well then don't worry, it's hardly any problem, it's not like you need to keep your clone permanent like mine" Max murmured and replied calmly.

"Now, make a clone and leave it here,while the original you, will follow my sister and protect her" explained Max. Max mused to himself, "Those hydra bastards have already got their eye on me; they might try to capture Pepper before making an offer to me."

"As you wish Sir" Edward remarked and leaved the room.

"So, Selene why did you came with Edward, do you need something" Max asked Selene after Edward left.

"Can I only came to you when I want something?" Selene inquired rather than answering to his question.

"You can come to me anytime you want. I didn't mean that," Max said with an awkward smile.' Man, why it's hard to converse with her' in his head.

Selene nodded and said " I want to go to your house in New York".

"Of course, when will you be coming to my home?" Max replied with a smile.' you needed something after all' in his head.

"Let's go right now" Selene said and used her magic to transform her black combat clothes into casual white top and blue jeans.

"You look beautiful in those clothes," Max said honestly, having never seen her in regular clothing.

"ready to go?" Max then asked 

Max opened a portal to his room in New York when Selene nodded, but neither of them noticed Selene's ears turning pink after Max complimented her.

"It's quite a view from here" Selene exclaimed coming near a window.

" I designed my room in a way so that the window faces the Sunset, right now it's nothing but at evening it's becomes marvelous" Max said from side.

Selene nodded and said" I would loved to see that view".

"You will see it, just wait for a while" Max said.


"Max, are you home?" Pepper said and opened the door.

"Sister why don't you knock before entering my room" Max scowled.

"You are only 11 what's wrong with it" Pepper replied.

"Who is She?" Pepper asked seeing a beautiful girl in Max room.

"Umm, She is my friend, who came to visit" Max replied hurriedly. 'Crap. I forgot about Selene' Max mentally cursed.

"Oh a friend" Pepper nodded, 'Since when my loner brother have a friend and a beautiful girl at that' Pepper suspiciously thought.

"Hello, my name is Pepper Potts, and I hope Max hasn't caused you any problems," Pepper stated to Selen, smiling.

"Hello, my name is Selene Galio and No, he occasionally helps me, rather than causing me any problem" Selene greeted her back.

"That's great" Pepper remarked. 'Max won't even help me, but he helps her—there's definitely something fishy,' Pepper considered.

'Perhaps Max like her, hmm She is beautiful' Pepper thought happily.

"You guys enjoy, I am going to work" Pepper said and left not before flashing a meaningful smile at Max.

'She definitely misunderstood something' Max thought seeing Pepper smile. 

"Wanna hang out?" Max asked Selene.

"Hmm" Selene nodded.


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