
I Want To Know Everything

A girl stood at Damian's door with a bag on her back and a small suitcase and stuffed rabbit in her hands.

"Good morning, Spade!" greeted the girl cheerfully.

The sight of the girl made Damian gasp in surprise, how could she be there?

"Blossom?! What are you doing in my house?" asked Damian confused and surprised.

"I came here to live with you!" replied Blossom and pushed Damian to let her in.

"Wow... It's small, but it feels nice!" she said as she looked around.

"Hey, wait a minute!" He closed the door and chased after his younger sister. "You can't suddenly stay with me, mom and dad will be looking for you."

"I know and I don't care, I want to live with you!" Blossom continued to walk inside until she stopped at one of the paintings on the wall.

It was a painting of a very beautiful black-haired woman. Looking at her face, Blossom felt very familiar.

"Spade... Is she..."
