

As the knife was swung at Amanda, a man suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked the knife from hitting her.

Amanda's eyes widened to find the man in front of her now. She could only see the man's back and his brown hair in the light of the night lamp.

"Wha--" The mysterious man was shocked when it was Amanda he was supposed to stab, but it was someone else he hit with the knife.

"George?!" said Amanda surprised to see the sheriff standing in front of her.

"Kkhh... You can't just attack a woman like that..." George said while enduring the pain of a deep knife cut on his right stomach.

The mysterious man immediately ran away in fear and left them alone.

Meanwhile, George fell to his knees holding the wound on his stomach. His forehead was wrinkled with pain and his face was slightly pale.

His blood dripped onto the white snow, turning it red. Frantically, Amanda grabbed George's arm. "What are you doing? Why are you..."

"Uhh... You're okay, right? It's not a problem, I can treat it later," George replied.

"No! We have to go to the hospital now! Where's your car?!" Amanda asked firmly.

George pointed to where his car was. Amanda got him into his car and she drove to the small hospital in District 36.

Luckily the hospital was always open, so without thinking Amanda helped George out of the car and called out at the hospital door.

"Someone's hurt! We need help immediately!" she said loudly.

It didn't take long for the nurses to arrive with an automatic emergency stretcher and lay George on it and take him to the Emergency Room for treatment.

Meanwhile, Amanda waited in the waiting room until George was treated. She was still quite shocked, why George could come and protect her like that. Even though it was very dangerous for her.

"He sacrificed his safety just to protect me. Why did he go that far?" Amanda muttered guiltily.

Amanda closed her eyes, hoping George would be okay. She could see that the blood coming out of George's wound was quite a lot, it was not an ordinary wound that could heal in a short time.

She knew the pain of such a wound because she had gotten one in the past. It was so painful and uncomfortable to move at all. Now it was on someone else's body just to protect her.

Thinking about all that made Amanda's stomach hurt. She tried to calm herself down while rubbing her stomach. If she thought too much about something, it would definitely affect the baby too.

"I hope he'll be okay. It's ten o'clock at night. Hopefully he can go home tomorrow," Amanda said.

The brown-haired woman sat waiting for George to finish his treatment. For almost two hours she waited, George was finally seen. The doctor said that the wound was quite deep, but they managed to treat it.

"It will take four to five weeks for the wound to close completely. Until then, he'd better not work too hard or the wound could open up again," explained the doctor who treated George's wound.

"Alright. Thank you for saving him," Amanda said.

She went to see George in the general ward. There the man still had his eyes closed, he still hadn't woken up from the effects of the drugs that had put him to sleep.

Amanda slowly pulled out a chair and sat next to George's bed. She held his hand, hoping he would wake up soon. George had been so kind to her and helped her so much. Even saving her life this time.

"I'm very indebted to you. I... I don't know how to repay your kindness to me..." Amanda said while rubbing the back of George's hand.

Not long after, the man woke up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw Amanda holding his hand with her eyes closed.

He was so relieved that Amanda was okay and now she was sitting there waiting for him to wake up. Slowly he moved his finger, making Amanda wake up and open her eyes.

"George? Oh you're awake, gosh I was so worried.." Amanda said with relief seeing the man finally open his eyes.

"Yes, why are you still here? You should go home and rest."

Amanda shook her head. "How can I rest when I see someone just sacrificed his life just for me? I... I can't leave you alone injured..." Amanda replied.

Amanda's eyes looked worriedly at George. She and George had not known each other for long, but for Amanda George had helped her a lot and even encouraged her.

"Thank you, Amanda..."

"No, I should be the one saying thank you. You saved me and my son. I owe you so much."

Amanda took George's hand and pressed it to her forehead.

"Do you need anything? I'll call the nurse if you need anything," Amanda asked.

"I'm a little thirsty, can you get me some water?" George asked Amanda.

She nodded and got up from her chair and left the room.

A few minutes later, the nurse returned with a glass of water for George. But he didn't see Amanda anywhere, so he asked the nurse about her. The nurse said that Amanda had gone to the toilet.

"Your wife was very worried about you while you were being treated. She kept asking whether the treatment was over or not every twenty minutes. She was very attentive," the nurse explained.

"Oh? Really?" asked George somewhat surprised. Especially since the nurse thought Amanda was his wife.

"Yes, she looks nervous even though she's pregnant. We got worried, we even offered her tea to calm her down a bit. She drank it but still with a worried face," explained the nurse again and then withdrew to return to her place.

Hearing all that, George didn't expect Amanda to be that worried about him.

There was a small smile on George's face. The woman he liked was now feeling so worried about him. He felt so happy, the pain he got was paid off by seeing Amanda watching him.


When morning came, Amanda asked George for permission to go home because she had to work that day. George told Amanda to just ask Jhon for permission not to work and rest at home because Amanda had been up all night.

"Today is the last day Jhon opens his cafe this year. I want to help him. There are still three hours before my shift, so I can take a break at home," Amanda replied.

"Alright then, be careful on the road. Thank you for staying with me all night," George said.

"Thank you also for helping me, Sheriff George. You're amazing."

Amanda turned around and left George on the hospital bed. George called one of his deputies to help him at the hospital.

That day, Amanda went home and rested for a while before she had to go back to work because she didn't want to miss the last day of Jhon's cafe.
