

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Gregon Hareson's House, Geonia, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 8:26 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

The smell of steak, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns fills the house as we all watch the stable owner, Gregon, cook food. It reminds me of the homecooked meals mom would make us back home. It's actually making me miss my family a bit.

Sadly, it's not like the food he's cooking will feed me in real life. Sure, it'll taste great. But I do have to get off tonight to eat some real food, use the bathroom, and clean up.

This day has been long and arduous for everyone involved, so I'm looking forward to a shower when I get off later.

As the sizzling oven top with pans of food continues cooking, my attention turns to the three women who accepted my help. I haven't had a conversation with them yet. Not one you would expect with other people.

The circumstances didn't allow for such things, but now they're safe, clothed, and soon they'll be fed.

The one who looks the oldest sees me relaxing in my chair. I can tell she wants to ask me something, but she's too afraid to ask. Some courage is all she needs, but I think just offering to answer anything she asks will be okay.

"If you want to ask me something or talk, you can. I don't have anything to hide."

That's a fucking lie.

But they don't need to know that.

The girl takes a moment before looking at me again. She's gathering her words and trying to hold back the fear and trauma. Now that we've made it and they're alive. It makes sense everything they've been through would start to hit them.

"You said your name was Zaediel, right..."

A simple nod is what she gets in response. I'm not a therapist or anything like that, but now that I got her talking, I think it's best I don't say anything that could ruin that.

"There were 100 bandits at (Red's Hold.) From what we saw in the training yard, you killed almost all of them... If you don't mind me asking, how did you do it?"

I guess I should've expected that. It's not like someone of a similar level to those bandits can just walk in and kill all of them. It's not like I can tell them my class or my skills. I don't know if they'll tell others or not.

The last thing I want is to be hunted down by other people. That'll complicate my life way more than I need it to be. Right now, it's just about gaming and exploring AG.

"Fights against bandits can be hard, but they're not infallible if you're a similar or lower level than them. For every one decent fighter at (Red's Hold,) there were nine or ten bad ones who couldn't fight to save themselves."

I see that all three of the women are listening intently. I don't know what's so interesting about it, but maybe they want to know how their captures died. They had the satisfaction of killing Mack, but maybe that wasn't enough.

"Killing the bad ones was my first priority. Once the large forces were gone, killing the decent fighters was easy. It's a tactic called divide and conquer. I split the forces up and took them out one by one."

Complete and utter bullshit, but nobody said it's not an impossible tactic. What catches my eye is how Gregon is listening in on my tale. I don't know if he believes it or not, but I can see the three women are convinced for the most part.

"Mind if I ask you three a question? I know that you're not trusting of men right now or will be for a long time. But I'd like to know more about the people I helped today."

I do my best to sound sincere, and it helps cause I am. The people of AG are real, thinking, and feeling people. This wasn't a scripted event. It resulted from someone's actions in this world, leading to these poor girls getting captured.

It could be as insignificant as a tree or boulder blocking the road, and they had to take a detour, which led to this. Or, maybe someone in their lives secretly arranged this. I want to find out which it is.

They share a look with each other, and after a moment of silence, each nods their heads. My question won't be that intrusive. At least, I hope it isn't to them.

"What are your names, and how did you come to find yourselves in the clutches of bandits?"

I still haven't learned the names of these three women. It'd be nice to know who I'm talking to. Before, I didn't want to use (EoC) on them cause it felt wrong after everything they've been through. It's not something I should do after all that.

They look nervous about sharing their names, and I'll understand if they don't want to. However, the one whose pregnancy isn't as far along as the other two chooses to speak up first.

"My name is Yelina Corvosis, and I was held there against my will for five months. As you can probably guess, I'm four months along. I was traveling with a trade caravan five months ago, and Mack and his bandits ambushed it. That's how I ended up like this."

She angrily and emotionally motions to herself and her body. I could never truly understand what it's like going through what these three have gone through and will go through. But I can do my best to try.

Then, the one I guess is closest to full-term takes this chance to tell me about her. I'm glad two of them have opened up to me so far.

"I'm Rena Ormov. Almost eight months ago, I was traveling with my fiancee, and our cart was attacked..."

Oh, god...

"He was killed in front of me, and I was taken."

All I can do is lower my head slightly and think about how evil people can truly be. As I lift my eyes, instead of seeing a devastated woman like I would think, I see Rena crying with a smile, and tears are in her eyes as she does.

"I hadn't told Adam, my fiancee, but I was already pregnant. This baby isn't Macks; it's Adams..."


The other two girls look away from her as she speaks, sadness in their eyes. They can't say the same as Rena. These are some of the most harrowing stories I've heard. I look at the only girl left who hasn't introduced herself.

"Thanks for saving me, Zaediel. My name is Celia Catherine, but my friends call me C.C. I'm uncomfortable sharing this, but I trust you. My brother-in-law sold me to Mack to pay off his gambling debts..."

A flash of hellfire-fueled anger ignites in my soul as I hear her speak. I don't show any outward reaching, so I don't scare her, but her own family sold her off.

"Slavery is illegal in Edaria, so by selling me to Mack, he was able to wipe out all his debts. A premium, they called it. I arrived at (Red's Hold) a few days after Rena. We've been there the longest."

I have so many questions for her. The first is imperative to her safety. But if she doesn't answer my question, then I guess that's the end of it.

"Mind telling me if your brother-in-law is in Geonia..."

She takes a moment of silence, shaking as she sits there. Doing her best to hold back her tears. After another couple of seconds, she slowly nods her head.

"Does he live where you used to live..."

Again silence as the tears start to fall. She has to cover her face as she nods again. The only thing going through my head is how much this guy needs to die. If I offered to end his life, would she accept it...

In Geonia, you only get in trouble with the law if you're caught. I could kill this guy; no one would know anything about it, and I doubt he's powerful.

"Celia... If you want, I could hunt him down... Do to him what I did to those bandits... All you need to do is tell me his name and where he lives, and I'll be done with him by Tuesday."

I'll be taking most of tomorrow off, and when I get back on, I'll turn in my quest a day earlier than the required completment time. That'll leave all of Tuesday to kill this guy. Making Celia safe and not having to worry about it anymore.

"I don't have anything to give you..."

Oh, damn it! I forgot to clarify that I'd do it for free!! At this point, getting rid of this scumbag is a charity and not something to charge.

"I wouldn't ask anything of you, Celia. Only that you move on with your life when I end him."

She looks at me with a surprised face, and after my offer sinks in, she breaks into full-blown sobbing. I look at the other two awkwardly, but they just gently smile at me. They wrap their arms around her and comfort her.

"Foods done!!"

Just in time, Gregon. When they're done eating, I can get an answer about killing this guy, and then I can find an Inn to log off in.

After a moment, Gregon comes to the kitchen table with multiple plates filled with food, setting them down in front of each of us. All three of the women immediately dig into the food, disregarding all table manners.

Reminds me of home...

I follow suit and dig in with everyone else. Right now, it's about the food.
