
Red's Hold I

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Flying, Outside Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 9:25 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

The wind from flying at decently high speeds blows back my hair. Roughtail is flying evenly and with his wings spread out. Conserving as much energy as he can. I look down from our high altitude, and the farmlands outside Geonia are below us.

A little behind us, you can see the large city with the tall walls surrounding it. Geonia is an architectural standout from other cities I've been to. Other games I've played had nice cities, but Geonia has a sophisticated look for a game based in this age.

It's also immaculate.

I turn my head forward again, look ahead, and open my arms. It's my first time flying in AG, but I've flown in other games. The feeling of freedom will never be a sensation I lose. As the minutes pass, I review the map in my mind.

I'm adjusting the flight path slightly using Roughtail's harness as we fly. He's cooperating with no issues. He's been well-trained, just as the sable owner said. When we take a break is the time to worry. He might fly off without me.

"I don't know what I'll be up against besides bandits at (Red's Hold). Their numbers and average level are unknown, and how organized they are is unknown."

They'll pose more danger to me than the goblins did. I'm interested in seeing the way bandits fight and operate in AG. I can surmise a power range of the bandits based on specific facts. I can have a baseline idea of what I'm flying into.

Fact one, Rehan and Eliza believe these tasks to be far beneath them. I don't know how strong Rehan is since I haven't used EoC on him yet, but I did use it on Eliza. She's level 300 and knows Rehan to be powerful, which says a lot about Rehan.

Fact two, the quest said the level requirement is 35 or higher. This tells me the weakest enemies will be around this level. No way to tell how high the levels of the enemies go. That's something I'll find out when I get there.

A bandit group's power structure is the strongest leads and rules. The boss, Left-Eye Mack, will be the strongest. He's labeled as the boss for that reason.

I could be off by quite a bit regarding the levels. If I'm not, I'm in for some pain. While I can stand up to someone a tier above me. I couldn't handle someone that's two tiers above me.

"Can you fight, Roughtail?"

There is slight sarcasm in my voice as I ask the Griffin. He gives a small squawk back, slightly low in tone. I guess that means no.

My sword will even the playing field in the battle ahead. That much, I know. A small sigh escapes my lips as I think about my siblings. I have time now that I'm spending time flying to my destination. I haven't spoken to them since AG launched.

Blake is thriving; I know that much. He's a fantastic player. I'm worried about Lil's more than anyone in my family. She's just as good as Blake and me but in a bad contract with her guild. Stuck lugging around bad players.

My brother and sister are the busiest of mom and dad's children. Since our parents retired from guilds and hardcore gaming, they spend most of their time playing for fun.

I know they're having a good time together.

It makes me regret not having them here helping. Spawn points are random, from what I know. We weren't given a choice, so the guilds and small gaming parties are still spread out.

Right now is the best time to be a solo player since there aren't large groups walking around. It won't last long, based on my experience with VRMMORPGs in the past. If I had to guess, it'd be around a couple of weeks to one month.

After that, people will have discovered the best way to traverse large distances to meet up with their friends and guilds.

"Should I consider starting a guild..."

I've never been a part of a guild before. When founding a guild for the first time, you must be a strong player. Every large guild in the history of VRMMORPGs started with a single player or sizeable financial support to hunt for powerful classes and gear.

Those guilds have survived through generations and different games. It's impressive how the best guilds stay at the top and compete with each other.

"Then again, I don't know how to run a guild. It's an idea to play around with. I'll look stuff up on the internet when I get off later tonight after this quest is finished."

It'll give me something to do in my downtime in real life. Until tonight, it's time for me to focus on the quest before me. Until this is done, I shouldn't think about anything else. I summon my Interface and click on the quests tab.

---[Quest: A Task To Tedious For Nobility]---

[Difficulty: Hard] [Grade: Rare]

[Recomended Player Level: 35 or higher]

[Player Level EXP Reward: 20,000]

[Rewards: A Rep boost with Eliza Fard Cira Zada and the Cira Zada family.] [30 Gold.] [Possible Armor Blueprints. (Depends on how you handle the quest.)]

[Step 1: Locate the Bandit Camp known as (Reds Hold.)]

[Step 2: Clear the Bandit Camp (Reds Hold.)]

[Step 3: Kill the Bandit Camps leader, Left-Eye Mack.]

[Step 4: Free the captured people. (Optional.)]

[Step 5: Return to Eliza Fard Cira Zada for your rewards.]

Based on the minimal information provided, it's hard to say how this will go. The lack of information and hand-holding is once again appearing. I love it and hate it all at once. In past games, information was shoved in your face with a highly detailed process.

There are multiple options for clearing a quest in games past. This is giving basic info and telling you to get it done.

After I close the quest tab and the Interface, I look out to the horizon and see the mountains covered in forests. Clouds shift slowly, and thunderstorms are seen in the distance.

"It's stunning..."

I'm falling in love with AG. I have so many reasons to stay with the game now. It's my future for a long time.

I should be reaching Red's Hold by 2:00 PM today. Until then, I get to enjoy this.

~~~(POV: Sir Rehan)~~~

~~~(Location: Sitting in Office, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 1:21 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 41 Years)~~~

My blood pressure slowly rises as I watch the door to my office opens. A giant tick mark appears on my forehead as a fresh pile of paperwork is placed on my desk. My gaze goes through the guard who just brought it to me.

"Sir... These documents were required to approve the used funds for the failed dungeon for the guards who were supposed to graduate with it."

I grit my teeth, and he takes that as the signal to leave. My eyes turn to the documents sitting on the edge of the desk, and I can't stand looking at them any longer. I stand up with incredible speed and draw my sword.

Cutting the stack of papers right down the middle, along with the table. Once the act of rebellion is done, I sit back in my chair. Sword in my hand, acting like a cane with the tip in the ground.

I wouldn't have to deal with all this crap if Zaediel didn't make me look like an idiot. Clearing the dungeon by himself without the graduating guards really fucked up the regular schedule around here.

"Reminds me of when I was a kid..."

I'll get my payback for what he's done to me, but I can't help being impressed by the kid. I don't know if he can get this quest done, but it'll be good for him if he can. A relationship with a noble house as powerful as Eliza's would go a long way.

Plus, I could tell that Eliza needs some support right now. The inheritance battle will ramp up, and she'll need allies. Right now, I'm all she's got outside her close circle. I have a feeling Zaediel will be a good addition to her.

That's if he impresses her with this quest.

"Well, kid. If you handle this quest how you should, things will get easier for you in Geonia. If only I had the support of a noblewoman in my younger years..."

With a face like Zaediels, I would've had such an easier time. Noblewomen love to sponsor strong and good-looking young men. I couldn't say why, but I heard it has something to do with getting the attention of their husbands.

When you're that rich and powerful, I guess usual methods of entertainment and intrigue don't hold any interest anymore.

I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling.

Time to order a new desk.
