
You are not okay

After about a week and a half, Chen Mumu had recovered quite well, and she was now ready to go back on set.

Director Zhang had told her she could take some time off, but Chen Mumu felt like she was dragging everyone behind, so she decided to show up after all.

Director Zhang relented and allowed her to have some small scenes that did not require any strenuous physical activity. She quickly agreed.

Her mother had been taking care of her these past few weeks, and under her care, she was even better. But for some reason, the cheerfulness she always had was long gone.

She stood in front of the studios, adjusting her scarf before walking towards the set.

The set was abuzz with activity—cameras being adjusted, extras and actors walking all around, trying to figure out what was what.

It was so lively that Chen Mumu felt like she was just in the right place.
