

Aur sighed as he lay back in bed, deciding to sleep through the day. His muscles were sore, and he needed time to recover.

Despite the slight discomfort that never seemed to go away, he drifted off into sleep.

Rest was essential for the body to function properly, just as the brain required rest as well.

Although Aur had trained in seclusion and rarely slept thanks to the spell [Tranquil Mind Incantation], which eliminated the need for rest, he still felt the effects of lethargy.

The spell worked, but it could never fully replace the benefits of sleeping.

As the sun gradually faded in the distance, the quiet of the tribe remained undisturbed. Only a slender, shadowy figure made its way toward the most luxurious hut in the area.

"Sigh," Zaya grumbled softly as she cautiously approached the camp. The closer she got, the more nervous she became.
