
First Day - Assassination! Making Friends!

⁜ Mu Xue POV

Mu Xue and Vela found a nice cave to take a rest. The area was in the opposite direction to Asura and his base, which meant the chances they would meet soon were low as the areas were split into zones that would change every two days. 

"Phew... sit here, Vela. I will set a barrier with the items my husband gave me." 

"No... use these! They are from the royal vaults and can resist anything below Stage Six and work well in hiding us from assassins like the one from before."

"Hmmm? What is this strange black stone..." Mu Xue asked while turning the stone around in her eyes.

It was a milky-coloured black stone in an oval shape, with thousands of strange runes and shapes carved into the surface, yet it remained smooth... 
