
Too Late to Turn Back

Luca knew that the moment he stepped foot into Sophia's house he was going to be met with her pheromones. 

After Ethan answered the door to his knocking, it hit him like a train all at once and he felt weak. He had been holding back since he couldn't sense her but now that he was surrounded by her yet she wasn't within reach it became all too real that she was missing and it was his fault. 

"What has Miss Florentino said so far?" Luca asked, trying to remain calm. 

Based on Ethan's appearance, it seemed he had been waiting for a long time.

The house was dark and he had a miserable expression on his face. 

Most people would be alarmed that another man was so concerned about their girlfriend, but Sophia had described him as a brother so many times that he didn't even appear in his thoughts as a threat anymore. 
