
Chapter 873 Comprehensive Cooperation

Listening to Nie Zhenbang's words and observing his complexion, Emerson's own face was not looking good. The seemingly harmless Huaxia man in front of him was really too malicious, too insidious. At the very moment the battle ended, the instant he realized he had lost the wager, Emerson understood that all of this had been the doing of this Easterner. Showing the enemy weakness, he had step by step lured him towards the abyss. It was all a trap. For this very reason, it was Emerson's biggest excuse for reneging on the debt.

Of course, having said that, Emerson in fact didn't have the funds to pay, and coupled with his resentments, the idea of defaulting came naturally to him.

Emerson thought to himself that no matter how formidable this Nie something was, he was still a foreigner, how could he do anything to him? But unexpectedly, Nie Zhenbang had now come knocking at his door, and not only that, now even Joseph had become involved.
