
Chapter 54 : Beyond Veracity II

The hours were quick to pass and all of them met up in front of the Ember Village, departing and heading to Briarcliff Village.

The trip wasn't long but irritating, for Satoru at least, having to listen to the other 3 guys' conversations so he just kept quiet and went alongside them, ultimately until they arrived to the village.

"Should we split up?" Zankoku asked but immediately, optimistically in a joyful tone answered his own question "Yeah, let's split up."

Satoru sighed and waved his head.

Jinn as he was looking in the village's direction, especially in the sky wondering about the dragon asked quickly "Who's going with who? Also to add onto earlier, I believe sensei Twist has a good chance against Zenkai because he's got an abili-"

"For fucks sake.." Satoru murmured quietly, being more annoyed than ever.

"I'll go alone." he said, stopping Kazumi and heading towards the entrance of the village.

"W-Wait, we still haven't decided!" 
